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Everything posted by TJHammersmith

  1. Can anyone point me in the direction of any mods for LE that include a new city/town and allow you to tell an NPC to go live there, where they'll have some form of normal NPC routine (e.g. they'll go to the inn for dinner, go sleep at home, maybe work during the day). I've used MYIYH to achieve this so far, but I've maxed out the number of NPC's that I can give new homes to. I know Become High King of Skyrim V2 has this, but do any other mods?
  2. Can anyone point me to a mod that includes a brown or black leather anklet? I'm thinking something that looks like one of these: or even maybe
  3. I was thinking about trying another slot for the hell of it, and you know what - it worked! I've got no idea why as I've got tons of other clothing mods that use slot 52, some even in the same esp, but for whatever reason, that particular armor/mesh seems to like slot 49 instead.
  4. Thanks, but it didn't work. I do find it odd that the mesh works properly when the esp and partitions are set at slot 32, but not when they're set at 52. For what it's worth, I also eliminated the asymmetrical bones as an issue because I added a RCalf bone to it and it still didn't work.
  5. Convert the mesh from Dismember to SkinInstance? Sorry for my newbness, but I've got no idea how to do that :(
  6. I'm trying to edit an armor that uses slot 32 (and others) to use slot 52. I've removed all shapes from the mesh excepting the bit I want to keep (a band around the left calf). I've also updated the partition on the mesh and the reference on both the Armor and Armor Addon in the esp, but the mesh won't show in game. What's bizarre (to me at least) is that when trying to diagnose the issue, I set the partition and esp details back to slot 32 to see if the mesh would show at all and it did, albeit without the removed body, as you'd expect. One thing that looked odd to me is that there's only one bone in the mesh (NPC L Calf) and wondered whether the fact that there's no NPC R Calf bone was causing the issue. Can anyone suggest what I need to do to fix the issue?
  7. Thanks for the info - it's a bit over my head, but I found a work around by copying the textures around. I only wanted to use one of the texture sets anyway, so this worked for me (although it is a sloppy fix)
  8. I'm trying to change an armor with a body and pants to just the pants. I've changed the biped slot on the nil files from 32 to 52 and I've update the armor and armor addon using TES5Edit. The original armor was one of a set of four using the same mesh, but using a different texture set for each armor. Now that I've edited it, the mesh shows properly in game, but uses the wrong texture and doesn't appear to be picking up the correct texture from the set. Can anyone let me know what I've done wrong and how to fix it?
  9. There's an armor that I'm converting from a body and skirt using slot 32 to just the skirt using slot 52. It looks fine in-game at weight 0 and weight 100, but at weight 50 it clips awfully and I wanted to see if anyone had any idea why. Full disclosure: When removing the body mesh in Outfit Studio, it did throw up an error message about there being unweighted vertices, but I don't know if this is causing the error, or if it is, how to fix it.
  10. Thanks for getting back to me. MHIYH is My Home Is Your Home, but I'll give Immersive Citizens a look see assuming it's available for LE :)
  11. Does anyone know if there's a mod that lets you assign a pre-existing schedule to an NPC? For example, if I want Ysolda to patrol Whiterun like a guard, I'd assign her the schedule that the existing guards use. I know I can get a similar effect from MHIYH, but the timing of the schedule is rigid and the assigned NPC doesn't roam about a great deal, particularly if they're on guard detail. Thanks for any assistance!
  12. Yep - that was the problem. Thanks very much for the help!
  13. I'm trying to create a new armor using parts of Brokefoot's wonderful mashup mod. What I've done is load a part in Outfit Studio, load a body as a reference and save it as a new mod. I've also checked the nif to confirm that it's using the textures I want. The good news: - When I load the nif in Outfit Studio, it shows correctly with the correct textures - I can load the armor in game and it doesn't crash The bad news: - When the armor loads in game, it only shows the body, not the parts added from Brokefoot's mod. Can anyone give me some pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?
  14. As the title asks, can anyone let me know if Racemenu presets created in SE work in LE/Oldrim? Thanks!
  15. @ReDragon2013 @IsharaMeradin I've got the script working how I want now, which is great news. Thanks for your help on this. Although I've been playing Skyrim for years now, I'm very new to scripting and I'd hoped that by seeing someone else's "correct" code, I could start to grasp the basics of scripting. It appears however that this approach may not be feasible and I may have some heavy reading infront of me.
