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About ssddsquare

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  1. I have a long saving time randomly when near or in radiation area. Quick save, autosave, exit save... Sometimes it takes whole minute or longer, sometimes it just stop forever. Sometimes it behave normally. Is there a mod that temporary give total immunization?
  2. I was missing the painting tab after a mods over limit mistake. Settlement Menu Manager fixes it. Thanks so much. This is the fix and it works, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22205 I also downloaded https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24204 both work amazing follow the instruction on and off the page.
  3. I had an over limit on mods count, after I remove some mods the paintings section is missing. Anyway to bring it back without a new game? The paintings that I had placed before the over limit is still there but can't build new ones.
  4. I know for poor people it is capped at 1-2MB, but I am getting <10KB. This feels like Nexus is imposing impossible slow speed to force people to buy the premium account. If I use Vortex to download, at times it won't even start download for hours. I only downloading 1 file and no ad blocker of any sort installed.
  5. Every mod page I open now auto start to play ad video. I don't mind the ad, but I think it should be muted by default. Damn annoying when those ads has loud music.
  6. Nevermind, I added the file but it doesn't update the quest. Upon activating the quest in pipboy, it points to an out of bound near the office wall. I TCL it and grab the file. I think it might be a conflict with a mod The Train because first time I read the file, the content is from that mod. After I drop the file and read again, it turns back to the normal file.
  7. After I have given up, out of the blue I walk in to Nick's office again to trade some items with him Ellie suddenly gives me the quest to read the file. Now the quest updated to :Read Earl Sterling's Case File: but the file is missing on the desks. Can anyone give me the ID to player.Additem?
  8. Nick is already back, already talk to him about the vault 111 incident. In my previous playthrough, both quests were available at the same time.
  9. I started a new game, now the file don't even appear on the desk anymore.. It's getting worst? setstage MS07Intro 400 didn't work. I console command to give myself the case note, after reading it, the quest does not initiates as well.
  10. I can't seems to pick up the file on the table. There are another case file looking for a grasshooper statue that I can pick up, but not the Earl's file. When I look at it, the "E) Examine" shows up but when I press e, nothing happens.
  11. Thanks much, was looking for it forever.
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