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About cultofbyron

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  1. My preferred option is to break apart existing vanilla meshes to create something like Morrowind's modular tilesets for creating custom interiors and exteriors. Glad that it is possible and permitted to do this! I must admit I'm surprised that this hasn't already been done, unless I'm looking in the wrong places, which is entirely possible...! Chorrol and Cheydinhal would be first up methinks. I would like to make my own too, probably in a Breton style - like Mr Siika's Daggerfall and High Rock resources. Thanks for the replies!
  2. I'm interested in the possibility of creating architecture tilesets, similar to those found in Morrowind. The intention is for this to be a modder's resource, for the creation of more unique building interiors and exteriors that still fit in with what's already there. I don't think anything like this exists yet on the Nexus for Oblivion, certainly not that I can find anyway! However, I'm unsure of the "legality" of breaking apart meshes and sharing them on here, or would I have to make them from scratch, using the originals as a reference only? Many thanks for any feedback!
  3. I had a similar problem to this after running a LOD Gen, except the water close to me that intersected with land disappeared. I could still swim in it and see it when I was in it but I couldn't see the surface from the land. Changing all four of the reflections settings from 0 to 1 and ugridsload from 11 to 5 in the ini fixed it for me. Thanks Striker :thumbs:
  4. Hi thanks for your reply. No it's not from another mod, it's from the .esm - the region I am copying from is basically to the south east of Frostcrag Spire where several of the GreatForestSubRegions meet.
  5. Hey there, hoping someone can help. I'm trying to generate objects in a region by using the "Copy objects from other region" button. I am able to select the region I want (GreatForestSubRegion01), all the objects appear in the "Generated Objects" window, I click on "Generate Objects" and the CS appears to do something, but when I check the region in the Render Window, nothing has been placed. Also, as soon as I go on another tab in the Region window and go back to the objects tabs, all the objects have disappeared... Very strange. I've tried this with a 23x12 cell region (Falkreath hold) and a smaller region 12 cells total (Riverwood) so I know it's nothing to do with region size. Any help will be massively appreciated! :thumbs:
  6. Which town would you rather become Mayor of; Bowerstone or Oakvale, or another town from any of the Fable games? I'm fairly progressing with both Oakvale and Bowerstone but would consider switching to any of the other main towns from Fable if the demand warrants it; Brightwall, Knothole Glade, Brightlodge etc...
  7. So I'm having a few issues with one particularly stubborn bridge model that I'm attempting to use. https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5615/15307264110_3da5c4002f_o.png My process is: 1. Import model into 3ds Max 2009 using Gildor's ActorX importer script. 2. Correct textures. 3. Import collision mesh into 3ds Max using .x file importer. 4. Use nifprops to set collision, material to appropriate, mass to 0.0 (default 1000 causes 3ds to crash on export.) 5. Export whole scene as Oblivion .nif 6. Correct textures again in NifSkope, which defaults to my Morrowind textures folder every time for some reason. 7. Place in landscape in Construction Set. So far I've been able to convert it from a .pskx to a .nif so that it appears fine in game, yet for some reason it never has any collision. Other objects converted and placed in the landscape using the above process are fine; trees, walls, fences and gates. But this one bridge model fails to fulfil it's primary function and as a novice at all this I'm finding it hard to see why. I have been also encountering a game-killing freeze whenever I enter a cell with a large number of wall meshes with collision so I'm wondering whether my basic method for adding collision is flawed. - Edit 2: This was one of the town wall meshes causing Construction Set to crash - now fixed. Any help with this would be much appreciated! https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0r6i4ywz8p4sgz/BSBridgeAnnivC.nif?dl=0
  8. For those commenting that you can't export models and import them into Skyrim - I would like to direct you to this: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/Community/Developer/Rules As you can see, Fable is covered under the content usage agreement. As long as content isn't charged for and the agreement is cited in all instances, it looks like using content from Fable: TLC would be fine. I have been exporting models and converting them into Oblivion with some success. It is complicated and time consuming, but I am only a novice. Unfortunately Fable Explorer and Chocolate Box doesn't always export the models with all texture data intact, and the collision meshes need to be matched up manually, but other than that, it is possible. Might be better to stick with simple items like static objects and some furniture, but someone with more experience than me might fare better. All the best with the project!
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