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Posts posted by McHappyMeal

  1. I know this is old but I ran into this problem on SSE, using Ordinator and Realm of Lorkhan. Just wanted to post my fix for anyone who is in the same situation as me. The above fix didn't work as Realm of Lorkhan edits everything differently and independently from steady hands/+eagle eye.

    So here's where I screwed up:
    RoL has an archer class boon (a bonus), that slows time by an additional 20% when you zoom in. The idiot that I am, I refreshed this boon when the active effects expired in the Active Effects menu. But the author has stated that even after the effect disappears in the Active Effects menu, the effects still apply (in the background). So because I stacked this so many times, the slow motion rate exceeded 100%. Therefore the game actually is frozen as you zoom in, if you have steady hands perks it exacerbates the problem. Now you can't remove the RoL boon because it isn't a perk or spell, it's an edited playeractorvalue disguised as an active effect. So to fix it I had to undo the value via console. Here was my fix:

    -Open Console and type player.modav bowspeedbonus 1

    As I did this, it removed the multiple stacks of 20% slow time from RoL while retaining the bonuses from the vanilla steady hands perk. If someone happens to encounter this problem, I hope this fixed it for you.

  2. I was doing the Grimsever quest for Mjoll, and after I finished, I went to Riften. But the quest marker indicated that Mjoll was outside of Riften.

    So I left Riften via the gates, and the quest marker told me she was in the direction of Riften (in Riften).
    I used tcl (toggle collision off) and went over the Riften walls into Riften (was actually expecting a CTD, didn't happen though) . When I reached the city centre, i noticed all the main npcs were there............. Mjoll, Brynjolf , Bolli and other various npcs. They were just standing still, talking still worked etc. but they didn't seem to move (as in walk around)

    So I went back into Riften to the spots they were standing in from earlier, but no one was there
    So they seem to exist in Riften. . .while being outside of the real Riften O.o

    I'm using mods that add more people to cities, but that's about it...

    Not expecting much help since this is a really weird problem, but any ideas would be appreciated xD


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