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  1. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Porting_Skyrim_mods_to_Skyrim_Special_Edition https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17990 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23316?tab=description good luck.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15109?tab=description my bad i didn't read it carefully sry to my knowledge no mods exist for player character.
  3. https://bethesda.net/community/topic/5795/how-to-load-order?language%25255B%25255D=en&language%5B%5D=en or https://skyrimseblog.wordpress.com/load-order-structure/
  4. I'd recommend that you ask Arthmoor in the cutting room floor mod page posts tab ok sorry
  5. noob question about cleaning masters, i am using cutting room floor by arthmoor will that affect the mod if i clean masters?
  6. yo im not expert but after readings facts about using old form mods to SSE is game breaking like Random CTD or corrupted game SAVE, random CTD yes i've experienced that but corrupted SAVE idk since the longest i played on a single save file is like 2 weeks of game play and my save FILE is fine, i have like 10 form 43 mods on my load order back in feb. this year when i was new to skyrim so yes mods with form 43 is giving me random CTDs, i removed all of them CTDs is gone, if you downloaded a mod in SSE that is still in old form i know it sucks but instead of complaining just convert it on your own if u have CK run it correct the form then save, if u don't have a CK like me i use SSE Edit to correct the form, NIF OPTIMIZER(To Scan textures & Nif Files to convert it to SSE or LE), Cathedral Assets Optimizer for animation hkx files, i never converted animation files yet but i did successfully converted an LE armor mod like The Contractor and Evil Mastermind of the Great author Zerofrost by just using SSE Edit and NIF OPTIMIZER just watch some tutorials you can do it on your own easily, i hope this help good luck!
  7. i only updated a armor mod that i like but i checked it in SSE Edit and it's in form 40, so after searching in nexus i found this SSE Edit script to check for old forms,so in apply scripts i found this many options and i saw update record forms and tried it, it automatically updated the ESP from 40 to 43 yeah i know 43 is still old form so im like wth, this is how i did it: { Find and update records with Form Version less than FV_Check. FV_Set is a new value to set. Can be used for any game, but has a meaning only for Skyrim currently. } unit UserScript; const FV_Check = 40; FV_Set = 44; ***<----that was 43 i click on it then change it to 44 then press ok haha all function Process(Rec: IInterface): integer; var fv: integer; begin Result := 0; fv := GetFormVersion(Rec); if fv >= FV_Check then begin AddMessage(Format('Found form version %d on %s', [fv, Name(Rec)])); SetFormVersion(Rec, FV_Set); end; end; end. anyway tyvm for the advice and btw i played with it again for 4hrs and no CTD so i guess im fine hehe tnx again :)
  8. hey guys still new to SSE, Noob question is it safe to use if i correct a old form using SSE Edit? i manage to update form 40 to 44 using SSE Edit.i tried playing for 30mins no problem so far. will try a longer play nxt time and see how it goes but im no expert so i need some expertise here, will check back later gtg sleep.
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