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Everything posted by KatzBJ

  1. So I have a face mesh/texture I've worked on for a bit before I decided to in-game test, problem is CK won't show anything. It's driving me nuts because it actually shows up perfectly fine in both Nifskope and Outfit Studio, and additionally I can get the texture (although it looks very saturated) to show up in CK only SOMETIMES in the preview window when I texture swap the normal ghoul mesh but never on the actual character. I have all my pathways set, double checked and compared it to the standard texture sets, but I just have no clue where to go from there. I'm assuming maybe it's just a lost cause since I'm not really sure if anyone has successfully used translucent textures on a face before, though I'm not ready to give up quite yet. I have the files uploaded to mediafire if anyone wanted to give it a test themselves or see how it's setup. Here is the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ryhnvp9vfdm4ojt/YashaALTtest.rar/file
  2. Ah I was hoping to follow this to solve my own issue with this (very good tutorial btw, many thanks!) but unfortunately I can't find the culprit. My .esp has nothing to do with NM at the moment but I gave it a shot in case I accidentally did something when I placed my character into a cell. Can't find any NM files, not sure if it has something to do with maybe the Chapel itself but this issue popped up long after I had placed him into the cell. Okay so in the middle of writing this I doubled checked the error and the code seems to be related to the head texture somehow. Not sure what exactly since I didn't change any of the textures recently. [EDIT] So apparently this actually has nothing to do with textures even though the warning was pointing toward it. What solved this for me was actually deleting the duplicated version of the CIS_RacialComments_Hancock scenes that I was trying to modify to fit my ghoul. Really goes to show, anyone who's making a companion, just do not duplicate the assets. You can refer to them but that's as far as you should go :laugh:
  3. Have you tried going into third person and disabling the specific instance of the effect thats on yourself? I'm assuming it might be a lot of trial and error because selecting something that over yourself is kind of touchy. But that's the only thing that worked for me when I kept having a waterfall effect pop out of my player home floor. Granted it took doing that about 4 or 5 times before the game really stopped spawning it there.
  4. Sorry I missed the topic of affinity but I haven't gotten quite that far yet. I'm planning on messing around with it myself so if no one has addressed this yet for you I'll be sure to pop by and let you know what i figure out :)
  5. When working with the companion system, from what I've seen/learned it's actually easier to start everything from scratch than to copy the base followers. There's a tutorial i found on it that got my companion working for me (sorry I'm on mobile I'm not sure how to embed): The base companion script is already modified for each companion which is why you're getting all the red text. Each of those items are already tied to the scenes set for said character. Unless you have made scenes and quest stages for your own companion it won't be able to autofill any of the categories. The video at least sets up commands and a dismissal that sends them home. Most everything else I personally have been learning from looking at base companion scripts. But as i said earlier, you don't want to outright copy over the information because it's just not going to work until you change everything it's connected to.
  6. ** Hello, this is actually my first time using this forum so I apologize if my formatting is off or something. ** I'm working on my first mod, which granted is a bit of a project for a first time. What I'm trying to do is change the standard ghoulrace face mesh to fit the character I'm creating where his teeth are exposed. I already combined the face and teeth mesh together, didn't do much else to them, so very minimal change other wise on the individual meshes. Problem is, there's not may tutorials I can find on working with Fallout 4 faces so I'm not really sure how to go about actually utilizing it (if that makes sense?). I've attached the .NIF and .OBJ as well as the .BGSM files into a RAR. I'm not too worried about the UV map at the moment, the texture is going to have to be refined anyway. What I'm just mixed up on how to get it setup to be ready for use with Creation Kit really. Also, maybe about removing lip transforms? I'm worried that if it actually works the "lips" would still move which would make the whole exposed teeth thing pointless (This is what I'm going for basically)
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