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Posts posted by mjjking

  1. I've created a mod which replaces a certain shield with another model, however I don't want to use a vanilla model but have absolutely no experience with modeling or texturing. I don't know how to compensate you other than credit in th mod but if you can help me here's what i'm asking for:




    A rough mock-up of what im wanting showcasing my terribad photoshop skillz.


    Also i would need this to not replace the standard dragonscale shield but would be a unique item.

  2. (this will be my last post in this argument. just agree to disagree) Whats wrong with going all-out with something? if someone wants to make a mod that makes them happy than noone else should care. the purpose of a video game is for entertainment. . .all im gonna say.




    p.s. hows that modified wastehound mask coming. . . still waiting.

  3. Well excuse me Mr. Outlander, a suggestion though it may be that does not give him the right to tell the guy that his vision is stupid and can only be made good (in his opinion) by doing what he (Psycko) says is the way it should be made.
  4. look, Psycko, i realize that you fanboy fallout freaks (regret not being one myself but i was only nine when the first one came out) feel overly protective of the franchise but. . .it is a mod, therefore you don't have to download it so why not just leave it be. . .



    Oh, and because of the Gamebryo engine this game is more moddable than any other fallout so its only natural that folks are gonna go at it like crazy. . .kinda why i keep obsesively, pathetically keep it on a tab in my browser and obsesively, pathetically keep hitting the refresh button to see what folks think. . .

  5. agreed NKWOODRUFF, im not a firefly fan. . .i could not even sit through that crappy movie with the super soldier preteen with an on-off switch . . .but if this fellow wants it in game who are you to say otherwise, Psychosama. . .the Fallout Guard Dog ?
  6. did you post it in the requests forum . . .if not then thats prolly why you got reported if you did then someones being an turkey. . .new threads are getting reported left and right. . .just dont worry bout it
  7. Introducing Katellio Vannodette


    Sex Male


    Race Breton


    Age 27


    Class Tinker/Dwemerologist


    Appearence Rather tall at 6' 1". He wears copper colored robes and is bald; his head is adorned with strange dwemer optics of unknown purpose several buldges can be seen on his back and waist. His eyes are a striking copper swirled blue. his face is almost classicaly hansome save for an oddly crooked nose witch was broken on an unknown exploit; though most probably relating to the dwemer. he is rather thin, but years of climbing thrugh rubble and down ropes into almost unreachable sections of old ruins has made him wirey and rooster-strong. . .he often acts a little scatter-brained but is supremely intelligent and his reflexes; strange for a breton, are faster than many dunmer.



    A tall, bald Bretonian walks into the tavern mumbling to himself about nothing in particular. He looks up long enough to signal a barmaid and does not even look at her as he orders his Mazte. as he sits he rmoves his cloak witch had been hiding several lumps on his back and waist. the lumps are revealed to be dwemer tools and artifacts. The one on his back in particular, turns out to be an extremely rare dwemer Zap-gun, while the ones on his waist appear to be a variety different objects including several small orbs with pins sticking out from them. . . . . .

  8. thank you, sir. . .very good point indeed. . .we shall win this day,yet. . . . . .but, anyway if the saber is brought in maybe create a perk or skill witch deals with psyonics or something. . .make it a requirement for using it oh and like i said earlier. . .saber styles my favorite being makashi (thats dooku's style if you didnt know)
  9. i dont think you guys took my lightsaber thing the right way; I totally want it in game i was just explaining why you only see force adepts using them in the star wars universe. . .you need some sort of i dont know how to best explain it. i guess you need some sort of support like the energy of the force to be able to know how to move the saber in the paths that it needs to take in order to look as good as it does in the movies and games. . .if the sabers (other than the ones already in game) get made i would hope that the maker waits till importing animations is viable because that undisciplined manner of melee combat in fallout three just doesnt cut it, i want styles like ataru and vapaad
  10. do you guys wanna know the reason a lightsaber woudnt work for normal folks?: It's because the "blade" has no weight; its made of light, therefore there's no equilibrium, ergo a human would not be able to wield it effectively. . .they would end up cutting there arm of or something. Try this get a stick about the length of a lightsaber hilt and try to twirl it about all fancy-like, like in star wars. . .aint gonna happen
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