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Nexus Mods Profile

About gtfomate

  1. Hey. I got weird issue, my game is kept in background and looks idle with about 9% cpu usage, and it occurs only when I have enabled more than 12 mods, the game its not starting its just staying in background. Everything works when there is less mods, does anybody have an idea how can I enable more mods? I have the steam version with every DLC included, and I use Vortex to install mods, win 10, everything updated.
  2. I can easily write an app that will be too hard to use even for 10x smarter ppl than me, so I would be its only user but its not a point of developing anything for public use afaik. You could figure out in the way of deduction that there is no such dropdowns in my game, this garbage is not there and idk how Im supposed to debug all the thousands of random dependancies and possible hidden conflicts, I dont have a symbols for SKSE or Skyrim so i cant do sh*t with all the dmp files I get from crashes. Design for skyrim mods is just simply stupid and you are free to change my mind if you have any good argument for having 10000 little mods instead of compatible modpacks, I have installed my first mods to games like FIFA 2001 very long time ago and there was always some main installers and choices in it, all the lesser things you could install on your own if you had enough time and knowledge and this is how modding is supposed to be delivered to regular users. I like Vertex app and I do appreciate all the developers work on it, idk how I even wanted to mod my game with just NSS. But all would be a lot easier if mods would come together with all most popular and compatible things.
  3. Something is not working as intended, I guess racemenu is broken somehow, pls refer to the linked screenshot below: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5l6c4i Any idea how to fix that?
  4. I have same issue here. I dont see this batch option anywhere, i dont know what dropdown , and where Im supposed to find it, even google cant find it. RANT ALERT : I just wonder how Im exactly supposed to know it all? My conclusion is that modding is focking rtarded, I have wasted entire weekend and nothing is working, always this doesnt work with that, that doesnt work with something else, something else is needed by that, but blocked by this, etc. There should be like 3 or 4 modpacks with different options in installer and thats all, but instead of something reasonable I have to understand every focking detail in the mods ecosystem, nice! Plus, I think most of the modders might by highly authistic or just stupid, ie naming mods like CBBE ESL 3BBB SMP XML, how the hell Im supposed to remember hundreds of these garbage-names and dependencies? I have a computer science degree, and only thing I understand there is XML. If I would just start naming variables in my code like that, I would be looking for another job in split seconds, and folks this is not some internal variable, its the name of entire focking mod so its directly impacting the user experience and nobody cares.WTFF.
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