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Everything posted by colourwheel

  1. Anyways... getting back to the thread topic... In regards to Reince Priebus, the controversy about the Hillary Clinton mini series being produced by Fox TV studios and why the GOP is not threatening to boycott FoxNews over it. Seems his defence in his own mind claiming to not care who produces the mini series over who is actually distributing the product... As if that makes any sense at all... But it seems the truth came out on Sean Hannity's show on FoxNews. When speaking to Sean Hannity, Priebus had explained that he had threatened to blackball CNN and MSNBC in an attempt to "control the referees." "I think it’s just about time that our party stands up and protects the party and our candidates from networks that are not in the business of promoting our party," Priebus said. "They’re not in the business of promoting our candidates. They’re not in the business of doing anything but promoting the Democratic party, and I’m not gonna sit around and watch this happen anymore." This goes back to the point Priebus is just trying to avoid critical coverage and questioning from networks who might put the candidates in difficult situation in a debate. It's like I thought before, the GOP would rather have their candidates in a safe and friendly environment to avoid early embarrassment for their potential nominees using the threat to boycott CNN and NBC over a documentary and a Fox TV studio mini series project which neither have been even made yet.
  2. Here is where conservatives get duped by buying in on just "faith" what they hear from right wing media being told the Deficit is some how completely out of control and outrageously growing under the Obama administration. For one thing the debt and the deficit are two different things and most people who hear about either will think they are the same thing which they are not. It's very shocking why I keep hearing from people who support republicans in office claim the deficit is a huge problem when it is obviously not even anything to worry about even looking directly at the raw numbers and data. http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2013/02/27/the-best-kept-secret-in-american-politics-federal-budget-deficits-are-actually-shrinking/ "Over the first four years of the Obama presidency, the deficit shrunk by a total of $300 billion dollars. That is not the national debt- it is the amount of money we spend each year relative to the amount we take in. And while this improving deficit picture is not what those who believe in a balanced budget would be looking for, it is a shrinking deficit just the same." “Compared to the size of the economy, the deficit in 2013 is much lower than in 2009, when Obama took office. The deficit will be 5.3 percent of gross domestic product this year, nearly half the 10.1 percent of GDP in 2009.” http://blogs-images.forbes.com/rickungar/files/2012/11/MW-AR658_spendi_20120521163312_ME11.jpg "It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic scratch his head in confusion." Obama is actually the smallest government spender since Eisenhower... But it seems to just sound great to claim Obama is some how a big spender and making a deficit out to be some huge problem under his administration to rally conservative support showing no real evidence to back this claim up. Conservatives would rather keep their constituency confused and in the dark duping them with anything to make Obama look bad even when things are completely false and easy to research themselves... I hate to say this HeyYou, but you have been totally duped by the Republican party on the Deficit.
  3. For some reason it would seem political allegiance "Trumps" (no pun intended) ideology when it comes to questioning eligibility for presidency. It's a known fact the "birther movement" is a part of the fringe of conservative ideology. There was a huge outrage when Obama was elected to his 1st term in office to discredit his legitimacy as president with the "birth" of the "birther movement" trying to claim Obama was not even a citizen of the United States. Birthers have been even to this day fixated on the idea Obama was born in Kenya when it has been beyond proven Obama was born in Hawaii, which Hawaii is a part of the United state. Also looking back at Obama's parrents Obama's father was born in Kenya while his mother was born in the United States. And his family history is irrelevant considering just being born in America already legally qualifies him to be eligible to run for president. Now when you look at someone like Ted Cruz who was born in Canada, Some reason the Birther movement doesn't seem to be all over his case in outrage.... Even when Jonathan Karl interviewed Donald Trump(a leading voice of the birther movement) on abc, Trump side-stepped questioning of Ted Cruz's eligibility to run for presidency even after being informed Cruz was born in Canada. When Trump was asked the question about it he responded "Well, if he was born in Canada, perhaps not, but I'm not sure where he was born," Jonathan Karl informed Trump that Cruz was definitely born in Canada, the billionaire replied: "Well, then you'll have to ask him that question, but perhaps not." Trump said he believes any controversy about Cruz will be "ironed out." Even though Cruz's mother was an American, making Ted Cruz an American citizen, it makes one question what the whole birther movement is "really" about since Obama's mother was an American too.... Trump has long been on the record blasting President Obama for failing to produce a birth certificate, claiming he may not have been born in Hawaii, as well as demanding unnecessary documentation, also even demanding his education records... So my questions are "where is the birther outrage on Ted Cruz running for president?" or does political allegiance really "Trump" ideology for birthers when it comes to eligibility for presidency?