  16. Sorry if I'm being thick here, but I input the code you suggested and got the following errors when trying to compile: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "uni_poolunequip"...C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(15,25): no viable alternative at input 'NPC'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(15,28): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(15,8): Unknown user flag NPCC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(16,24): no viable alternative at input 'NPC'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(16,27): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\uni_poolunequip.psc(16,8): Unknown user flag NPCNo output generated for uni_poolunequip, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on uni_poolunequip What did I do wrong?
  17. I tried replacing the who.unequipall() with who.UnequipItemSlot(32) and then who.UnequipItemSlot(0x00000004) but neither worked and the NPC's still continue to unequip everything. Dull question - the mod in question uses a bsa file, but when using the edited scripts, I've left them in the loose folders. The loose folders take precedence over the bsa file, right? I'm such an idiot. I had edited the scripts correctly, but hadn't realised they weren't being activated properly because of a load order issue in MO2. *sigh* One additional question - if I want the NPC to unequip their weapon, what slot number do I use? Or is a different command required?
  18. I tried replacing the who.unequipall() with who.UnequipItemSlot(32) and then who.UnequipItemSlot(0x00000004) but neither worked and the NPC's still continue to unequip everything. Dull question - the mod in question uses a bsa file, but when using the edited scripts, I've left them in the loose folders. The loose folders take precedence over the bsa file, right?
  19. I'm very much a newb when it comes to scripts and as one of my first ventures into the field, I'm trying to edit the scripts that come with this mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28515) In the original mod, NPCs enter the pool or bath and unequip all items. I'm trying to edit the script so that they only unequip certain slots (e.g. 32 (body), 37 (feet)). The mod only has three scripts: 1. uni_enabler 2. uni_poolunequip 3. un_reequipall My logic was that if I edited uni_poolunequip, that should achieve my desired result and the trigger of entering and exiting the pool, and requipping all items upon exiting the pool shouldn't change. My thought was to replace the "who.unequipall()" with commands like "who.UnequipItemSlot(32)", but that simply hasn't worked. Can anyone advise what I'm doing wrong and suggest how I can achieve my desired outcome?
  20. Thanks! Following your post, I first tried using Notepad++ to compile, but that gave me even more errors than I had originally. I then reinstalled SKSE directly into the Skyrim directory (bypassing MO2) and tried recompiling the script using the CK via MO2, but that had the same "unable to locate" issue as before. I then directly copied the relevant psc and pex files into the Skyrim installation and then recompiled though CK and it worked! I moved the recompiled pex file back into the MO2 setup and so far, it seems to be holding together correctly :)
  21. Full disclosure - I'm using Mod Organiser 2 I'm trying to edit a script that came with a mod (the Naked Follower fix for EFF: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62188) and increase the time that it takes certain events to trigger. I've edited the psc in Notepad++ (all I did was increase the integer value from 10 to 99999999) I'm trying to recompile the script in the CK but despite being able to locate the script under Gameplay>Compile Papyrus Scripts, it returns the following error when trying to compile: "unable to locate script EffNakedFix" I tried putting the psc and pex files in the base Skyrim installation to see if MOO2 was causing the issue but then it threw different errors at me as follows: C:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(6,22): GetWornForm is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(6,46): cannot cast a none to a armor, types are incompatibleC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(7,22): GetWornForm is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(7,46): cannot cast a none to a armor, types are incompatibleC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(14,24): GetNumItems is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(14,6): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)C:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(19,28): GetNthForm is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(19,46): cannot cast a none to a armor, types are incompatibleC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(21,34): GetSlotMask is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(21,14): LogicalAnd is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(21,14): cannot call the member function LogicalAnd alone or on a type, must call it on a variableC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(21,61): cannot compare a none to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)C:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(21,61): cannot relatively compare variables to NoneC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(25,34): GetSlotMask is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(25,14): LogicalAnd is not a function or does not existC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(25,14): cannot call the member function LogicalAnd alone or on a type, must call it on a variableC:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(25,61): cannot compare a none to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)C:\...\EffNakedFix.psc(25,61): cannot relatively compare variables to NoneNo output generated for EffNakedFix.psc, compilation failed. This surprised me a little, as I thought the script wouldn't have any errors, having successfully been compiled by the mod author in the first place. Can anyone help me out and let me know what I need to do to compile this script correctly?
  22. Yeah.... I think they did. I'm going to have to try and find an alternate way to achieve what's done in the video. Thanks for your help!
  23. Oh..... OK, there's a bit of an issue then because the relevant field in the SE version of MHIYH isn't in the LE version.
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