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About Tkohr

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  1. Animation Motion Revolution at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  2. Do not install the complete wrapper folder, always and only copy d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll in main Skyrim folder, because the other files in wrapper folder can lead to problems when you install a premade ENB. Make sure you have the right SKSE for your game version, for ENB helper plus you need Address Library ! make sure you have installed the right version for your game !
  3. I think you have build a none physic body in bodyslide, choose CBBE physic, or 3BBB when you build your body.
  4. Both have different landscapes , one is rendered on dirt, the other on grass, thats the reason why not both are rendered on same spot.
  5. You have SkyrimAE with all CC content and Unofficial Skyrim Patch, but you have not installed Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) , you must install both, or you will crash in some areas !
  6. Crash log says, there are object bounds, but reference is not there, that means you miss patches, you have 2 incompatible mods, a missing master, or there is a dirty mod with deletet references.
  7. Uninstall any LOD mod, like Terrain LOD redone, or perfect LOD, use xLODGen for your Landscapes, and TexGen and DynDOLOD for your Objects, make sure nothing is overwriting DynDOLOD rescourses, only overwrite with mods made for DyNDOLOD. Your screenshot looks like you have no proper made TexGen files, again, do not use any LOD mods with DyNDOLOD, make your own !
  8. Have you test Subsurface Scattering Shaders for Skins at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) ?
  9. Check if you are using the right body, 3BBB Body amazing, make your edits, save and click build. Than go to groups, choose group 3BBB and than click batch build. For hairs you must check all your mods, any mod that have NPC records can revert the changes from KSHair for all Vanilla NPC, Problem with hair replacer is they have facegen datas, and they need patching for mods, when you have a mod adding new NPC, they have vanilla hair without patching.
  10. Than check out with mod mapper Modmapper, which mod affects the area, and than sort out one by one. I cannot help you much with MO2, im on Vortex, but it is important to know how overwrite folders work in MO2, so take your time to learn how it works ;)
  11. Are you on MO2 ? Clear your Nemesis overwrite folder, make sure XP32 is uninstalled, not only disabled.
  12. Something is wrong with animation and skeleton file for creatures in your load order, there are no sync, that means game cannot load animation for specific skeleton or animation doesnt work with specific skeleton, do you have installed XP32 correctly, what is your load order for animations, any creature mods changing the skeleton and animation, are you using Nemesis.
  13. We realy need a one time billing option via paysavecard, i realy want back in premium status, but i cant, im living in germany, and i dont have paypal or creditcard, only 2 options for payment is nothing, and i hope this will be expanded.
  14. In response to post #67698841. #67722966, #67722991 are all replies on the same post. Makes no difference, Vortex works absolutly clean, you can install and uninstal without any problems or mess up your game, Profils working 100% and all the finetuning tools for overwriting, load orders and thousend things more makes Vortex easy to use, and a really great tool for ProModders.
  15. Vortex is the greates ModManager of all time, im currently modding 4 games and never had any problems, thank you so much to provide us this mighty tool.
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