I think it would be interesting if the Dragonborn could be a Falmer. I've tried realising this concept in vanilla Skyrim roleplay-wise and I've been successful to an extent. Your character is part of a new, genetically superior generation of Falmer that has seen the light of the day after a series of research conducted by Falmer Shamans. Those specimen have overcome their blindness to an extent and are able to learn to communicate in the common language of Tamriel. Leaving their underground caverns, they are meant to infiltrate the society in order to prepare and ensure the uprising of the Falmer once again. I chose to be a Bosmer for following reasons: - people will adress you as such, and Bosmer are pretty similar to Falmer, so it would make sense if they mistook you for one - Bosmer can control creatures -> Chaurus companion (for 60 seconds only :down: ) Their racial Boni would be the following: One Handed +10 (since there are no two handed falmer weapons) Archery +5, Heay Armor +5, Block +5, Illusion +5, Alchemy +5 Power: Summon Chaurus companion - summons a Chaurus companion which fights on your side until it dies. All that (except the Power) can be achieved via console commands (player.setav/player.modav). A relatively pale Bosmer, coupled with the mentioned modifications, clad in Falmer equipment makes for a nearly complete Falmer without the use of mods... but of course this isn't enough! There needs to be a Mod that creates a playable Falmer race! There are a few problems when it comes to the realisation of a playable Falmer race: a. They are considered hostile to Skyrim and its inhabitants b. They are supposedly blind c. Falmer would still attack you a. When creating the Falmer race, use Bosmer as a template so that the world adresses you as Bosmer. You don't want to be recognised as a Falmer! b. In Morrowind there was a spell called "Blind", that made your vision less clear. As far as I know, there is no such spell in Skyrim, so it could be difficult to add a passive effect of that sort. Even if this was possible, being half blind would be a huge drawback both fun- and balancewise. I suggest adding a toggle-able life detect ability in order to make up for their blindness. This would also explain improved smelling/hearing. c. I have no experience in modding and I dont know if there is a way of changing the disposition of certain creatures towards the player. Then again, this could ruin certain quests that involve killing falmer. These are a few of my thoughts. Feel free to comment/add anything related.