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Posts posted by colourwheel


    If you were suddenly to believe this article you have pulled up, then seem you have changed your perspective that it wasn't just some protest. Either that or you are just cherry picking info from this article just to try to fit your personal narrative. There is nothing mentioned in this article that claims it wasn't an insurrection. Just because there was no central coordination doesn't suddenly make it some conspiracy when calling it was it is. By definition an insurrection is a derivative for insurgency. This is an accurate way to describe an attack on our capital and the constitution it stands for. A "Riot" and "mob" would be equally correct to describe what happened on the grounds. But the moment those people violently forced into the capital building it was an attack and at the very least an insurrection to not only disrupt our government by force but also harm or kill our elected officials.


    The FBI already had evidence that the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys had premeditated the attack before January 6th. This was all discovered months ago. It's been estimated that there was around at least 10,000 people storming the ground of the capital that day and that is being generous. Even if only 5-10% of those rioters were the only bad actors in this event, that's still a sizable amount of people that actively planned to attack our government and everyone else who followed their lead is just as guilty. Just because their plan was bad and they had no real end game to what ever they wanted to accomplish doesn't dismiss that this was an assault on our democracy. Even if you are still not able to wrap your head around all this and some how feel you are right and everyone else is wrong. I can do the exact same thing and say this.... It was an insurrection! Saying otherwise is just a conspiracy!


    Ask any ten people what happened on Jan 6, and get 11 different answers. :D


    Yet I doubt anyone of them put any large amounts of money betting on it as simply being just a peaceful protest. If you are still unclear about it being planned you only need to look at over the hundreds of public social media post by the same people who violently forced into the capital that day and have all been arrested and charged. Whether they were serious about it or not, they still followed through to what they posted. It might not have been scant but it certainly was premeditated.


    Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


    So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


    That's a ridiculous assumption. Anytime there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc... it's no longer considered a protest it's a riot and I never argued otherwise. The moment hundreds of people violently stormed into the capital building it became an insurrection, yet a failed one.


    You can't deny that what happened on January 6th wasn't some planned assault. This wasn't something that spontaneously/organically happened. Trump all the way to Right-wing media platforms kept brainwashing their viewers into thinking that the election was illegitimate for weeks on end without any evidence.


    Edit: When I was editing my post it seemed to have glitched out and copied it 3 times


    Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


    It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


    I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


    Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


    Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




    Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?


    Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


    It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


    I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


    Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


    Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




    Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?


    Everyone has their own reality. For example my reality is different from someone who lives in the inner city or in coal country. You need a certain level of empathy to consider these different realities.


    It would seem you are confounding perception over the state of things as they actually exist. There is zero reason to empathize with those who would would even consider what happened on January 6th as just a protest.


    I have met several Republican staffers who were working inside the Capital building while those so called "Protesters" violently broke inside threatening to not only harm but threaten to kill our elected officials as well as they tried to beat down anyone in their way. They would claim your "reality" as not only false but they would call you a complete idiot for suggesting they were simply just "protesters".


    Those "fellow country men" broke in for the sole purpose to disrupt the certification of our current President and undermine our democracy by disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. Terrorists can totally be "fellow country men" you only need to look back at people like "Timothy McVeigh". Also you don't need to be someone who actually succeeds in a terrorist attempt to be considered a "terrorist". The January 6th insurrection attempt could have been worse and there would be a completely different conversation about this if those "Protesters" actually made their way to "Mike Pence" and violently lynched him or anyone else in Congress. I wouldn't doubt we would be living in a completely different country today if they would have succeeded.


    Intellectual Laziness and willful ingorance is no way to live your life.




    Totally looks like just a "protest" huh? I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself so no reason to believe anything I say right?


    Well your fellow Americans are not your enemy. The media and some branches of the government are.


    You may think being submissive and towing the line will keep you safe, history has proven how wrong that tactic is.


