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About Rasana

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Wasteland 2, Elite, and maybe a few others I don't remember.
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout Series

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  1. I don't know a thing about them, Akosmo, except that they are "modular", and parts can be switched out to cover a wide range of tasks - everything from carbine to sniper rifle. I thought they were still in the "testing" stage?
  2. Hello. I see that we have the same interests. What do you think of the new Polish weapons MSBS.
  3. She is quite the vampire hottie! ;)
  4. Hi! I like Kate Backinsale too ;)
  5. Ugh....I hate anti-virus scanners that give false positives. Some are pretty righteous pieces of junk. Your anti-virus program is the problem. It doesn't recognize an unsigned executable, so instead of using proper heuristics, it just defaults to flagging it as a virus. This is not a virus. Check into a better AV. Let me guess....hmmm.....Avast or AVG Free edition is what you are using? They tend to give quite a bit of false positives....I stopped using both of them after trying them out. AVG "paid for" version is pretty good though, and I might suggest Kaspersky, Nod32, and Bitdefender as well. As much as it pains me to admit, the only free antivirus/malware scanner I've seen that passes the mustard in the slightest on tests like VB100 and others is Microsoft Security Essentials. *sighs* Microsoft finally did something very well, for free....
  6. the bat file worked for me with xWMAEncode.exe which i downloaded and put in de soundsfolder. i didn't download or install the SDK, so i guess the missing MSVCR100.dll must refer to something else. according to this link it's a C runtime library which you can download from the same place. you should place it in your C:\Windows\System32 folder. hope this helps for you. I second this. I didn't install the SDK either, but do have C++ runtime updates installed. His bat files and .exe worked just fine for me.
  7. Have a happy new year as well, Naomis.
  8. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  9. Merry Christmas, Naomi. :)
  10. Thanks, you too, Naomi.
  11. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  12. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  13. Well then I'll add the answer, but its not my answer. See this thread.... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/249964-what-the-hell-man/ A combo of the answers here (99% here) and elsewhere, allowed me to port custom hairs, hats, and jewelry meshes from FO3 into NV. It all comes down to creating new .egm files along with FNVEdit.
  14. You are jumping the gun a bit, and also drawing the wrong conclusions for the wrong reasons in some instances. First, the UOP, didn't come out in the first month of the release of Oblivion. It took a few months - around 4 months before the initial release. We are barely past the first 30 days of NV. So chill. There is already a "community patch" fixing bugs that the official one hasn't. Second, we already got an official patch in the first few weeks fixing many errors. Rendering some fixes in the "community patch", obsolete. Third, it sounds like we are getting another official big bugfix patch here in the next couple weeks if not sooner. Fourth, many "bug fix" patches are waiting to see what the next official patch does, so they don't waste time modding something that is going to be fixed soon anyway. Fifth, we are getting official patches for bugs, so far, much faster than we did for Oblivion or FO3. Sixth, you can do something like what I do, and just gather the fixes yourself in one mod, as many of the fixes are quite simplistic in their nature.
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