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  1. EB64


    Everyone telling you the opposite, and here you are the confirm their words by throwing insults around. You do some decoding yourself and send a sample. If it's good they'll talk to you further. Everything on this forum is just speculation and opinions. IMO I think that the SKSE team will work for Bethesda and make money doing it. Happy for them. :smile: So "Everything on this forum is just speculation and opinions", yet YOUR opinion is fact and everyone with a differing opinion "live in their parents basement with no job"?
  2. EB64


    I am afraid, I have to wake you up out of this dream. Bethesda don't want SKSE. They did their best to make it unavailable. SKSE makes things possible which they tried to avoid. It also is a slap in the face of Bethesda about their skills. I even think when FO5 and/or TES6 comes out creation kit won't be for free any more, or at least you have to subscribe to them and all you try to make with the CK will automatic saved at, and controlled by Bethesd If Bethesda will make money off SKSE they want SKSE. Learn about marketing please before you post something stupid. If Bethesda wanted to make money off SKSE, they'd have done it by now. Learn about the past before you post something stupid.
  3. Um...The problem with No Man's Sky was TOO MUCH talking to the community. People got their expectations up by hanging on to every word that was ever spoken about the game, so the game was never going to live up to the hype that people had built around it. Until someone from the SKSE team actually comes in and says the project is officially abandoned due to real life or anything else, all this talk about it being abandoned is just rumor-mongering and nothing more. behippo could come in here tomorrow with links to the official launch of SKSE64 for all we know. He could come in here to say the project is dead as well. Point is, we don't know either way. All this pessimism towards the SKSE team is pointless and rude until they actually tell us something other than what we already know: Work is slow due to IRL issues as well as figuring out all the changes. With summer just around the corner, it's plausible that work could speed up form the team members that are still going to school/college. Again I will reiterate the hypocrisy of people talking about taking over the project because they think it's dead, yet talking about finding someone to take over an old mod because it's author hasn't been around for years is taboo. You'll all get your jiggly parts and elaborate menus/effects soon enough. SE is fine without it in the meantime. If you choose to deprive yourself of playing SE because of a few mods that rely on SKSE, then that's your problem, not the SKSE team's.
  4. Truth. I got reamed awhile back for daring to suggest on a truly dead mod(mod owner hasn't logged in for well over 2 years now) that someone else take control of it to fix the bugs that were present. But I guess it's ok to suggest this for SKES64, even though it's only been a few months for the main mod worker logging in to the forums, since more people actually want(WANT, not NEED) it?
  5. Mindless optimism is one thing. Mindless pessimism is just as bad.
  6. Holy Sh*** what is wrong with this people these days? Honestly? If I would be Mr. Howard and would recive your letter (even tho I don't think it will be passed to him directly) I would read it and instandly put it in the trash can. Not because your letter is bad itself. But just because it has no impact on anything! Are you really that frustrated that you have to do that? IF Bethesda really wanted to have all the SKSE hooks in the CK, they would have added it allready. Its not like SKSE implements anything new to the game, it adds hooks to allready exsisting methods and calls, which are hidden for the modding tools. And that is on purpose!!! I think most people forgett this point! Honestly guys? I don't care if we get SKSE or not. I never played oldrim, bought skyrim Legendary on a 8$ sale, got SSE 1 month later for free and just play that. I have 120 mods* installed, all lined up and bash patched. No crashes so far, pretty immersive and I am still having a lot of fun. That all I have to say about that aspect. Do yourself a favor and stop getting insane because skse is not here and not ready. I bet 90% of the people complaining about the lack of SKSE for SSE never played SSE or didn't even try to mod it properly. A good modder can still add a lot of content to the game even when it comes to scripts. It's not woth 80 pages on a forum. Cheers *10 of them are just textures and meshes! The same goes with you. Never modded extensively oldrim with SKSE to realise what its like and you go on calling people waiting for SKSE64 whinny peoples. You have your fun, and thats great. But here are people who played both extensively and actually SEE and FEEL the difference, please respect that, as you cant witness that difference. I played Oldrim with SKSE quite a bit before SE even came out. Do I miss some of the functionality SKSE prodvided? Sure. Some things they just cannot do without it. Do I want to return to Oldrim just so I can have that missing functionality? No. The stability SE provides vastly outweighs any desire to try and fiddle around in Oldrim trying to balance mods to get a playable game with everything I want. So, yes, you guys are being "whinny peoples" in my opinion.
  7. I feel sorry for those of you who refuse to even plan SE simply because it doesn't have SKSE64 yet. Plenty of the most popular mods have done workarounds to the lack of SKSE and the game is great. You can sit here sobbing about the SKSE team not working fast enough to your liking while those of us who know how to enjoy things will play SE with all the awesome mods that have been released already.
  8. You could say the same for the SKSE team and all the negativity that's been spewed around about them.
  9. Time will tell. Time will tell...
  10. I'm gonna laugh my butt off if you guys actually start getting some coding(probably to the point of the last update video at best) done, then Behippo comes back and has a release of SKSE64.
  11. You guys are getting too pathetic over this. They go radio silent for a few weeks and you immediately act like the world is ending. SE is perfectly fine to play without SKSE64 right now. Many popular mods have done workarounds for the lack of SKSE64. Resorting to posting the names and other personal information is totally uncalled for.
  12. Maby they have real jobs and lives to live? Pay them, and maby they will focus entirely on getting a free software out ,to a complaining and toxic community. :smile: We can't legally pay them, and they created an expectation of a March release so it's not unusual that people are disappointed. The complete radio silence on what's going on doesn't help either. Except they did post an update apologizing for missing the March estimated date and saying there is no new estimation for now. EDIT: And you can technically give them money. Just has to be as a donation. No clue if any of them even set up a Paypal account for donations or anything.
  13. The SKSE team can't win in the eyes of you impatient people... They work behind the scenes coding things when they can but not post frequent updates = They're obviously not working at all and have abandoned the project. They post frequent(daily?) updates on progress, even if there hasn't been much = They're wasting precious coding time to post that there's not been much/any progress. They release what they have so far, even though it's missing features and is untested/buggy = They're incompetent and should hand the project to someone who knows how to code. Chill out and be patient. Many of you have already said you continue to play Oldrim because it has what you want right now, so just continue to do so until SKSE64 is ready for release and your favorite mods have finally been ported over. I think the majority of us would rather have a stable product with a lot of features rather than a bare-bones mess that causes CTD/BSOD/etc.
  14. Mujuro hasn't been active on the forums since 2014, so I kinda doubt he's coming back. :(
  15. Sadly, this mod seems to have been abandoned. It's a shame. I love Cerwiden, and it's sad to see her left incomplete.
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