yo im not expert but after readings facts about using old form mods to SSE is game breaking like Random CTD or corrupted game SAVE, random CTD yes i've experienced that but corrupted SAVE idk since the longest i played on a single save file is like 2 weeks of game play and my save FILE is fine, i have like 10 form 43 mods on my load order back in feb. this year when i was new to skyrim so yes mods with form 43 is giving me random CTDs, i removed all of them CTDs is gone, if you downloaded a mod in SSE that is still in old form i know it sucks but instead of complaining just convert it on your own if u have CK run it correct the form then save, if u don't have a CK like me i use SSE Edit to correct the form, NIF OPTIMIZER(To Scan textures & Nif Files to convert it to SSE or LE), Cathedral Assets Optimizer for animation hkx files, i never converted animation files yet but i did successfully converted an LE armor mod like The Contractor and Evil Mastermind of the Great author Zerofrost by just using SSE Edit and NIF OPTIMIZER just watch some tutorials you can do it on your own easily, i hope this help good luck!