    If I am not mistaken the last time our country ever had a civil war was back in 1860's. It was over the economics of slavery and the political control of that system over states' rights. The rebels lost that fight. History obviously hasn't been too kind to those that violently rebel against our government. You only need to look at the January 6th insurrection attempt at the Capital. There is currently 600+ people and counting still who are being arrested and/or charged for this assault against our democracy and the constitution it stands for.


    If history has anything to say about those who violently rebel against the government, it's never been a winning fight.





    And for proof that actions speak lower than rhetoric, you need look no further than January 6, 2021. On that day, one tribe, encouraged by their tribal leader, attempted to disrupt the legal activities of the Congress and to install, by force of arms, their tribal leader as the new ruler of the nation. They attempted a coup d'etat.


    You were making sense until this nonsense.



    Of course. Until I got to that point, you could delude yourself into believing it wasn't you and your tribe destroying the nation and the Constitution, all in a relentless grab for power. Until I got to that point, you could continue to lie to yourself and claim innocence and the purest of motives. Until that point, you were secure in your denials of reality and could cling to the myth of tribal righteousness. Until that point, you felt safe and warm in your deliberate ignorance.


    But I had to go and speak the truth. A truth you do not like. A truth which undermines your carefully constructed delusions. A truth which was seen around the world and a truth you cannot lie out of existence. A truth which puts the lie to all your sanctimonious and self serving rhetoric. A truth which makes everything you regurgitate from your tribal leader and his propaganda machine ring hollow and false.



    There is a simple explanation to this. People are just sometimes "thick". No matter what you throw their way it's a fruitless effort to try to convince them otherwise. It's easier to just let people believe what they want then to point out the obvious flaws in their reasonings. Sometimes you are better off debating a wall then waste your time debating people who every other post broadly seems to blame things on "left wing liberals".


    Edit: Unlike trying to debate merits on petty forum topics I have actually been quite active as recently in my local area and was able to help register over 1000 new voters in my state to help combat the new voter restriction laws they have recently implemented. If My state is going to suddenly implement new laws making it harder for people to vote the only way to combat this is to actually be proactive to combat my state trying to shrink the electorate. As of date where I live it's a strong conservative leaning state where there will be a possibility of flipping my district if I am able to keep this up till the midterm election. For me this is an exciting time.

  9. While I was reading some of the latest headlines in the news I ran across a few articles which headlined Trump's recent rally in Alabama.


    Trump held a rally In Cullman, Alabama despite the state declaring a Covid-19 Coronavirus Emergency. Alabama is one of the few states with a serious problem when it comes to the vaccinated and refusal to wear masks. Without stating the obvious about what Trump might have spoken about at this rally, the one thing that did stand out to me was Trump's sudden encouragement to his supporters to get vaccinated. Trump actually recommended to take the vaccine. With much surprise this is the 1st time ever Trump has ever been booed by his own supporters while speaking at one of his rallies. Alabama has an extremely low count of people who have been fully vaccinated in that state with only around 35% of it's population. It's only a matter of time before the death rate starts to spike in this state due to Covid because hospitals in this state are already well over the limits for care. Most COVID-19 deaths in the country are now among unvaccinated people.


    Pointless argument. You go ahead and have others do your thinking for you. It's really common sense so the is no need to debate the definition of "is" as a famous liberal attempted to do to avoid the truth.


    If you want to live like chattel, I'm sure you can still hop on a plane to the UK or Australia.


    You do realize I was being impartial and completely debunking the very article you originally sited when you said this....



    I know of Nurses who refuse to take the needle. Also people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine. Why is that you think?




    I guess now you don't believe the link you originally posted claiming that people who have PHD's and high education levels are less likely to get the vaccine? I was just simply pointing out that their site is completely misleading. I never claimed to believe Carnegie Mellon University research in the 1st place either.


