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About alasdairhurst

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  1. You can change yours. Go to the 'account closure request' thread in this subforum and make a post saying you'd like to close your account so you can pick a more fitting username. Since you've got barely any posts and no mods attached to your account, changing your name shouldn't be too much of a hassle for you that way - though you will lose your download history and any tracked files in the process. That's not a name change. That's like telling someone if they want to upgrade their graphics card they have to throw away their current PC and build a new one. It's a workaround that's all.
  2. Have you even looked at any other mods which replace the main theme to see how they do it?
  3. I'm starting to make a script. I'm not going to go into much detail on it if i can, but i need to be able to make an actor/player move along the y axis until a set destination is reached - the y value of the "top marker" or the "bottom marker". I am familiar with things like pathtoreference, but i want to just physically MOVE the actor along the set axis. Any ideas?
  4. #30541 http://lauriekendrick.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/wierd2.jpg
  5. YES! i never thought that i'd actually win something! now i have :)
  6. i recommend multixwm too. Audacity doesn't seem to have the option to export to xwm :S
  7. Tip - use Oscape to generate LOD for worldspaces ;) There are a lot of bugs in the CK, so external tools are necesarry. PM Maegfear if you want to know exact details, he as created a heightmap of middle earth and imported it into skyrim including all the LOD for the worldspace and the map.
  8. i find that it works slightly different more like this - n Creation Kit. 00 Skyrim.esm 01 Update.esm 02 YourMod.esp <--Custom music will be hexcoded 02, making them be referenced to this loadorder In Skyrim 00 Skyrim.esm 01 Update.esm 02 YourMod.esp <-Custom music will be searched for here at 02, and found, thus you avoid the CTD. If you want other plugins loaded before it, (mainly esm's as you can't load esp's above them), then you should create dummy esp's which are loaded before the plugin in the CK. they need to be esp's as then they won't be saved as necessary masters in the plugin file header, but the load order will still be saved. in Creation Kit. 00 Skyrim.esm 01 Update.esm 02 Dummy.esp 03 YourMod.esp <--- Saved as 03 In Skyrim 00 Skyrim.esm 01 Update.esm 02 Hideout.esm 03 YourMod.esp < - loaded in the 03 position
  9. It seemed so, but I can replace an already existing track and it will play just fine. But when I add it, it crashes, even doing the load order thing. Can you post your plugins list that you are using (including the music one) and also the list of dummy plugins that you are using (if applicable) please?
  10. The problems you guys are having is crashes when playing a track right?
  11. This guy has had this out on hte nexus for a while and it got took down for copyrighted content in the tracks (soundtracks for other games and films :P) He just replaces the original files with "enhanced" versions. This is why the XWM works for him. So I'll go through what i did again: load skyrim.esm and update.esm add a new music track (name it what you like but make it findable) add your wav sound to it (must reside in the data/music folder) add any conditions. Copy them from another track if you wish, to get the same output such as day/night open an existing music type, and add it to the one that you want. save the plugin close the ck run whatever file manager you have and load the game with Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, YOURPLUGIN.esp, .....anyotherplugins..... (NOTHING BETWEEN the first 3) see if your tracks play. if you have any other esm's that you wish to load, then you need to create a dummy esp (with nothing in it) then copy it so you have as many as the amount of extra esm's that you want to load, and then when creating the music plugin, load these esp's after skyrim and update.esm and create your new plugin. this will push it down on the load order so it shouldnt crash when you use it in a different position to 02
  12. Wrong topic :D You should be looking at sound effects rather than music for what you are doing ;) This is for background tracks, sound effects is for things with activators like waterfalls, attacking with weapons, fires, spell casting etc...
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