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Everything posted by munduses

  1. Yes, I'm sure. I tried resurrect both with and without 1. I have resurrected countless of NPCs before, so I know how it works. That's not the issue here, because (as it seems you didn't read my first post thoroughly), I already said that "NPCs who are dead at the beginning of the game cannot be resurrected via this command."
  2. Thanks for the input. Okay so, hmm, I'm not exactly sure if the horse is clutter or not. I'd imagine that dead humans/animals with clutter status can't be clicked? This horse is actually a bit weird in the sense that when I hover my mouse upon it, "Search horse" shows up, but when trying to do so nothing happens. And the game does recognize my click, because there's this faint sound when I do so. Anyway, will have to see if I might find anything more out. I'm getting obsessed with this horse, ha ha.
  3. I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible (by console or by a mod) to resurrect a dead horse, that has been placed in the game in that state. I would assume that default horse AI is the same for all normal horses, so it shouldn't be impossible, should it? And before anyone suggests, nope, "resurrect" doesn't work here. I tried it, and also there's this from the wiki: "NPCs who are dead at the beginning of the game cannot be resurrected via this command." Hopefully it would be possible via some other way. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  4. I can second this, and that it's been going on for a while. Just now it took ages to even get to the download page of NMM. The result of refreshing a page is a toss-up between a "not responding"-answer from the server, a page without any html-formatting(?) or the actual page. I guess it must be hard to pinpoint the problem!
  5. Hi! I'm trying to tweak my skyrimprefs to - once and for all - get Skyrim's shadows' edges look smooth and non-jagged. Or at least I'm trying to see if it's even possible. But I have a bit of a problem. Changing iShadowMapResolution to 4096 helped just a bit, but not as much as I wanted it to. I then combined iBlurDeferredShadowMask=32 with iShadowMapResolution=8192 (which has apparently been declared as a confirmed fix, discussed on various forums and tweaking articles, for example here (scroll to bottom of page)). Anyway, I tried that and the shadows finally looked like real shadows, with smooth edges with a hint of blurriness. FPS stayed nicely at ~60 when moving around, so I thought it was permanently fixed. But apparently not. After around 30 seconds of playing my FPS suddenly drops from 60 to ~5, where it stays for another few seconds and then suddenly my monitor loses signal. Signal automatically returns immediately after it is lost, and then the game continues with FPS at 60 like nothing happened. Rinse and repeat. The FPS drops to 5 whatever I do, even just standing against a wall doing nothing (both inside and outside). Always after around 20-30 seconds of loading a save. Would anyone have a hunch of what might be the culprit? Assuming this tweak has worked for other people, without any issues. My specs: GTX 580 Matrix Platinum (1.5 GB) 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz i5 750 OC'd@~3.4Ghz Corsair PSU 750W My first thought was, that it could be some kind of power issues. But I don't know. I've never experienced monitor signal loss before, in the middle of a game. Just odd. Not that I can't play with semi-crappy shadows, I'm just very curious on what is the cause of this. I'm tweaking just for my own enjoyment and thirst for knowledge :) Thank you in advance!
  6. Haha, today I began the reinstallation process by backuping my mod files, and as I moved onto my heavily edited SkyrimPrefs.ini file, it struck me, that maybe Steam mucked around with the .ini files! And lo and behold, Steam had changed my "bFloatPointRenderTarget" to the default value, 0! No wonder the graphics looked horrible. Changing it back to =1 solved the problem. PHEW.
  7. Hello! Straight to business: After I clicked "verify integrity of game cache" in Steam and it found "3 files that couldn't be found, will now be reacquired", my Enhanced Shaders FX broke down -- see attached screenshot. Additionally, skyrim.esm disappeared from the Skyrim Launcher's Data Files. Skyrim.esm is still in my data folder, so I don't understand what Steam borked up. When I remove the d3d9.dll from my Skyrim folder -- without which Enhanced Shaders naturally can't work -- graphics are back to Vanilla and are displaying as they should. I downloaded and reinstalled both the d3d9.dll and Enhanced Shaders FX, but the problem persists. Steam obviously mucked about with some of the vanilla game's files, and now isn't compatible with this common mod. Or then it deleted something important. Does anyone have a hunch of what could be the cause, and how could I fix Steam's borkage (without ultimately reinstalling the whole game from original dvd...)? :) Thank you in advance and happy new year!
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