    This is going back to root cause of a lack of "Critical Thinking". I guess it never occurred to you to actually visit the Carnegie Mellon University site and instead came to your conclusion that "people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine." just because you read it on unherd.com


    Then when I pointed how misleading that website is and then refer to the actual Carnegie Mellon University conclusions made from their official website from the very research they did it suddenly no longer fit the narrative you were trying to point out and now you obviously don't accept it.


    But I will agree with you on one thing, this is a pointless argument. Because no matter how much information is thrown at you, as long as it doesn't fit a narrative you can accept you just going to reject it anyways. Because I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself.

  11. The state of being hesitant means you are not doing something or are slow to act. You were not hesitant if you ran out and got poked as soon as you could. That is actually the complete opposite of the meaning of the word. I on the other hand am hesitant, and have decided to take the wait and see approach.


    “What's concerning is there is a subset of the population that's got strong levels of hesitancy, as in refusal to take the vaccine, not potential concern about it, and the size of that group isn’t changing,” - Robin Mejia, who helped conduct the research from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh to help identify groups hesitant about COVID-19 Vaccine. In their findings they stress there is a huge difference between levels of hesitancy and complete refusal.


    Robin Mejia manages the Statistics and Human Rights Program at the Center for Human Rights Science and holds a special faculty appointment in the Department of Statistics and Data Science. Maybe you should hit up Mejia and tell her what the definition of hesitancy is because your definition doesn't seem to be a clear factor in their research.

  12. I know of Nurses who refuse to take the needle. Also people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine. Why is that you think?




    Here is the thing that is most misleading is the fact although this info you are sharing is stressing hesitancy, it's not a very reliable source of information alone. Because while people who have PHd's have a higher hesitancy this does not mean they aren't still getting vaccinated. Even I was hesitant about getting vaccinated but I still went in and got a shot when I still could. If you dive deeper into the actual Carnegie Mellon University site, They give a lot more info about the actual research. As an example there is a difference between those who are hesitant and those that just down right refuse.




    From this article above you can do more research from it by searching on the actual methods each person used when they conducted it between January and May.


    But who you going to believe? A site that is reporting on a graph done by Carnegie Mellon University or the actual Carnegie Mellon University site and their conclusions? I guess some might say neither.

  13. F Syria, the Kurds and the entire ME.


    Neo-Liberal warmongering has no place in the future. People who insist we sacrifice or blood and gold on nation building should stop being keyboard warriors and enlist.


    The policies of the worst Administration in 100 years ( Obama/Biden) have made a man like Trump possible to be President. I guess you want him back in office..


    That is just your opinion. Thankfully that's not the opinion of the masses in America because Trump not President anymore. Right now Trump's popularity is at an all time low even him being out of office. He left the Presidency in disgrace, twice impeached, broke the long standing tradition of a peaceful transition of power. At the time he left office his approve was below 35% and had the highest disapprove of any president in the last few decades and he was only in office for one Term. If Trump wanted to improve his popularity he would need to lay low for a few years for his approval to ever go up and that's not going to happen because he is a complete narcissist that craves attention.


    Make no mistake Trump might still be popular among Hardcore Republicans but that's not enough. Moderate voters are disgusted by the man and it shows in polls. It's a delusional at best to think Trump could ever be elected again considering his current state of mind. The guy can't even speak coherently anymore. Right now his speech sounds worse then some Crack addicts I have met on the streets asking for loose change. If the Republican Party does make Trump their champion nominee for 2024, something worse then what has happened recently would have to transpire for anyone to even consider about voting Trump back into office who doesn't just blindly follow his lead already. I live in a predominantly conservative state, most of my conservative neighbors wouldn't dare to vote for Trump again after what happened on January 6th. The GOP will need to find a new Champion if they really want to win back the White House next cycle.

  14. No one is claiming this is not a disaster. One distinct difference between the Biden administration and the Trump administration is that Biden will admit he made a mistake or miscalculation and even share blame when something goes wrong. Unlike Trump who would not only just put the blame on someone else other then himself but try to use blatant lies and whitewash history to perpetually deceive the public. Maybe no one remembers when Trump basically let our Kurdish allies in Syria left high and dry after they basically defeated Isis on our behalf. Almost every conservative platform suddenly pretended they didn't even know who the Kurds were.