  4. :thumbsup: Here is one... http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02456/obama-inauguration_2456833b.jpg I can see you already disagreeing with me on this but looking at the social and fiscal policies Obama stands for he has the best interests of "THIS" country at heart in my opinion.
  5. No one is claiming Obamacare is "perfect" Yet the republicans have no intention to even try to make Obamacare a better program. All they want to do is get rid of it with nothing to replace it. No one is disagreeing with you on the jobs thing either. Just the Republicans control the house and they have basically done nothing but waste time trying to repealing Obamacare, defund popular government programs, and force cut the deficit when the deficit isn't even a real problem. I have said it frequently, if jobs is the "real" issue you only need to point at congress for not getting anything accomplished.
  6. It's surprising how hypocritical Republicans can be sometimes even when they are elected officials even when it comes to social issues. One example is Congressman Scott DesJarlais who campaigned as an anti-abortion, pro-family candidate. When he was a practicing doctor he had multiple affairs with co-workers and patients and pushed his patients and mistress to get abortions and agreed that his wife should have two when he was still married. It would seem to me social conservatives live up to their own ideology only until it effects them personally.
  7. I would like to point out that American political parties and UK political parties in my opinion are not equivalent even if they may share similar ideologies. The republican party in American politics is unwilling to move closer to the center of the political spectrum even when a majority of their leaders know it will be the GOPs undoing with the current changing demographic climate of the nation. The Republican leaders know their party is doomed if they keep moving farther to the right because it only appeals to a declining and dying demographic. The huge problem is the Party doesn't know what to do about this other than trying to shrink the electorit by passing unnecessary voter ID laws, limiting the amount of early voting, and over all just trying to make voting more difficult for those who would normally vote Democratic while at the same time disenfranchising voters who might even possibly be voting Republican. Not to mention relying on outrageous gerrymandered districts which on behalf of the Republican Tea party caucus have put people in political power who seem are only in office for the sole purpose to obstructing legislation and government or fear of being primaried by the very same caucus that put them in power with out any political opposition during an election season. In my opinion the GOP could still grow their voting base without losing too much support they already have if they could get behind some of these social issues... 1) Gay marriage 2) immigration reform 3) legalization of marijuana The GOP has pretty much failed so far on 1 and 2 and very highly doubtful they would be in support for number 3. The GOP leader threatening to cut CNN and NBC from primary debates is also not a good thing for their party as a whole. If it comes down to the GOPs potential candidates to only be debating on FoxNews (the right wing media machine), there is a very high chance they might end up nominating a candidate that will be too radically in the fringe for the national spotlight no matter how they try to dupe the public into thinking they are not. which if this happens the supporters will just be dumping money into a campaign probably even worse than the Romney Ryan ticket of 2012 making Karl Rove look like a champion of campaign spending for the GOP in comparison.
  8. As much as some of the things you have posted make some sense, I would have to totally disagree with you on the immigration thing. Unless you can prove democrats control the federal government because of illegal immigration this statement is complete fantasy. The exit polls have been reviewed after the last election and a majority of the nation (legal citizens) have re-elected Obama in both a majority of the electoral votes and popular votes. No amount of Illegal immigrants could possible end up electing a president without someone noticing something was fishy and only about 3.7 percent of the U.S.’s current population is made up undocumented immigrants. I can understand if you might think all political trends are moving steadily conservative but this doesn't seem to be the case when democrats are slowly gaining control on all levels of federal government.
  9. Then you should be intelligent enough to know how to separate the opinions from the facts and not be so discouraged by how a news casters or reporter reports the facts regardless of how they inject opinions into their reporting.
