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About firefly223

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  1. That's alright! I get it. If you can't figure it out, upload it. Perhaps I can boot up some tutorial videos and tinker with it too. I've got a bit more time on my hands coming up soon.
  2. That's great! I'm looking forward to it! Can't wait, I'm saving my next play through until this mod is done!
  3. Wow, I was not expecting a reply so quickly to my post after I made it, let alone work to be started on it. I've been rather busy, and sadly don't have much free time to devote to much at the moment. But I hope the project is going well, and I hope it's as fun as I imagined it to be. If you want a second opinion on something feel free to run it by me. I can take time to give a reply, I'll check back on the thread more often.
  4. Explosives builds are some of the most fun I've had playing New Vegas, but they have a downside, you need to carry other weapons that make up for your lack of close-range options as explosions can be deadly to you and your followers. So I remembered that the M79 (the Grenade Rifle) in real life had 40mm buckshot rounds for just such occasions, and wondered if there was a mod in New Vegas for them. Sadly there is not and my modding ability is very limited. That's it, a new ammo variant for the Grenade Rifle and Launcher that is 40mm buckshot that would function like a very short range/very high damage shotgun while still having a weapon that uses the Explosives Skill. The Ammo would have to be sold at vendors that also sell 40mm grenades in about double or triple the quantity of the standard 40mm grenade, roughly a value of 10 per round. Perhaps the Ammo variant would have a very wide spread to make it shorter range. The ammo would fit in perfectly in New Vegas and allow explosives builds to play with their weapons indoors or against creatures and enemies that close the distance quick like Deathclaws or Nightkin without fear of blowing themselves up on accident - or without having to switch weapons back and forth as often, just swap ammo types. There is certainly a niche for this idea and I think it would be relatively successful on the Nexus. As I have said, my modding ability is limited and I am willing to learn more to make this mod, but It may take me a while to get around to it myself while still trying to balance my schedule. So I am throwing my idea out here in case a more skilled modder thinks the idea is cool and wishes to make it a reality faster than I am able to. The idea is free game. If you do end up taking a crack at the idea and are successful in making it, please reply to this post and give me a link to the mod, I'd love to download it! Attached is an Image of one of the real life 40mm Buckshot rounds.
  5. I have looked all over the Forums to find a solution, and I've looked at the Blow Myself up, reloading, etc. but none are a solid fix I am looking for. My Fallout 3 crashes in the same locale (the Southern area around Tenpenny Tower) Whenever I save a game there in any form, be it auto,quick, or hardsave. I am 100% positive its a mod conflict, but any time I feel I have solved the issue it just keeps happening. Yes, I have a Mergepatch, yes I update the patch when I remove or add mods. Yes, I have started a New Game in an effort to fix the issue. Yes, I have taken every precaution to keep from a corrupted save file by creating new saves. Yes, I have blown myself up, that only provides some minor temporary relief. Yes, I have the game for Steam and have verified my game Cache. My Load Order: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmWeapon Repair Kits - Final.esmDCInteriors_ComboEdition.esmEVE.esmCrossRepairWeapons.espAWorldOfPainFO3.esmEnclaveCommander-OA-Steel.esmEnclaveCommander-Steel.esmEnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmUPP - Pack 1.espStimpackLootChanges11.espStay Crippled in Combat.espResponsive Kill Reactions.espRecieveTenpennySuite.espSlower Levelling - slower.espPiPBoy Light Range x5.espMillenia_CombatShotgun_replacer.espMillenia_AKS74U.espBornAgain Outcast v3.espEnclave Faction Overhaul.espUPP - Quest Perks.espgoat_perks.espClassic Fallout Weapons BETA.espOutcast Collection Agent Expanded - DLC Plugin.espOutcast Collection Agent Expanded.espv1_OutcastFIstrongerDefence).espCitadelArmory.espWRK Final - Plugin.espOld Olney Grocery Store.espRivet City Crash Fix.esptribeamriflerepairfix.espfalloutshelter.espScavenged Power Armor.espOutcastRewards.espOutcastCasdinArmorFix.espBrotherhood Outcast Trust Fix.espBetter_Chinese_Pistol.espSprint Mod.espDynamicCrosshair.espBetterMercArmors.espHelmPOV.espharderbarter75.espAll Anchorage Armors Usable.espGNR Enhanced.espWasteland Soldier Armor.espAssault Phaser.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espVendors have more ammo.espExplosive Entry.espEnergy skill Gatling Laser.espEnclavePACollars.espEnclavePACollarsforEnclavePAImproved.espTribal_DX.espUPP - Beverage Perks.espLaserknightperk.espFO3_WRP.espCloser to Classics - Hitpoints.espCombatEnhanced-Package v02.espUPP - Pack 2.espFO3 RWL GOTY.espFO3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting.espWWM.espFO3MP.esp are there any mods here that you can see that could be causing the issue?
  6. I've looked up and down the nexus, but can't seem to find a patch to add the Project Nevada Visor Overlay the "enclave Bunker Mod" or the XV Colossus Enclave Rework mod. Does this exist? if not. can someone walk me through doing it myself or simply making one themselves?
  7. Does a mod exist that makes Reputation more sensible. such as... If you wear some Legion armor, and kill NCR troopers, you lose no rep. because how do the troopers know it was you? First, you've killed them all. and second, you're in Legion armor, for all anyone watching knows you're just another Legionnaire. I've looked through several rep mods and none seemed to do this.
  8. I was making a personal mod, its a Recharger Rifle with higher damage essentially. I'm sort of new to modding, but learning through trial and error mostly. but I've come to a snag, I like the Essential Visual Enhancements mod and would like to use the sound files and projectiles from that mod's Recharger Rifle. however anytime I edit it to do just that it seems to not save properly and I'm stuck with a soundless, projectileless weapon that does nothing. is there an modder-based reason for this not working? or am I just doing it wrong?
  9. Simple. Like the Outcasts in Fallout 3, just gather Power Armor, Energy Weapons, some junk items etc for the Brotherhood (the quartermaster should be the one to talk to, or Maybe Knight Lorenzo? or even a whole new scribe/character) and get payment in say ammo, meds, caps, something special at certain points like rare/powerful weapons even some super rare power armor (The Enclave Armor from Fallout 3 would be nice, I know its in the files, and it would give a fair way to get it in game ) if you get enough and are a member? This idea has loads of possibilities, for anyone with the time and know-how to get it done properly.
  10. Exactly as the title says, The tend to your business quest should be acessable even if Hardin isn't elder, just remove the joining the Brotherhood bits and things that refer to hardin as elder. and the Fallout 4 Power armor as seen in the trailer.
  11. Thanks buddy! you've made me a very happy person. Will download and endorse right away! Edit: And it looks like it's very well received. Thanks again!
  12. Wow! thank you so much. I'll be waiting eagerly. you just answered my wish.
  13. Cdcooley, that sounds like a wonderful mod, it seems almost perfect. and gets rid of the two most annoying things in the main quest, 1. Delphine being a paranoid wreck and 2. the trek to High Hrothgar to settle a petty dispute just for the two or so in game hours it takes to capture the dragon. If you could share it I would be absolutely grateful. (I use a no fast travel mod, so one less trek to High Hrothgar sounds sublime). you said you could easily change some of those things, so if you could, could you make the time frame from giving Farengar the tablet to 7 days. and about 14 days for Delphine's message, but if you prefer to not change anything and just upload as is, that's fine.
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