    We can only speculate what really happened that lead to this catastrophe until Congress decides to do a full investigation. It might actually turn out that this is all Biden's fault or it could be found that Trump's administration played enough of a role that basically made this situation inevitable. We probably won't know for a few years at the least. At the most, if anything that will happen is someone is going to be held responsible leading to at least one person in Biden's administration to resign over this. But it's ridiculous to believe that Biden himself would resign over this as I've seeing on a few conservative platforms in rage over this as if suddenly their new credo is "Afghanistan First" demanding Biden to quit. The Irony is most conservatives don't even care about Afghanistan and would suggest if Trump was still in office they would cheer him on by nuking the whole nation with bombs. Even my neighbor who I drink with from time to time is a conservative but not super extreme like my new in-law's. He even told me that if Trump was still President he would totally support Trump bombing the whole nation over this. Regardless of the fact that doing so would create a humanitarian crisis beyond belief. But it's relieving that my neighbor is sane enough to tell me he wouldn't vote for Trump ever again even if he does decide to run for President again. All and all, I doubt this is going to effect Biden's ability to continue governing the country.


    I'm all for GTFO, what I am suggesting is that Trump would have been able to get people out in an orderly fashion as well as securing the assets we left behind.


    Since no one respects or fears the senile old coot in our Whitehouse, they moved in knowing that they would not be engaged.



    (You have to skip to 23:19 to see the interview)


    "The Taliban, good fighters I will tell, you, good fighters. You have to give them credit for that. They've been fighting for a thousand years; what they do is they fight,"


    "The Taliban has circled the airport, and who knows if they're going to treat us right? All of a sudden, they'll say — well, frankly, if they were smart, they'd really — and they are smart, they are smart. They should let the Americans out,"


    This is what Trump said to Hannity in an August 17th interview. Granted I could have just said this was an interview on Hannity and anyone could tell who I was quoting simply by reading the unintelligible incoherent quoted statement above.


    Now I don't know what your idea of what a "senile old coot" is but Trump's own words not only make him look senile but also completely ignorant. There is a difference between someone showing strength and just simply being arrogant as well. Right now no one fears Trump other then the GOP who suck up to his lies. In fact over a large majority of international leaders around the world knew how much of a schmuck Trump was when he held office and would play at his ego by throwing him fancy parades and parties because they knew they could take advantage of him by doing this. This is no different when it came to Trump negotiating a deal with Taliban. Even before Biden was inaugurated into office, the Taliban technically already broke their own agreement by keeping close ties with al Qaeda. Yet Trump did nothing. Hard for anyone to assume the Taliban would have ever respected Trump and I would suspect given these facts Trump wouldn't have done any better when it finally came down to a complete withdraw from Afghanistan. But we will never know, because thankfully Trump isn't President!


    For the Record, "Thousand years!!!" Obviously Trump is senile enough to make such an over calculation of how long the Taliban has actually been around. Maybe this sudden surge of attacks on Biden's age I been seeing the last few weeks on multiple conservative platforms is actually a deflection from Trump supporters. Because it's obvious who the real senile person is and it's far from being Biden. All you have to do is listen to anything that comes out of Trump's mouth now a days and you can tell his days are coming to a quick end where eventually you will need a code decipher just to understand anything he says to make it even coherent.


    I'm all for GTFO, what I am suggesting is that Trump would have been able to get people out in an orderly fashion as well as securing the assets we left behind.


    If Trump had a good record of doing things in an orderly fashion he would probably still be President which he is not. Trump is far from being orderly. This exactly why he is no longer President and why the American people elected Biden. But thankyou again for such a good laugh.


    Might remind you what you previously said in an earlier post... "Trumps nature of being unpredictable".



