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About somedudeissomedude

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  1. Dint know whether to post this here or technical issues but anyway yes man doesn't seem to exist in my game he is nowhere to be found in benny suite or in front of the tops.. i talked to swank got a key but i still have to manually unlock the door using a console command and there is a bathroom where yes man is supposed to be, thats it no hole in the wall,nothing, Benny escaped and ring a ding quest is done if thats helpful but i also tried reloading a save before i entered vegas for the first time same thing. Anyone having this problem ? any ideas for a solution ?
  2. As the title says no progression at all i just constantly have the sight and seduction powers and immunity to poison and disease no immunity to frost which is supposed to increase/decrease. I have skyrim with dawnguard and dragonborn only vampire mod is DVA which is how i even noticed this. Any ideas on fixing it ? Edit: i fixed it by simply feeding on someone lol
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