  10. Not sure what media outlets you watch but actual news is reported on facts, just because a reporter injects opinions in their reporting doesn't discredit the facts or the reports they make. Without a human opinion in reporting we might as well just be reading raw data on spreadsheets.
  11. This is just an opinion. There is no evidence even suggesting that the healthcare law will be a failure. It's a simple fact the GOP and the TEA party have given us nothing... not to mention no plan to even replace, repair, or improve Obamacare. If you really think they could have achieved something great, makes me wonder what possibly could have been done different in your mind that would have gotten even the slightest Republican support the last 4 years...
  12. So let me get this straight if a Republican is "ever" elected again to the presidency, you would be then voting a straight Democratic ticket in the next election cycle? Some how I don't see this being very sincere political logic. If you ask me I think you are in a bit of political denial where you try to make up reasoning to justify your support of your party. Frankly I would feel a bit embarrassed too if the political party I supported was doing and demanding such ridiculous things like threatening to cut television networks from primary debates over what they broadcast to threatening to shutdown the government over a healthcare law that would most likely go into effect regardless if the shutdown was successful. I would think the most effective use of your vote would be to vote for people regardless of political affiliation who would do good for the country as a whole. At this point I personally wouldn't have a problem of either party having total control of all government branches as long as they are not trying to run the country into the ground. If you look at what the republicans in power are currently doing you only need to ask what has been accomplished through legislation, basically nothing good. If even remotely half of the nation felt the way you do about how politics should be it would seem America will be in a perpetual state of political grid lock till one party becomes too extreme for anyone to handle. For the record the republican party seems to be heading in this direction at a fast pace as the years go by. I really don't see the republican party lasting very long if they keep insisting their party to keep moving further to the right of the political spectrum that only seems to be appealing to a base that has a stunted demographic growth.
  13. Since Obama took office conservatives still shout and scream "I want my country back!" as if the country belongs to them exclusively. If you ask me "I want my country back too!" as me being an American citizen I have every right just as much as anyone to have a country that can actually function regardless if the political opposition is in power of government. A majority of the nation would talk about how much they hated the political grid lock on capital hill during the 2012 election cycle only to realize a majority of the congressmen who they ended up electing back into office are causing even more. The GOP is basically controlled by the tea party where as their only one united goal as the Republican party as a whole was to get rid of Obamacare since they can't make it their goal anymore to make Obama a one term president. The problem now is the republican party stands for nothing but obstruction of government when the federal government is in control by the democratic party and it doesn't seem like this will ever change. It sometimes makes me wonder if Republicans would actually be happy "if" the modern GOP could ever take back total control of the federal government again as well as total control of all state governments and what kind of wet dream conservative utopia the country would become. My guess would be abortion and homosexuality would 1st become outlawed, immigration would come to a standing halt in the country, as well as mass tax cuts for the rich and all states would be funded by high sales taxes, mass corporate deregulation, multiple wars in all regions of the world, and Santa Claus would become the nations new mascot. /sarcasm... If you ask me I doubt there would be any complaints from the tea party constituency if the "Affordable care act" was named after a Republican president. Maybe It would have been a good political move for Obama to have just named the affordable care act after the Koch brothers instead of himself... /sarcasm...
  14. Also I would like to add that it would be beyond hypocritical for the Republican National Committee to not also denounce partnering with FoxNews in the 2016 primary debates nor sanction them as sponsors just based on the fact the Hillary Clinton Mini series is being produced by Fox TV Studios. Ironic there is no mention what so ever about demanding Fox TV Studios to shelve their plans for the production of the Hillary Clinton Mini series as well... In my opinion the republican party is becoming like a crazy and senile old man suffering from altimeters disease making unrealistic demands for personal satisfaction more and more as the years go by when the federal government is under Democratic control. An old man who refuses to even be treated for his own disease or give anything a chance or change to even help his own well being based on personal belief and ideology. My personal perception is the fact the GOP is unwilling to adapt too or accept any change to anything when it's inevitable the conditions of our country strongly suggest without a doubt there can be no way to reverse history to make the country like it's the 1950's again. The GOP has gone beyond the point where even moderates are unwilling to support their causes and will start to lose their base if they even remotely move an inch back to the center of the political spectrum. I apologize to those who find me deeply critical about the Republican party who may find themselves affiliated to either the party or their ideology itself. But if anyone is to blame for how the nation and the world view The modern GOP in such a negative way they only need to look at themselves in a mirror and point at their own reflection. If the GOP really wishes to trap themselves in a political bubble again the republican party has more things to worry about other than just indefinitely losing TV network sponsorships. The GOP could just slowly disappear from the mainstream completely...