    The Taliban see weakness and exploit it. Things would have turned out differently with a leader in the Whitehouse.

    What could have been different with another President in office? If you can't answer this then I don't think you really thought this out much.

    Trumps nature of being unpredictable and willing to use MOAB, the most powerful non nuclear weapon we have have, at the minimum would have allowed for an orderly exit. The wolves come when they sense weakness.



    You do realize by throwing bombs on Afghanistan would essentially bring us to fighting another war. This is such a ridiculous thing to ever conceive of doing and would worsen things in Afghanistan. You would have a humanitarian crisis way beyond what Biden has done. The moment Trump made any Agreement with the Taliban without even giving the Afghan government any say was basically signaling for the country to eventually be over thrown.


    Essentially by your reply you don't even care about Afghanistan. Anyone suggesting to just bomb it makes me wonder why they even care what Biden has done there.


    The Taliban see weakness and exploit it. Things would have turned out differently with a leader in the Whitehouse.


    What could have been different with another President in office? If you can't answer this then I don't think you really thought this out much.


    The real issue why Biden is being blamed now is because the Trump administration left Biden a no-win situation. Biden simply followed up on the agreement Trump left behind for the next administration. If Biden didn't follow up on the agreement that Trump made with the Taliban we most likely would have started another war. Biden had made the calculated decision to uphold Trump's agreement with the Taliban knowing full well that this would hit him politically and possibly made out to be the fall guy.


    If Trump was still in office he most likely wouldn't have done much better because he would have had to break his own deal that he made in order to prevent the Taliban from taking over and then yet again be in another war. It was foolish for Trump to ever negotiate anything with the Taliban without having the actual Afghan government have any say in the matter.


    No Administration could have prevented what is happening now without breaking the deal Trump initially made with the Taliban. If you think I am wrong, I dare you to try to make a good enough argument to convivence me otherwise.


    My argument was strictly military and you have not refuted it's premise. A commander is responsible for the welfare and conduct of his men, that military truism goes back to the Peloponnesian Wars. Biden is our C*&C , he gets to take credit for well performed military missions as well as take responsibility for cluster f**ks.



    With this type of logic you will be perpetually blaming every President who inherits the problems created by their predecessors. Simply to write this off as if Biden is to be solely blamed for Afghanistan is a very short sighted way of thinking. Maybe Biden does get the credit but it certainly isn't his fault alone.

  20. Appears that the Republicans quietly removed from I believe the RNC website (it may have been another republican site I'm not 100% on that part) about the glorious and wonderful peace Trump brokered with the Taliban. The peace that allowed us to leave and they pinky swore they would be good boys after we left. You know, the same negotiations that we did not invite the actual Afgan government that we were propping up......


    It was the RNC here you can see from the waybackmachine how the RNC has decided to whitewashi history this weekend.




    When you actually try to access the page they suddenly removed over the weekend it takes you straight to this...




    This is just another example of how the GOP is trying to whitewash history beyond what has happened on January 6th. I come to the conclusion that I will never vote Republican again even locally because it's hard to trust a pollical party that conveniently makes up lies, tries obvious attempts to whitewash history and spreads misinformation even about a serious pandemic. The GOP even locally where I live is just as dangerous as Trump himself trying to govern my state.

  21. Just watched Biden's Afghan speech.


    He basically called Obama a coward and liar keeping us in Afghanistan.


    Worst President in 100 years.


    This comment made me laugh out loud while I was reading this at my desk at work... thanks for the good laugh.


    How convenient to just paint Obama the worst president in 100 years over a miscalculation that's been at the heart of our nation for over 20 years. Every predecessor that's held the office Since we been in this 20 year never ending war has failed to tell us the truth. If we want to be honest where the blame is held you can Blame Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden.


    The Bush administration hold the most blame for starting this war while continuing to deceive the public about the truth of what was really happening in Afghanistan.


    Obama is to blame for perpetually misleading the public about what was really going on in Afghanistan.


