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About Krazyman999

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  1. Pre-Next Gen Creation Kit... If you didn't update, you can try it. Steam Discussion Page... https://steamcommunity.com/app/1946160/discussions/0/4357873056145401176/ Creation Kit... Last Gen, not updated. I never updated, so I don't know about other versions. version... https://www.mediafire.com/file/20xxjbijuprqr9h/Creation_Kit_Pre_Next_Gen_Update.7z/file
  2. Yes... you can, and I do this as well. It's part of the Content Picker installation process. Bethesda has a forced loader for Skryim AE... it senses the removal of mods and loads them, no Yes or No options. It's all or nothing. I haven't installed Fallout 4 Next Gen, so I don't know if they have anything that checks for that. Mod Organizer 2 Profiles... On Mod Organizer 2, you can have multiple installs and Profiles. But you'd have to manually remove and add Creation Club mods, with the Verify Files being used to add them back in. Unless you saved the deleted Creation Club Plugins. With a Content Picker... you can have multiple versions of it, all with different content selected. In about a Year, everyone will be on the Next Gen Version. But not everyone will want the Creation Club content... Eg... multiple versions using the Fomod Installer Content Picker... Creation Club No Mods, Last Gen Content Picker... Creation Club No Mods, Next Gen Content Picker... Creation Club All Mods, Next Gen Content Picker... Creation Club Mod Setup 1 Content Picker... Creation Club Mod Setup 2 I make mods... so I have a profile with no mods, for using the extremely buggy Creation Kit. I also switch quickly to other version, as some mods don't play well with others. Having a quick and easy way to turn Creation Club mods OFF and ON, would be handy. Personally... I'll be just deleting the Creation Club content, when I eventually go over to Next Gen, in about a Year.
  3. Fallout 4 Content Picker... I've been messing with my Skyrim SE AE version, and it's a pain to use. Skyrim Special Edition Anniversary Edition. Problem... loads of Creation Club junk, that cannot be uninstalled. Solution... Anniversary Edition Content Picker, a brilliant Skyrim SE mod on The Nexus, that 100% solves the problem. By making the Creation Club content into a Fomod installer mod, where you can install any of the Creation Club stuff individually, in a Fomod Installer mod. What I'd like, unless it's already been made, is a Fallout 4 Next Gen Update version. For when I eventually jump to Next Gen Update, I don't want to be forced to play, Fan Made Creation Club content on my 9 Year old game, that can't be turned off. Fallout 4 NG Content Picker...
  4. Krazymans Mod Ideas List... 1. Hardcore Swimming
  5. Thanks... Smooth Feet High Heels Body - CBBE It was in the optional files, I'd already downloaded it, a long time ago, along with the Uniboob and Unibutt. But never enabled the mod... I am fixing the Vtaw 9 bodies that have missing parts of the Reference Body mesh, visible when you use translucent or mesh clothing. They look amazing... Along with a full set of Ground and Preview objects, for all Vtaw 9 clothing. Adding the fixes in my Vtaw 9 Treasure Hunt. WIP Outfit Studio, as far as I know, can't move the skeleton, when you move the CBBE body up and down on the ground plane. Making the Hands and Head not link with the body correctly, when using a standard CBBE Body. A Base High Heel Body, will have the correct Skeleton I need, so the HHS High Heels will set to the correct height automatically. Thanks for the link...
  6. I've been making Vtaw 9 Treasure Hunt mod, fixing some of the problems Vtaw 9 has, such as no Reference body on items with see through mesh texture mods. I've successfully fixed some of them, but with the Reference Body CBBE. Outfit Studio doesn't seem to move the bones, when you move the body, stopping the head and hands connecting with the body. Vtaw 9 is made with High Heels, and the High Heels System Reference Body. I can't seem to find a link for a CBBE High Heels Reference Body... anyone have a link for High Heels Reference CBBE Body.
  7. It seems like each Mod is linked to the Previews, GO Ground Objects, and items you wear. But you can have all the mods working by themselves, each with their own settings. I'd like to take out the Material Transparency... BGSM and replace it with a Texture Map Transparency... but I haven't done much of that, and have little knowledge of it. Make a copy of them, rename them, and put them in a folder in your own mod. Then in Creation Kit, MSWP... Material Swap it to point to your modded version. That way you can have each Mod, be anything you want. Base... changes the Base Mod Dmg... would change the Damaged Mod Fishnet... would change the Fishnet Mod You can pick the... BGSM for each Clothing Mod General / Material / Effect Material Used... possibly linking it to your own tweaked version You could take out the Transparency, on the ones that don't work, and make it just a Transparency Map. ... in theory. But I haven't messed with the Diffuse, Normal and Specular Maps .dds So I know very little about making them... Then it would make it just an ordinary item of clothing... in theory. But I haven't messed around with the .dds art files, so I haven't tried it.
