Yup. If you try to download a small file you'll see that you'll get almost full speed on the download, but if you try with any mod bigger than 800MB~ you'll get capped to about 300-500KB/s. Because of that, it's pretty clear it's not a bug on our part. Also, checking The Witcher 3 HD Reworked mod (5gb~, where I first noticed this) posts page I saw someone named crosser0987 ALSO complaining nexus capping his downloads to about 100kb/s.
13 March 2020, 8:33PM
Can someone please upload the newest version for me on another site? i get barely 100kbs on nexus anymore idk why.
I'm seriously mad at this as having my downloads capped at 500kb/s (which should be 2mbps on the free account actually) is the only reason I paid for premium.