    Trump is to blame for the continued deception of what was really going on in Afghanistan as well as even negotiating with the Taliban with out the Afghan's having a say to the agreement we made with the Taliban to make a full withdrawal of our military.


    Now Biden is to blame for the disastrous withdraw which was simply upholding the deal Trump made with the Taliban in the 1st place.


    Seriously, Obama is the least out of the four administrations to be pointing any fingers at. But I guess it's convenient to just simply baselessly call Obama the worst president in 100 years if it helps you sleep better because OMG under his administration the Afghanistan lie perpetuated...


    This type of debate is so old. The problem is no matter what rational or irrational data is thrown at anyone, it never changes anyone's opinion about what they believe. No one is going to be able to prove anyone right or wrong on this topic because it always ends up the same. You either believe the science or you don't. In most cases even if someone makes a compelling enough argument there never been an instance that I have ever witness where someone comes forward and says, " Wow you are so right. I have always been so wrong this entire time!"


    If man drops 100 nuclear bombs in one concentrated area I doubt anyone going to deny that anything has changed around it. It's my strong opinion that Man is the major contributor to escalating climate change because it's obvious we are capable of such a thing. Now that said Climate is always changing with or without mans help, but it's my firm belief that we are the major contributor to it's escalation and can be to the point of making this planet completely inhabitable either by slowly poisoning the planet or simply just dropping a big enough bomb on it.

    That would be "uninhabitable". :smile: And yes, we are our own worst enemy. (best enemy? But, that's another debate.) So long as there is money to be made, folks are going to go right on doing what they are doing. The climate is going to continue to change, pretty much regardless of anything we do now..... we might slow the pace a tiny bit, but, that's about all. We can adapt, or, we can die. The problem with adapting is, it's expensive, and folks don't wanna spend the money. Of course, these are the very same folks that will be crying in their beer, whining "why didn't someone tell us it was going to be like this?" We've seen exactly this behavior before, and still, nothing changes.


    We are going to be the death of ourselves, just as you say. At the very least, I see a drastic reduction in population coming.......



    You are right I meant to say "uninhabitable".


    The thing about adapting now is sad because we were warned over and over and over again. I think the turning point where something could have been done to make a significate difference was either back before 2010 or earlier. I forget exactly the time frame but seems it's not important now. Not to point the finger but a lot of the reasons why we are forced to now adapt is based on a certain political ideology. The same ideology which has put officials in power ignoring these things based on their own beliefs. A Political power that has ignored the science, deregulated corporal policing, and given the very same corporations big enough tax breaks to further pollute the environment while filling their own personal coffers.


    Now this same political ideology is on a mission to whitewash history and completely deny any facts that don't follow their narrative while also perpetually spreading misinformation. If we keep empowering such people in political office, climate change will be the least of our worries when we can't even over come a serious pandemic because people refuse to believe the science behind getting vaccinated or following mandates to reduce it's spread. The United states has become a nation of misinformed idiots. Forget about a political uprising or some civil war to be the death of our nation, we could simply be undone due to everyone just dying because of a deadly virus that could have been easily contained and stopped.

  23. This type of debate is so old. The problem is no matter what rational or irrational data is thrown at anyone, it never changes anyone's opinion about what they believe. No one is going to be able to prove anyone right or wrong on this topic because it always ends up the same. You either believe the science or you don't. In most cases even if someone makes a compelling enough argument there never been an instance that I have ever witness where someone comes forward and says, " Wow you are so right. I have always been so wrong this entire time!"


    If man drops 100 nuclear bombs in one concentrated area I doubt anyone going to deny that anything has changed around it. It's my strong opinion that Man is the major contributor to escalating climate change because it's obvious we are capable of such a thing. Now that said Climate is always changing with or without mans help, but it's my firm belief that we are the major contributor to it's escalation and can be to the point of making this planet completely inhabitable either by slowly poisoning the planet or simply just dropping a big enough bomb on it.

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