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About DarthBain

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  1. Greetings Fellow Creatures Of The Night! TL;DR = I'm looking to get this armour mod converted to HIMBO - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88659 With the recent announcement and December release of The Legacy Of Kain, Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remastered, with Blood Omen coming to the PS Plus classic catalogue soon, and being a lifelong fan of the franchise. I'd truly love to get some updated Legacy Of Kain armour for the HIMBO body. I've recently started a new Kain vampire RP playthrough and, I've come up short in finding any Kain specific armours that are HIMBO ready. I've got Raziel armours as they're available on the Nexus with HIMBO bodyslides, which are epic and, I'm truly grateful for those mods! Thank you Katarsi!! I also have the Blood Omen 2 looking armour, with the HIMBO bodyslide - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85893 and this simply amazing HIMBO preset - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/119610 Thank you Megax24!! We're very fortunate to have talented mod authors that love The Legacy Of Kain and, we can find nearly everything to play as Kain and/or Raziel on the Nexus. I've tried converting the armour myself, but after nearly two days, I'm no closer to a conversion. I simply have no idea what I'm doing, honestly. Thank you for reading thus far and I hope you have a pleasant day. DB. Very special thanks to - Albatar666, Alucardwk, ironfistking1313, Kararsi, Megax24 and all the other mod authors for Legacy Of Kain related mods! VAE VICTIS!!
  2. Hey All Ive been having some strange issues with skyrim past 3 days & im hoping the vast knowledge on here may point me in the right direction. If this has been solved etc then apologies & please direct me to the correct forum post :biggrin: I stopped playing Skyrim for around 5 days because i had to replace my CPU heatsink fan. When it arrived i installed it & loaded up my pc as normal, loaded skyrim via NMM & off i went. Upon loading my latest save game i noticed that my characters hands look weird & have some clipping issues when holding swords & weapons, But when i move to the left or right with weapons drawn they reposition correctly, then return to the clipping state when still. Also while using a forge the animations are now way out of sync, my char pulls the rope but isnt holding it by far. I have used the standing idle motion since i first installed skyrim with no problems or issues but now during the idle motion the character hands get distorted in extreme ways but only the hands. The only mods that were updated are unofficial skyrim patch, dawnguard patch, hearthfire patch, dragonborn patch, & high res texture patch Ive been looking for ways of fixing this with no success ive uninstalled the mods but problem still persists, re ran FNIS with no result. This is my last effort before i uninstall skyrim, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks All for any feedback :biggrin: Images Below Hands 1st Person Hands & body during idle **Most likely NSFW**
  3. Thanks KDStudios and all other modders involved big or small ! I too had a similar idea a while back but my modding skills begin and end with some basic retextures and adding stuff to GECK. So honestly I think you guys will be better off WITHOUT my help LOL ! I gladly offer my moral support for this amazing mod. One idea I had is to reskin & retexture the pipboy into a tricorder ! Like i said earlier though that alone is way beyond my current abilities Best Wishes & Good Luck with this guys seriously !!
  4. Wow Seriously, Thank you everyone who's replied on this :thumbsup: @Rickerhk Yeah ive got NVSE installed and loading geck via the NVSE loader and ive checked that NVSE is working too. I just tried that example and it still wont save thanks for your help though @Ozziefire that kryponite radiation script is a great idea nice one ! @PaladinRider ive got everything into the .esp (the idle anims & spells) except from these last 2 scripts, ive got this script too that goes with it but this wont save either, its the acutal flight effect script scriptname AFlightEffectScript float PositionX ;store the characters position float PositionY float PositionZ float PositionZPrevious float PositionZNew float AngleX ;stored to where the character looks float AngleZ float VelocityX ;character stored velocity float VelocityY float VelocityZ float Velocity ;stored velocity float Timer Short VelocityChangeKey ref Cell ;stores the cell in which the character is ;carries out flight Begin ScriptEffectStart ;initializes the variables to start flight Set PositionX to Player.GetPos X Set PositionY to Player.GetPos Y Set PositionZPrevious to Player.GetPos Z Set AngleX to Player.GetAngle X Set AngleZ to Player.GetAngle Z Set Velocity to 0 Set VelocityX to 0 Set VelocityY to 0 Set VelocityZ to 0 Set Cell to Player.GetParentCell End Begin ScriptEffectUpdate Set Timer to ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds Set PositionZ to Player.GetPos Z Set VelocityX to 0 Set VelocityY to 0 Set VelocityZ to 0 Set AngleX to Player.GetAngle X Set AngleZ to Player.GetAngle Z ;check if you changed your cell and adjust values If Cell != Player.GetParentCell Set Cell to Player.GetParentCell Set PositionZNew to Player.GetPos X - PositionX If PositionZNew > 200 || PositionZNew < -200 ;detect a sudden change in the X axis Set PositionZPrevious to Player.GetPos Z + 20 Set PositionX to Player.GetPos X Set PositionY to Player.GetPos Y EndIf Set PositionZNew to Player.GetPos Y - PositionY If PositionZNew > 200 || PositionZNew < -200 ;detect a sudden change in the Y axis Set PositionZPrevious to Player.GetPos Z + 20 Set PositionX to Player.GetPos X Set PositionY to Player.GetPos Y EndIf EndIf ;forward motion If IsKeyPressed 17 AForwardKey ;forward key pressed If AngleX < 0 Set Velocity to 1 + AngleX * 0.01111111 Else If AngleX <= 45 Set Velocity to 1 + AngleX * 0.0222222 Else Set Velocity to 2 - ((AngleX - 44) * 0.0444444) EndIf EndIf Set Velocity to Velocity * AChangeVelocity Set VelocityX to Sin AngleZ * Velocity Set VelocityY to Cos AngleZ * Velocity Set VelocityZ to Timer * -20 * AngleX EndIf ;up motion If IsKeyPressed 36 AJumpKey ;up key pressed Set VelocityZ to VelocityZ + 20 EndIf ;change velocity If IsKeyPressed35 AFasterKey != VelocityChangeKey Set VelocityChangeKey to VelocityChangeKey == 0 If Velocity ;press key to change velocity If AChangeVelocity == 1 ;going slowly and accelerate Set AChangeVelocity to 2 Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightFastIdleEffect Else ;going fast and slow down Set AChangeVelocity to 1 Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightIdleEffect EndIf EndIf EndIf ;detects that you have landed and enters the main script to finish the command If VelocityZ < 0 && PositionZPrevious < PositionZ Set VelocityZ to 0 Set AFlightQuest.Collision to 1 EndIf Set PositionZNew to PositionZPrevious + VelocityZ ;detects that you hit the ceiling and enters the main script to finish the command If VelocityZ >= 0 && PositionZNew < PositionZ Set PositionZNew to PositionZ Set AFlightQuest.Collision to 1 EndIf ;you move to the new position Set VelocityX to VelocityX * Timer * 500 Set VelocityY to VelocityY * Timer * 500 Set PositionX to PositionX + VelocityX Set PositionY to PositionY + VelocityY Player.SetPos X PositionX Player.SetPos Y PositionY Player.SetPos Z PositionZNew Set PositionZPrevious to PositionZNew ResetFallDamageTimer End Begin ScriptEffectFinish End
