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Posts posted by darclord

  1. So here my issue

    Everytime I try to add music to skyrim either my creation kit crashed or skyrim crashed where the new track was suppose to play.

    So then I tried to use the mod personalized music. Everytime a new song was suppose to play my skyrim would crash.

    So I try music mods to test if it is a problem with just adding music on my end. Nope Skyrim still crashes where new music is suppose to play

    using mods the remove the ingame tracks or manually removing the ingame tracks doesn't do anything the original music still plays.

    Any help in telling me what is wrong with my skyrim

  2. This simple mods I think could make skyrim feel more epic


    More Enemies attack you at once. Basically a mod that adds bigger mobs. You raid a bandit camp and instead of like 4-5 bandits it is like 25-30 bandits attacking you all at once.


    More Area Effect spells. Like the animation could have fireballs shooting in 4 direction north west east south.


    Blood on screen


    Bigger Bosses. Meaning bosses are bigger in size. or more what I would like Huge Dragons, Giant bosses, enormous elemental


    World Bosses. Meaning bosses that wander the open world of skyrim


    Epic combat music Electric Guitars, Huge Dramatic Orchestra with Operatic music.


    Martial Art style sword fighting animations. Like jump stab. Spin slice. spin sword cut.


    kill streak quotes. Basically it doesn't need give you buffs but part of what I find addicting in Diablo III is the little quotes at the bottom while killing things. Like thishttp://blog.playclaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/massacre_diablo3.png

    At the end of every fight a quote at the bottom or top of your screen that says how many monsters you have killed.


    Hotkey spells 1=fireball 2=FUS RO DUH!!!!!!! 3= Frostball etc...



    Melee combat spells like a Spin Attack

  3. This simple mods I think could make skyrim feel more epic


    More Enemies attack you at once. Basically a mod that adds bigger mobs. You raid a bandit camp and instead of like 4-5 bandits it is like 25-30 bandits attacking you all at once.


    More Area Effect spells. Like the animation could have fireballs shooting in 4 direction north west east south.


    Blood on screen


    Bigger Bosses. Meaning bosses are bigger in size. or more what I would like Huge Dragons, Giant bosses, enormous elemental


    World Bosses. Meaning bosses that wander the open world of skyrim


    Epic combat music Electric Guitars, Huge Dramatic Orchestra with Operatic music.


    Martial Art style sword fighting animations. Like jump stab. Spin slice. spin sword cut.


    kill streak quotes. Basically it doesn't need give you buffs but part of what I find addicting in Diablo III is the little quotes at the bottom while killing things. Like thishttp://blog.playclaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/massacre_diablo3.png

    At the end of every fight a quote at the bottom or top of your screen that says how many monsters you have killed.


    Hotkey spells 1=fireball 2=FUS RO DUH!!!!!!! 3= Frostball etc...



    Melee combat spells like a Spin Attack

  4. Can someone give me suggestions for mods that will

    A: Allow me to fight huge battles with multiple NPCs as once like in Action RPGs

    B: Make the game more epic (Bigger monster would work)

    C: Animations

    D: Controls to make combat runner

    I'm not looking to make the game harder just funner in a way that makes me feel like the dragonborn

  5. V262 and V264 are not working for me. Note this problem are not appearent in ENB v236 and in that version I get a steady 60 FPS. I have a 8-core processor could that be the issue



    -texture flaring

    -water lights up like the sun even with water turned off

    -FPS goes toward 100 or more with Vsync and limiter on causing physics issues on mid high PC

    -Whenever I look at the sun the screen goes black

    Enb settings turn themselves on and off for some reason


    Fog and cloud shadows do not show up

    Shadows are not improved by ENB

    Water lights up like the sun (This time if I turn it off it reverts back to default water and doesn't light up)

    FPS of 5 or less without any mods

    Distance texture shutter and flaring

    Parallax not working at all

    Reflection acts like god rays

    Cannot turn off reflection (I have to manually do it by turning the settings off)



  6. This seems extremely odd consider my system specs are extreme and I can play games like the witcher 2 and crysis 3 on full settings with over 60 FPS.

