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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Thanks. I was aware of that. I am also reading that you can use XEdit to identify things, but there's nothing in the CK interface apparently that indicates it directly.
  2. Is there any way within the Creation Kit to tell what is and isn't part of a precombined mesh?
  3. Been trying to use Blender to change some models for various robot actors. Is there a guide on how to properly import and export their NIFs into and out of Blender so that their bones show up properly and don't get messed up?
  4. I am not exactly sure on how to get Blender to work properly with Nifs. Haven't had any luck with the guides and plugins.
  5. Are there any guides on how to create static meshes of NPCs for idle poses to be used in load screens? EDIT: Is there a written outline for the workflow pipeline?
  6. I deleted KLEO's entire object template, and she still loads just fine into the game with all her old meshes. Again, I have no other mods installed, and there is nothing overriding the changes. I even checked with Better Console. Somehow, the game is ignoring the changes made by any new esps for KLEO and KLEO alone.
  7. I modified the pathways of the original Object Mods, and they will correctly show up in the game. So the issue seems to be something with how I set up KLEO's template to use the new Object Mods. The thing is, I added new object mods to other NPCs, and they show up just fine. I don't think I did anything differently with KLEO. I think there is something different about the actor KLEO, and I can't pinpoint it.
  8. There are no other mods installed. The last esp that affects KLEO is mine.
  9. I have replaced some of the models for Assaultrons/KLEO. I didn't just replace the old meshes with new counterparts. I created a new path. Everything displays properly in the Creation Kit entries for the Actors and in the cells for specific references, but in-game, KLEO always uses the old models. I am baffled. Typing "recycleactor" has no effect either, so I don't think it's a save issue.
  10. I have done extensive testing and DLC03FarHarborS03 is broken by any kind of change to the main record. Adding the partial form record does not fix the issue. More baffling still, it would also seem that modifying vanilla subtitles often breaks Forced Greets in many cases. I have no idea how or why this happens, since I've never touched the forced greet packages. But I have no other mods installed, and I have worked with several people in private who also confirm this. The Unofficial Patch modifies many subtitles and as I recall it does not break any Forced Greets. Maybe Arthmoor and others know what the issue is?
  11. I think tagging the Record Headers of the affected Dialogue Topics with "partial form" did the trick. Thank you.
  12. I have encountered an issue wherein if I change even a single subtitle for the Quests DLC04MQ02 or DLC03FarHarborS03, the quest is broken. With DLC04MQ02, if I alter any subtitles at all, Gage will not speak to the Player at the FizzTop Grill. If I alter any subtitles for DLC03FarHarborS03, The Mariner will not speak to the residents of Far Harbor upon your return. Subtitles are the only things I've altered, and if I go into XEdit and delete the changes made to those quest, they revert to normal functionality. Any idea of what I'm missing?
  13. It seems to be an issue with formlists. I added the new voicetype to the appropriate formlists, but in various quests where those formlists are pulled from, the new voicetype is ignored for some reason. EDIT: Ah, the new voicetype had to be added to the Quest Data page.
  14. So I've made some changes to Nuka-World's Raiders, and now it seems that none of them will actually speak to the Player, if I try to initiate a conversation. Any advice on how to troubleshoot this? EDIT: Trying to run various tests, but it's hard to narrow the issue down.
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