I think it is just society in general depending on age group. Different age groups have differing opinions on what they find attractive in people. It isnt always the case though and usually stems from people that dont want to grow up. With all these filters on Tiktok, FB, and other platforms it is essentially false advertising to people. My SO's son who is in high school has a way over standardization of his ideal girl he would date. Essentially he will only date instagram models. Yet he looks very average, slightly overweight, and dress like all teens do now. Like homeless people in baggy sweat pants, hoody, and sandals/crocs.
Ive always been more attracted to average/normal looking people. They are usually the more down to earth, considerate, and well versed group of people. Most people that are overly attractive are either 1. stuck-up 2. cant carry a conversation about anything other then what is on tv or social media 3. will drop you as soon as someone more attractive or "cooler " arrives on scene 4. Try to hold onto their party style youth for way to longer then is appropriate. I've dated a few in my youth and 9 times out 10 are not worth the effort or energy.
These of course are my own opinions and dont means others have the same, but It is based on my own life experiences and travels.