  15. @Tidus44 Even though a number of key Republicans have withdrawn their support to shut down the government over Obamacare, Republican congressman have returned to their districts to face their Tea Party constituencies at town hall meetings only to be flanked by the demands to have the law repealed no matter what. Even demanding to those same republicans who know the Idea is not only a bad idea but a pointless cause... Tea Party supporters would rather have congress take the government hostage and then shoot it in the head if their demands are not met just to show the country they stand up for "conservative values" even at the expense of destroying the country and the survival of the GOP as a major national political party. In my opinion The Tea Party will be the true demise of the Republican party if Congress does shutdown the government over healthcare....
  16. The GOP seems to wish to put their party back in a political bubble yet again.... "The head of the Republican Party threatened Monday to cut out CNN and NBC from the GOP presidential primary debates if the networks do not shelve their plans to air lengthy features on Hillary Clinton -- who is widely expected to be a Democratic candidate in the 2016 election. " In a written statement, Priebus said if the networks don't meet his demands, he will seek a "binding vote" at the upcoming Aug. 14 RNC meeting declaring that the party "will neither partner with these networks in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates they sponsor." The funny thing about this is that NBC news and NBC entertainment have nothing to do with each other when it comes to the Hillary Clinton Mini series. Not to mention the Mini series scheduled to be aired on NBC will be produced by Fox TV Studios which is closer related to FoxNews than MSNBC or NBC. CNN defended its planned documentary in a written statement... "This documentary will be a non-fiction look at the life of a former First Lady and Secretary of State. Instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more," the statement said. "Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters." If you ask me this is just an excuse Priebus is making to avoid critical coverage and questioning for the GOP Primary Debates and putting their candidates in a safe and friendly environment to avoid early embarrassment for their potential nominees. This early Fear and Loathing of Hillary Clinton can't be a good sign for the GOP when Hillary herself has yet to even publically announce if she is even running for presidency....
  17. Everyone has their own opinion on what a jobs bill is. But the ultimate point of a "jobs bill" is a bill to preserve and/or create jobs and job growth. Honestly this is just Ideology talk. There is no proof or disproof as for "the best thing" governments can do to create jobs is to get out of the way. I can talk Ideology too... "I personally believe regulation and taxation are very important when it comes to big corporations. If Government doesn't regulate how or what businesses can do or get away with, inevitably a corporation will have more power than the government itself just based on funds. Corporations will monopolize over everything and anything, they will not only buy out competitors but politicians and military personnel as well as police without any regulations if there is profit to be made. Without regulation a corporation would take human feces and reprocess it with artificial flavoring and sell it back to the public as diet food without any competition if they knew they could make a profit from it. Without regulation corporations would sell Toxic goo as play putty on the toy market for our children If they knew they could profit from it enough to get away with doing so. Deregulation promotes privatized business corruption in a world that revolves around money. Without regulation and taxation a corporation could just take over a government completely. " But lets not let this topic become derailed. The fact is the republican party is threatening to shutting down the government over Obamacare. Which repealing this law doesn't solve creating jobs anyways.
  18. @HeyYou You do realize Republicans do not have any healthcare plan at all to replace Obamacare if they do indeed "manage" to ever repeal it. I Guess I don't understand why you think it's a good idea to deny over 30 million americans healthcare. If the bigger problem is Jobs then you should be pointing the finger at congress to start actually passing job bills instead of being bent wasting time trying to repeal Obamacare.
