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About crazysam10

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  1. So far I've tried disabling all mods but the one in question. That didn't fix the issue. I tried downloading the mod and put it over the files I had, but still no avail. I also tried deleting a script, then remaking it which also didn't work. At first I thoguht it was a DLC issue, but I'm missing things such as the Shotgun Shell from the list, and Harpoons are available to be made. Whatever I select to be made is what's made, so it stills seems to be pulling the correct data out.
  2. Bumping again because this issue is really stunting my ability to play the game and is putting me off updating the mod.
  3. I'm having some issues with a manufacturing machines that doesn't seem to be loading all the recipes for some reason. I've looked though the script on the machine, and the submenu and everything in place is there so it should be working. In-game even with the perks in place not all the recipes show up. I've ruled out mod conflict by trying a clean save with only that mod enabled. And some of the ammo effected is base game ammo. The ammos that do show up work fine and produce what they're meant to. Also, as far as I can tell, this issue is localised to just myself. I have the mod up on the Nexus, but no one has yet to report a similar issue.
  4. I wanted to ask if anyone had any news on DCMS. I learnt about a month or two ago it had gotten hidden due to it eventually breaking down and causing issues. Luckily I'd never had any of those issues so I hadn't checked on the page much until I saw someone mention it on the comments for another mod and I've since disabled it until it's fixed. But what I'd like to know is if anyone has any news on how this fix is going, or if there is anywhere to find out. Since it went down I was searching around for any information but all I could find was the reason why it was hidden and not any news on how the fix was going. I'm more than happy to wait for said fix, it's just a bit of a bugger being left in purgatory not knowing what's happening with the mod at the moment. So if anyone does have some information on it, it would be grand, if not then I'll just have to go back to waiting and checking the page every other day.
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16598/? And here it is.
  6. After hitting CK with a hammer and clicking random things I have managed to figure out how to do it myself. I'll be getting it set up for the Institute (since I was testing with BoS) and then uploading it to the Nexus.
  7. Not what I'm looking for. This is a cheat mod. I want a mod where you have to still progress in the game in order to unlock it so that it is still lore friendly. Edit: Also, this mod just adds a console command to speed up adding 2. Something I could already do without a mod.
  8. I was hoping someone could set it up so the quests that involve destroying the Railroad as either BoS or Institute unlock the ballstic weave. Lore wise this could be stated you found the schematics during the assault as they had found them without the players help. I've doing this myself, but scripting is not my forte and I was getting script errors. In the DialogueRailroad "quest" there is a stage with the following bits of phrase: ; Set up global variables pRailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone.SetValue(0) pRailroadClothingArmorModAvailable.SetValue(1) I figure these could be added somehow to the BoS and Institute quest stages to activate these parameters.
  9. As I was getting errors in my original post I've attached the menu I was describing here. As seen it just lists the materials you need, but doesn't list off what you currently have or don't have.
  10. I would like it if someone could make a mod to improve on the new Automaton needed materials pop-up. As of right now if you're lacking the materials it'll pop-up saying you don't have enough mats and give you the list of what you need. However it does not do this in a way of saying X/Y, it just lists the needed materials. So as such it's very annoying to see what materials one needs to go on a hunt for without checking though workshops to see what is and isn't already gathered already. If someone could make it so the pop-up actually states how many materials the player currently has compared the materials need that would make it much more helpful. Thanks.
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