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About nervod1138

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    Elite Dangerous, Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. So since the latest update I've had a issue with taking pictures in photo mode. I've updated all related mods and able to play no problem. When I take a screenshot it freezes for a sec like it is taking one and then goes back to normal. No image taken. I tired removing all photomode mods and still nothing. Has anyone else run into this issue recently and if fixed what was the issue?
  2. You need to make sure you are grabbing the required mods that go with your game version. Meaning patch. I see you said you grabbed their required mods. Did you grab the required mods for the requirements? Im not trying to be funny. Thos required mods require sometime 4 -5 other mods to work.
  3. Before they added the come over thing in the last patch. It was simple with the code because Judy was meant to be Bi originally. It is the reason why there is male voice lines, but it was dropped. When they made the update with the patch to add the romances coming over to hang out Bi Judy was not considered and she was coded specifically for Fem V. I think also the update made it so multiple romances are frowned upon and made it so they get mad at you.
  4. It would help to know what mods are causing issues for you. We can help by looking at the mods in question.
  5. So, I just ran into a bug with the GIG: Waiting for Dodger where I knocked out all the people in the building. Didnt kill a single one and after talking to Dodger his Lt says they are all flat lined. Anyone else run into this issue since the last patch?
  6. I think it is just society in general depending on age group. Different age groups have differing opinions on what they find attractive in people. It isnt always the case though and usually stems from people that dont want to grow up. With all these filters on Tiktok, FB, and other platforms it is essentially false advertising to people. My SO's son who is in high school has a way over standardization of his ideal girl he would date. Essentially he will only date instagram models. Yet he looks very average, slightly overweight, and dress like all teens do now. Like homeless people in baggy sweat pants, hoody, and sandals/crocs. Ive always been more attracted to average/normal looking people. They are usually the more down to earth, considerate, and well versed group of people. Most people that are overly attractive are either 1. stuck-up 2. cant carry a conversation about anything other then what is on tv or social media 3. will drop you as soon as someone more attractive or "cooler " arrives on scene 4. Try to hold onto their party style youth for way to longer then is appropriate. I've dated a few in my youth and 9 times out 10 are not worth the effort or energy. These of course are my own opinions and dont means others have the same, but It is based on my own life experiences and travels.
  7. Where are you at in the game? If you are in dogtown the relic skill point locations beep like that if you are close to one.
  8. I've heard of so many issues with REMOD after the last update. Like if the mod isnt updated for the latest patch of the game it will keep it from loading, but if you manually install it it works fine. Like it is part of remod to make sure all mods have a line that has the current game patch or something. I've only used redmod once for one mod and it cause other mods I had installed to not work, so I stopped using it. Wont use Vortex either since a lot of mod authors dont setup their folder structure for it. Manual is messy, but I can figure out what works and what doesnt a lot faster.
  9. Would help if you can post which mods you use. I had a issue with the last update and it ended up being Cybercmd and a couple old outdated mods I had in the CET folder bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods
  10. I think I have a idea of what you mean. There is tons of dress mods on Nexus. Here are a couple that come to mind. Chic Dress Not as short as you would like There is also Evelyn Dress it has sequences though Then Poppy Dress Again not as short as you want Can pair any of those number of Heel Mods out there by just searching "heels" Shorter dresses would be nice though. Maybe these can get you by for a little bit.
  11. Here you go... Rosalind Myers Presidential Outfit - Archive XL
  12. It might be because Judy was supposed to be bi and there was Male V romance lines in the code of the game. Where Kerry is more of a Bi romance if I ever saw one. He was married to a women before. I think the issue is if even using CET codes the romance lines are male V's voice. But with all the AI voice mods coming out I wouldnt see it being to hard to change those voice lines to female v and just making sure the flags are checked for romance.
  13. Maybe try this mod. It has a menu with a slider scale for XP to speed it up or slow it down. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3136
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