  19. I think comparing Obamacare to prohibition is not really a good example, for one thing there is no empirical data or evidence that shows Obamacare "doesn't work". Granted "maybe" Obamacare might not work but Republicans Don't even want to give the program a chance to shine or try to even improve on it. It seems the basic message that echos from republican party these days is abolish everything and anything that is "not prefect" from Obamacare to the IRS instead of improving or trying to fix. Please show me where he said anything of the sort. poisoning the well or placing words in others mouths doesn't construct a case, it lessens it! You are reading into this statement too much. I was not putting words in anyones mouth. I was simply commenting on the premise of people being under or unemployed on why they do not have healthcare. Maybe you should go read up on it then. Who knows you might actually like Obamacare. I totally agree with you Tidus44. This threat to shutdown the government over Obamacare is totally political. The republican party is scared Obamacare will become just as popular as medicare and the republican party will go down in history trying to obstruct its progress.
  20. @HeyYou It really doesn't matter if one thinks it's wrong or right, Obamacare is "Law" upheld by the supreme court and it is fixing a problem that does really exist. When Millions of Americans are getting afford healthcare that couldn't before whether you believe they deserve it or not is a big step in making our country a better place. Granted I will agree with you Congress needs to pass job bills but look at what they have been wasting their time doing the last 3 quarters does not reflect any progress to anything. Threatening to shut down the government over healthcare reform is not a good idea for any political party.
  21. Basically what Lisnpuppy and Tidus44 say. "The closure of non-essential offices of the government due to lack of approval on the government programs budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Approval is reached if Congress passes all of the spending bills regarding the federal budget. If an agreement is not achieved, a government shutdown will close many federally run operations, and halt work for federal employees unless they are considered essential. Some organizations still stay open by running on cash reserves, but once these run out, if a solution is not found, they will also close. The shutdown stays in effect until a compromise is reached and a budget bill is passed."
  22. Recently after the 40th time Congress tried to repeal Obamacare (the affordable care act), they decided they all deserve a 5 week summer recess. Not to mention the fact that the repeal was unsuccessful yet again and congress for almost a full year has accomplished nothing in policies for jobs. Despite if you feel Obamacare is unconstitutional, unpopular, or you just don't like it, etc... It is "Law"! I can understand the GOP thinks it as good politics to keep wanting to either defund or totally dismantle the affordable care act, but realistically it is not going to go away any time soon. As of This coming October, Obamacare will be in full effect across the nation and I think the GOP is worried that it will become too popular after people realize they love it. Already in places across the nation like New York where people want Obamacare to be successful the program seems to flourish and insurance premiums on the individual market are declining fast saving people money while still providing good quality healthcare. this perfectly illustrates why Obamacare is good for the nation. And it also illustrates why conservatives should be terrified about this legislation, as it takes effect this October since the day Obamacare was made into law they kept trying to repeal it. Which Brings me back to the point of the topic. Right now The republican party is very divided in threatening to shut down the government over Obamacare! Yes that is right, the threat to shut down the government again. Seems to me this is the last stand the GOP has over trying to eliminate the affordable care act. The GOP has wasted their time trying to repeal/defund Obamacare over 40 times without even trying to make the program better. If you ask me this seems like a completely desperate and ludicrous move that will damage the GOP for years if they actually shut down the government over a healthcare law.
  23. @TRoaches Believe what you want I am tired arguing with you yet again. You keep over looking my points and continue to quote me completely out of context, continuing to make misleading points as a rebuttal to simple explanations. You will see once the 2014 election exit polls come out and see the exact demographic makeup. No joke the Republican party is dying slowly in my opinion.
