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About teampirate

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  1. Thank you all for the kind welcome funny you mention teacher as I have spent time teaching in lots of ways just not in a school. Very first job was ice skate instructor, have taught music, and skateboarding too. I hope I can make something that yall enjoy and hopefully it can springboard more people to learning about mods!
  2. I understand your concern, and I will do my best to be complete in transparency with my reply. I am not in a position to use content creation for monetary gain at present. I am currently looking to make content on new vegas and playthroughs. I am looking to create content that shares the hard work of the community. the focus of my content will be the play throughs specifically, which will be based on the build I have. I was also hoping to showcase, as I can, every mod author in the process. that would be after connecting with the author. Their wishes would be respected in the event they do not appreciate the spotlight. hell I thought it would be rad to have interviews with mod creators, or "ask a mod maker" style videos. I like making stuff. its fun! I have been making videos in all kinds of contexts for years. Not to any fiscal success mind you but I still enjoy making videos. I genuinely love New Vegas and all of the work the modding community does and has done and I want to share that with people. In the event that I arrive in a position to create revenue, I absolutely assure you that I will do my due diligence and speak directly to every mod author about permissions and what percentages would be fair to compensate for using their work to actively seek to generate revenue. ( I guess this would look like a royalty in the music business?). In the event that a creator doesn't wish to have their work showcased I would respect their wishes. This will also means that if I am granted the opportunity to generate revenue I will hide all previously posted content until all permissions have been assured by the authors. Any authors who deny permission for future content would still be eligible to receive royalties off of past videos if they permit them staying available. I would also be understanding if you wished for the content to be not monetizable, but allowed to stay active. Of course, if anyone wishes to not have their content featured in any way they would retain the right to have the old content removed. any one who requests to not have their content featured will be respected. I am not looking to make enemies, just the opposite. I really admire the work you all do and am slowly building my skillset, which is highlighting the sheer depth of the community here. If in the future I find any financial success I can assure you I will be dumping money into patreon accounts on top of the percentage of royalties mod authors would be entitled to. Anything showcased present and in the past would be compensated for. this is not planned yet as I was literally just a guy making dumb videos as of the first post in this thread. I will need to set up a balanced and fair pay structure by percentage and I would need to speak to the community about what would be fair. probably an accountant too. maybe someone who does pay structures in a video game studio would be wise to consult as well. Hell, I will bankroll New Vegas 2 and hire you all if things go absolutely bananas. I could be your next Brian Fargo :p This is all new to me. I just sat here for an hour to make this plan so I hope that came across clear and I apologize for not thinking about this with more depth until your reply prompted me to. I was literally just happy to be here and make videos about the rad stuff people have done to New Vegas. I am aware that New Vegas content can go beyond a passion project and the last thing I would want to do is disrespect the community that creates so much to what contributes to make the content possible. I'm also a socialist, in the event that anyone wished to offer payment to support content I make, that would not be possible without the work of others, I would be a failure to my values to not share that wealth with the people that helped make it happen. I would also be happy to list patreon accounts (or other links to send donations to )for every modder that has one on my content. that's something I can start assembling a list for right now. I would appreciate any and all feedback from anyone here. The last thing I wish to see happen is someone not feel heard. And again I'm here for a good time above everything else. I work full time and I actually don't mind the work I do. Produce guy life :pirate: . Thank you for listening. Take care, PiratePack
  3. Hi everyone! I decided it was time to get more involved in the community and see what's going on on the forums. I have been modding new vegas for 3 years or so now and I'm just learning now how to use tools like zedit and geck. I also have fun making content about gaming on youtube. I'm about to start a playthrough on my channel featuring all of your hard work and ill do my best to highlight all of you amazing mod makers in the process. thanks for having me, yall are swell. If anyone is looking to mod and needs some inspiration ive just made a post on the mod request page for FNV. Take care! PiratePack
  4. In no particular order, here is every mod idea I've had over the last 6 months. Some of these are stupidly simple. As I learn more I might attempt to do some work on my own unless someone beats me to it. Some of these I have no idea are even possible but why not mention it if I don't know better. to be frank I've seen so much in the last year on the nexus that I never thought possible that this can be viewed as a challenge. nice work yall! anywho: Ideas for new mods and tweaks to existing mods: Drink too fast and vomit- self explanatory. ATTT holsters- armpit holster for left side to match some pistol draw animations. B42 wristwatch- slide up sleeve animation for overcoats, long sleeves etc. armor cover specific damage- re exposed areas mapped to receive no armor protection. Bleedout mod- bandage animation (with option to force full animation for immersion) variable walking speed via scroll wheel or two hotkeys , combined with a sneak activator that makes npcs aware by noise level caused by movement speed. weapon mags as loadable items- currently there is a mod that allocates and remembers ammo count as magazine size, the next step would be to create mags as reloadable container items. I have no idea how a container could spend ammo as a live magazine but if there is a way to , or a way to give the illusion of, man that would be sick. Currently there is no ui indicator or pip boy indicator that represents the mag count, but partial mags do pile into a group in misc, and have a separate hotkey to reload. They also have a consolidate feature, which im hoping can be tooled into reload or top up mags while in inventory screen (and why not animate it too) regardless the point is to create a need to set aside time to reload mags. the mod as is, is immersive in the sense that you inevitably run out of full mags and panic to hit the other reload button, but you rely on your entire ammo count and some quick math to figure out how many mags you have. Instead, something simple like "Ok i've got 8 mags for my service rifle" would be a neat level of realism. if there was a way to program tactical reload as well, you could have a combination of mags full, partial, and also ejected and on the ground. b42 dropmag I would bet has a Good chunk of this somewhat premade if the original mod were retooled as a base. Casings- Can someone create a block that prevents casings from becoming inventory items if you haven't picked it up yourself? I'm not seeing casing catcher bags out here in the desert...this would also make casings as items to trade and use as immersive as possible. imagine going back to a scene of a gunfight you were at a bit ago just scavenging for casings so you can reload for round 2. death sound randomizer-loads all death sounds into a bank and randomly selects each time you get robloxed. need to find prone animations to add to prone mode mod. looking for pip boy mod that keeps real world active and animated. no more pause button effect. Barbed wire hurts-add a damage effect (and fall off the fence )when in contact with barbed wire. This in combination with the Climbing mod would give it some cause to not abuse the mechanic but still be able to use it as a mantle movement like in pubg. if anyone wants to animate the climbing mod that would be sick too. Climbing mod would be cool to see someone build conditions to it, like chainlink fence easy climb, flat wall hard climb. make the height one can climb scale by surface. I also use the helpless falling mod- works great as is aside from : needs impact sounds, could use a damage effect closer to real life impact (its hard to hurt yourself without killing yourself, no middle ground). could be combined with the roll out of fall mod as a perk or ability gained at a certain level. New vegas enhanced camera- controversial I know, but its use allows for the no leaning is safe mod to work. if someone could look into the no leaning is safe mod and make it not need enhanced camera, many people were keen to get to use it. I actually like the enhanced camera mod and was just hoping someone could fix the bug that prevents you from getting up on your own when you hit tab (helpless falling lets you hit tab to get up faster) sprint cancels reload- when sprint button pressed any reload function cancels, mag returns to inventory. could be made to scale with agility or as a perk for agility to reload while sprinting. would be neat to add activating player mouths via hot key, like in dayz when using in game mics Would also be neat to see a first person version of the vanity camera, so you could use it for independent looking while you continue to run in the same direction. Ok thats all ive got for now. I hope this list is inspiring for y'all. If anyone can pull it off it's this community. Thanks for listening to me ramble! PiratePack
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