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About maYuYang

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  1. woo, long time no comments here

    # cleans away the dust and cobwebs

  2. mods reloaded is back online!!! happy days!!!... :)
  3. Helloooo from Africa! jk :P How are you these days? :P
  4. Oh Lady Valkyrie, where are you?
  5. lol, Aeryn^^. Dezi didn't tell me, I figured myself^^. As Admin, I have to know about my members, right? Yeah, I noticed that you snatched the one or other record from me. Don't worry, I'll have a big comeback (Mayu grins wickedly)
  6. w00t, the Dragon Cave is filled with life again^^ Clicked all new Eggs @Aeryn: We also have a 2nd Dragon Order called Reloaded Dragon Order. If you want to, you can join us there, too(since you already have an account on our site^^)
  7. All Clicked @Thanks Aeryn, I suppose that my twin headed dragon became female thanks to your Magic^^. Also clicked Dezi's Dragon Eggs.
  8. all clicked^^ Lately, we do not have many members with new eggs... Oh well, please do not forget to click my Dragon, chicken and dinosaur eggs in my sig
  9. This is because those 2 are frozen^^. All clicked so far Edit: well, most of them, the Dragon Cave seems to be down again... Edit2: But now, all clicked. Don't forget Aaron's and DWBH's eggs some pages back(post count 1655)
  10. @poiuy4000 I guess you meant this one: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12218
  11. Clicks done. Lately, there're not that many dragon eggs to click... Aeryn, we also have the Reloaded Dragon Order, if you want to lay back, you can visit it if you want Wow, Aeryn, the twin headed became a girl like you predicted... For some reason, that trick only works a few times for me. the 2 babies I have in my sig were actually supposed to be male, but became female :confused: . I won't give up however, maybe your magic needs some time to have it's full effect.
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