    To be honest it may be skyrim since even without mods this game has been having problems since I downloaded it from steam. Which it shouldn't been since it is running on directX 9 and my computer supports directX 12 beta.

    With ENB 0262 or higher installed I keep getting

    Lens Flares where they are not suppose to be

    Strange water glitches like in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QukHczFbBIQ

    The screen goes pitch black every once in a while

    Godrays don't work

    Reflection turned on cause the same effect as the water

    For some reason replaces my sky with sun textures

    shadows pop up where there isn't suppose to be shadows like a tree shadow in the middle of the tundra

    and last is everything looks over contrasted even for sharpshooters standards


    I know it is a problem with enb because anything before 0262 works fine.

  7. 1. Take assassin creed style freerunning and put it into skyrim. Run across trees and climb buildings.

    Why would we never see this

    • Requires remaking all the buildings and cities at the very least. It might require remaking the whole map just to make it work.
    • New animations so climbing and grabbing edges wouldn't look weird
    • Modifications to the games code so it could work in the first place.
    • Characters specs need to be edited. Larger jumps, being able to walk at a greater slop without slipping or acting like your running into a invisible wall, etc...
    • Then ontop of it you need to change the control scheme just to make it playable

    Basically you would have to edit the organs of the game just to make it work



  8. I don't have the time right now otherwise I would work on this but I have these great Water mods in my head that I would really like to see done.

    1. A wave texture to make the Waves clear. I know that in basic skyrim it requires a mod to have Waves, but think about the realism factor in clear waves.
    2. I know that game is able to do this sense they are able to do the effect with fire heat. This time put that effect when your swimming underwater.
    3. More 3D water maybe parallax for water if that isn't possible. Like when your by the ocean you see waves that get bigger and bigger as you get away from land. The inland water would be effects in places like by water falls with waves. Plus when walking in water you see it lift up and rain adds effect too.
    4. Splashing up on rocks.
    5. The wired effect that happens to light when your underwater. When it hits a object and you see that wavy light thing.
  9. What you are asking for is i want to say ridiculous amount of work if at all possible.

    Only way i could see it happening is at a set interval in the game maybe after X time has passed in terms of months according to your Setgame time that when you enter a certain cell skyrim could then change the season but even then idk if it could handle that without crashing. real time season changing is i am sure not possible at all though.


    Now you have Seasons of skyrim mod recently, but it's not "changing" you have to manually change it whenever you want the season to change. Meaning exit skyrim uninstall and install the season you want then launch skyrim again.

    actually you can change textures and where those textures are.

  10. Alright I would like to see this mod come out too. I haven't figured out how to get mods to post yet but I can give you hints on how to make one. I've added textures and sounds to make my game better. Here are the steps if you have the creation kit.

    1. Go to the music folder that the music you want is in and change your music to wav files so skyrim can read them

    2. Open up your skyrim data folder and make a new folder titled music. Then add the wav files to the music folder so skyrim creation kit can read them.

    3. Open up creation kit. Click file then data and collect data from whatever master file you want to put the music into. When a the pop up comes up click Yes to all. Repeat this process if you want to add it to the expansion only areas. If your running into problems during this process download creation kit fixes and unofficial updates from the skyrim nexus (Good luck finding those on the steam workshop).

    4. Go to the Audio tab and then open up the music track tab and left click in the box with the tracks and click new.

    5. change the track type to single track. Click choose file and click on the music file you made in your skyrim data folder and pick the song you want. Do this for each track you want to add. (Remember to name it something you can remember)

    6. Then open up music type and click on one of the loops already made.

    7. Left click new and pick the song you want to add to that loop. If you want to replace them simply highlight all the tracks in that loop and delete them. Then add your new music.

    8. Then click file save. Save it as something you will remember.

    9. open up the skyrim launcher and go to data and check your music mod you made.

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