  8. You can do this for all the Materials... then when you material swap, which is Base.bgsm. You swap to other materials, and can tweak those as well. I did this with the Gris Swimsuits, but transparency only looks good on Transparent Plastic materials. It looks terrible on Lace... Eg... Lingerie Location... Vtaw Wardrobe 9 Main 2K\Materials\vtaw\wardrobe9\Lingerie Base.bgsm Dmg.bgsm Dmg2.bgsm Fishnet.bgsm I added a new materials folder to my mod, with the altered .bgsm files in it. for Gris Swimsuit... materials\textures\vtaw\wardrobe9\GrisSwimsuit You'd have to copy and rename the .bgsm files. Putting them in your new materials folder, in your mod. Original... Base.bgsm Original... Base_KP.bgsm Then in Creation Kit... do the Material Swap and point the materials for everyone, to yours. MSWP Material Swap... Edit... point to the new texture from the huge list. I haven't been successful with making materials the way I want, so I am currently not doing this in my mod, until I work it out. But I've tried it... I also done it on the main Vtaw 9 mods files, and it works.
  9. I think I've got it... Base.bgsm Alpha... 0.8 Alpha Blend Mode... Additive Item has... Preview that is translucent Perfect on Ground, for Ground Object I haven't tried it with various light conditions, to make sure I don't get any weirdness. But it seems to be working, now I've got to work out how to add it to my Vtaw9 Treasure Hunt mod. As I'm currently testing it out on the main Vtaw Wardrobe 9 mod. I'll have to test it out on all the other .bgsm Also... I need to see if it will work on items with only parts of it that are Translucent.
  10. Alpha Test is already Ticked Alpha Blend is ... Standard On... Vtaw Wardrobe 9 Main 2k Gris Swimsuit ... Base I tested it on... Omod Material Swap Base Gris Swimsuit Still no Preview... regardless of the base texture, whether it's see through or solid. I must be missing something...
  11. GO Ground Objects that are Translucent are Invisible in Previews I'm making, and have made hundreds of Ground Objects. But Translucent ones, are invisible in the Preview Windows. Both In-Game and in the Creation Kit... Currently making Tonnes of Ground Objects for my Vtaw9 Treasure Hunt mod. Translucent clothing looks okay on the Ground, but are invisible in Previews in-game, same with in Creation Kit... Any way to fix this... if not. Would changing the Base Mod to be a non-translucent one, fix it. If yes, would that be a Material Editor tweak, Nifskope tweak, I've tried Creation Kit changing the Default to a solid, non-translucent mod, with no luck to fixing it.
  12. Fallout 5 Wishlist... - Single Player - Offline - Easily Moddable - Works Survival Plus... - Breakable Weapons... multi-tiered system, 5 stages. Fallout 4 not good at this. - Breakable Clothing... multi-tiered system, 5 stages. Skyrim does this, Fallout 4 has trouble doing this. - Dirt Realism... you won't strip a bloody or rad-soaked corpse of it's clothing and armour, clothing get's Rad-Soaked, heavy when Wet. - Swimming in Clothing will drag you down, need to be wearing swimwear or naked. Skyrim mod did this, with Devious Devices and Handcuffs. Realism... Get in the water, and you sink straight to the bottom. No more swimming with a Backpack, Top Coat, Workboots, and a full set of clothes and Iron Armour. - Wet Clothing is Heavy, slowing you down, and encumbering you. - Hot and Cold... you can overheat, as well as freeze. Conan Exiles does this.
  13. If using Mod Organizer 2, right click on the Save Game and hit Fix Enabled Mods. I don't know if any of them are broken, from the Next Gen Update. I stopped my PC from updating, so I won't know.
  14. Just delete this thread, I worked out the problem and the solution. It's a Vortex Problem, not your mod to blame. I've been making my own collections, for myself. I just add the updated mods, and rebuild it to include the latest version. Vortex get's hung up on Version Numbers, of mods, not loading any collection. As I said, it's a Vortex problem, so just delete this thread.
  15. Collection Version Numbers... When installing OCBP mod... I have 2 Collections that have problems because of the version number. I have OCBP version 3.0Beta installed the collection has a problem, and wants me to install... OCBP version 2.5.5 Collections should have option to allow versions that are that version, or higher. Version 2.5.5 Allow any version higher than version 2.5.5 As well as an Allow checkbox, to stop error messages on each version number fault. Recommend adding, for Versions error message... [ ] Ignore Problem [ select version to use ] .......... drop down menu
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