After scouring the land's of Skyrim I have come to a realisation there are really no unique weapons and armor's, Ok so there's a few Red eagle's fury,Eduj and that sort of thing but there's hardly any. I have seen a few mod's that bring back some morrowind artifact's like the BiPolar blade and Scourge and one that bring's back the daedric crescent blade which doesn't have the greatest texture for my liking but I can't mod so I won't complain. Anyway I'd love to see a Modder create weapons and armors from morrowind and Oblivion into Skyrim I miss killing easy mob's with my Debaser and Goldbrand. If a modder is reading this and decides to take up my request and retexture them if possible to make them look better in a better graphics game I will be severely in there debt and might donate to them the might being a definate if I like it. But it's probably not going to be made so I can keep dreaming :/ List of Weapon's I'd like to see if not all could be ported: Honorblade of Chorrol Langourwine Blade Imperial Dragon Set Brusef Amelion's Set (I just liked the grey touch up to it mostly) Boot's of Springheel Jack Blackwood Set Debaser RugDumph's Sword ThornBlade Umbra Hopesfire Stendarr's Hammer Bipolar Blade Lich Robes Wing's of the Queen of Bats Pretty much them all >.< I just like to have them ported over