  5. Thats A fantastic idea, ive been battling with a flight script for NV for ages now !!
  6. Cant help but feel im the only one looking at this topic :whistling: Heres one of the flight scripts ive got (With many thanks to Ashara (aka SydneyB) But it wont save in NV Geck ? The other script is the Flight effect (that also wont save ) any help on this would be great !! Scriptname AFlightScript ;equip the appropriate cape and check if you want to fly Short FlightKey Short LandKey Short Collision Short TimeAnimation Begin GameMode ;check if you have NVSE installed. if not, do nothing Set ANVSETester.ReqVersion to 1 SetStage ANVSETester 0 If NVSETester.Installed == 1 ;NVSE installed ; check if you have the cape equipped. if not, do nothing If player.GetEquipped SuperCape == 1 ;normal cape equipped ; check if you pressed the key to start flight If IsKeyPressed 36 AJumpKey != FlightKey Set FlightKey to FlightKey == 0 If FlightKey ;flight key pressed ; execute the effect of flight player.AddSpell AFlightEffect ;execute the flight animation if in 3ยช person If IsPC1stPerson == 0 player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightIdleEffect EndIf EndIf EndIf ;execute the flight animation If TimeAnimation < 90000 Set TimeAnimation to TimeAnimation + GetSecondsPassed Else If IsPC1stPerson == 0 If AChangeVelocity == 1 Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightIdleEffect Set TimeAnimation to 1 Else Player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayFlightFastIdleEffect Set TimeAnimation to 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf ; check if you press the land key If IsKeyPressed 37 ALandKey != LandKey Set LandKey to LandKey == 0 If LandKey ;pressed land key ; deactivate the effect of flight player.RemoveSpell AFlightEffect If IsPC1stPerson == 0 player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayResetIdleEffect EndIf EndIf EndIf ; check if you have collision and finish the Flight If Collision == 1 ; deactivate the effect of flight player.RemoveSpell AFlightEffect If IsPC1stPerson == 0 player.CastImmediateOnSelf APlayResetIdleEffect EndIf Set Collision to 0 EndIf EndIf ;finish cape equip EndIf ;finish NVSE installation End
  7. Hello Anyone ?? Ive made some progress now, ive managed to save everything but my last 2 scripts in geck Cipscis script validator online is telling me that 'AddSpellNS' is an unknown function ?!?! Any suggestions on how to bypass this ? #Edit changed it to AddSpell & Cipscis script editor says ok, I still cannot save the last 2 scripts though :mad: :down: Im seriously ready to bash my own head in :wallbash: Hope someone can help & thanks for looking MTFBWY
  8. Yeah i agree totally, its a huge task to undertake, im gonna work on it for as long as it takes anyway & if someone else releases a flight script in the meantime then everyone wins !! I think im gonna start with the script ive got and go from there and see what happens :thumbsup: Thanks for your input too mate
  9. Thanks for your reply PaladinRider. If someone whos experienced in scripting feels like taking over, then im totally cool with that. I mean it doesnt matter who actually writes the script as long as the community can use it right ? Ive been wanting to improve my modding skills ever since i joined the nexus, so im not going to give up but its progressing at a snails pace :down:
  10. Greetings Everyone, I hope & pray all you scripting experts can help with this ? Ive been trying to make a flight script for fallout new vegas,to go with the superhero mods that are being released lately (Jetacon72s great work for example). Basically what im aiming for is something similar to Ashara (akaSydneyB's) fantastic Batman Glide script in FO3. But modifying it so an idle animation is played, when the character isnt moving (the FO3 swimming idle set to loop for example) then when a movement key is pressed (e.g forward) the glide idle is used from Asharas Batman mod. So the player gets a good 'feel ' of flying around. Trouble is I have zero scripting experience and I mean absolute zero. My modding knowledge is basic at best (retextures, using geck & CS). I thought of just porting the Ashara script but it didnt work so im officially stumped now. Im very willing to learn if some awesome person out there is willing to teach. I have used Cipscis' amazing website script utility too with no success. So I dont really understand what im doing wrong here :wallbash: Any help with this would be seriously awesome as im considering putting this project 'on the shelf' so to speak. Thanks for looking & May the force be with you
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