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About Leif

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  1. My charicter is a level 97 Dunmer(Dark Elf) male. His name is Mazaku, hence my name. He has no motivation. I have 100 skill in Acrobatics, athletics, block, armorer, heavy, medium, and light armor, longblade, and destruction. I'm in the Mages guild, at the rank of arch-mage. I have almost completed the game ;D . I have aquired wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening. I have a full set of Daedric, Dwarven, Ebony, Steel, iron, and Chitan(i'm sure i spelled this wrong) armor. My main weapon is Chrysamere(part of Mournhold). I have my strength, endurance, intelligence, speed, personality, Agility, and Willpower ar all at 100. Class: Dwarven A. I. (for all u people who don't know what an A. I. is, it stands for Artifitial Intelligence) [Custom Class] Focus: Combat [/u]My Main Weapon Name: Chrysamere Type: LongBlade Two-Handed Weight:60.00 Health:6000 Enchantment: 500 Value: 95000 Chop:5-70 Slash:5-60 Thrust:5-40 Notes: It ignores normal weapon resistence. All my Daedric armor is enchanted with feather, so it seems like I'm not carrying anything at all. :happy: Mods Installed: Texture and skin mods, Morrowind comes alive. Yeah, another dunmer besides myself.
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