  24. What is this larger paranoid issue that goes beyond controlling immigration when It is always Republican trying to slide in increased boarder security for "immigration reform" legislation? Also any polling can lean towards or against something depending on how the questions are asked. I could just as easily go try to find polling that indicates that the majority of legal immigrants do not oppose existing illegal immigrants and grant them amnesty who have already lived in the country since they were small children by no fault of their own. Maybe you should do a bit more research on the law and I will help you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_Against_Women_Act I have to disagree with you despite your "source", Pay equity is a big deal to anyone. Say If men statistically work less overtime and were more likely to pursue degrees and careers that are less lucrative but more personally satisfying, and are less likely to perform work that is hazardous or laborious I am sure men would feel denigrated too if they were not being paid equally to women for doing the same jobs. The difference is the Federal government isn't forcing men to have unnecessary procedures (aka forced ultrasounds) just to take a pill or passing legislation telling what men can and can't do with their own body. I will admit Obama care isn't perfect but I don't see the Republican party trying to find anything better or improve on it. Seems the political philosophy for the republicans is if something is implemented by democrats that isn't perfect instead of trying to help fix or improve something they just want to abolish it leaving in placement nothing. If Republicans can find something better to replace Obama care then I am totally open minded to it. If not they really should stop wasting their time trying to repeal Obama care over 37 times.... Your missing the bigger point here that Republican won't even make or pass any new legislation for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps. Which was why the Farm bill use to be a bipartisan piece of legislation which has turned into a completely partisan dead bill that Obama won't even sign now. Where did this happen? Ironically, this happened in Texas as well as other Swing states across the nation in which Republican legislatures and Republican governors controlled the state last election. The best example was Florida, though. Should a person be allowed to vote more than once? If not, how do you propose that they be stopped from doing so? I'm not really sure where I stand as far as voter ID laws are concerned, but at least in theory it seems like it could be a good idea. That does not mean that I would support just any voter ID law, as such a law could certainly be poorly constructed or even detrimental to democracy, but it could also be a good way to avoid election fraud especially given the recent adoption of electronic voting machines, which I consider to be a terrible threat to our democracy. Voter ID laws would makes sense if there was actual need of it where fraud was a huge problem. But Voter Fraud isn't a huge problem as far as election results, it is almost non-existent. By creating voter ID laws and eliminating same day registration just to stop a hand full of people to committing fraud is disproportionately disenfranchising a larger number of people from voting. How convenient It mainly effect a huge majority of minorities voters from voting.
  25. Republicans in power try to avoid dealing with comprehensive immigration reform by demanding to increase boarder security from Mexico. That really gives the Hispanic and Latino Americans a warm feeling of welcome in America. Also think If you lived in another country illegally at no fault of your own because you were brought there as a child and have known no other place to live in memory. Think it's really just for the government to expect you to leave? Curbing illegal immigration or not by demanding for deportation for these people who have lived here pretty much their entire lives and not grant them legalization or citizenship is cruel and doesn't settle well with people of the same ethnicity who are legal citizens. Well I can name a few things but i'll just list these... The violence against womens act, pay equity, and forced ultrasounds. The government has no right to tell a women what they can and can't do with their own bodies local or federally. also Legislation to restrict abortion rights only makes it harder and more dangerous for women to access healthcare services across the nation in legal need when ultimately the legislation being pushed from state to state controlled by the republican legislature are closing down almost all healthcare centers for women to legally get abortions. Recently Republicans in congress just passed a farm bill that addresses nothing about funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps. Whether you believe if people are receiving welfare or not who should not qualify in comparison to people truly in need, it is ultimately still an attack on the poorest people of our nation. Last election was a great example making people wait in lines for hours on end limiting the amount of time people had to vote as well as adding more restrictions such as voter ID laws. Making it more difficult for people to vote in itself is an effort to shrink the electorate. It is also historically know fact the Republican party has always wanted less people voting where a smaller amount of the nations population decides who is in charge of it. I don't need a history lesson about what the republican party has done decades to a century ago. Things never stay the same. Just like how people can change over time the Republican party has changed too and not in a good way. The Republican party use to be the party fighting for repression but if you look at the modern Republican party it is evident they have been fighting against the repressed. Since the Republican party lost the white house to Obama every election after that the republican party has been in a constant cycle of "re-branding" trying to sell the same social and fiscal policies just re-packaged in a shiny new box since the end of the Reagan administration. The republican party has not brought out any new good ideas that have been put to practical use in decades. And any good ideas that were originally thought up by republican politicians in the recent decades have been adopted by the modern Democratic party and instantly rejected by the Modern Republican party.
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