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Everything posted by gabo007x

  1. It's because you installed it wrong, it's not the mod's fault. Reset all the settings in every sub menu of the mod. Did that and adrenaline gain is working again and the bug has never reappeared. Let's hope it's the latter.
  2. Forget about uninstalling it, it works just fine. I can't believe I actually messed this up, but the issue is caused by not installing the mod properly. After installing the mod, you have to manually apply a preset (default or vanilla) for EVERY SINGLE SUB MENU of the mod. I had accidentally skipped the "Adrenaline Control" (or whatever it's called) sub menu. So all you have to do is to go through all your mod settings and reset them (as it says in the mod description) and Adrenaline Point generation will work as usual.
  3. Same issue here. I'm also using Enemy Scaling and Gameplay Overhaul as well as No Auto Sword Sheath.
  4. OP has probably resolved this issue by now, but in case someone has this problem in the future, here is how I fixed it: it's caused by reducing the sunlight too much, in my case it was the "Sunlight" option from the "Imaginator" mod. To fix it, simply wait until the problem occurs, then adjust the sunlight until the shadows appear normal again.
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