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About acekillcard

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  1. Well, to be perfectly honest I don't use any FO4 mods aside from my own. Same with Skyrim, FO3, and Oblivion. Just a silly fox habit. :tongue: I wish I had the patience to make mods myself. And the know how! But I will just leave that for the silly foxes. This gryphon gets distracted quickly.
  2. Oh. Huh. I must have missed that update. I don't use any mods that require F4SE myself. I see F4SE as kinda a essential tool for Fallout 4 mods. But thats all me.
  3. Just in case you missed it, you'll need to run FO4 using the F4SE loader, which currently hasn't yet been updated to the latest version of Fallout 4 that was just released. They just updated it to 1_5_416 and I have it. Nexus wasn't going to let me access the game without the new updated F4SE.
  4. So I tried that, and its a no go. That mod is doing nothing at all.
  5. Hehe, very true. Love your avatar, by the way. :D OH! Thank you so much! I love yours as well. ^0^
  6. They do make things more complicated for PC gamers... Spoil sports!
  7. Hey, thanks for the reminder on the F4SE! And I am not sure if that will block the achievement disabler that Bethesda just placed.
  8. So the ideal masters over at Bethesda decided to disable achievements for modders (I understand why they would to prevent achievement farming). But it seems unfair for those who do not aim to cheat for achievements. So if you just want a gun that is not found in game, you cant get it without saying goodbye to achievements. If I want to rip off a person's arm and beat them with it and still get achievements, thats my right. Right? Sure you get the people who cheat to get them (To each their own). But that really just robs the experience from the person who is doing the cheating. They are doing it to say "HEY! I got this" but they didn't really get the experience of earning it. So thats their fault. Overall, they shouldn't give a s#*!. Bethesda is about giving the players the max experience that they can get from their games! Sure, cheat? Go ahead! Make that grandma dance like a stripper? Go for it! We don't care, just have fun. Achievements should not be on the minds of the ideal masters of Bethesda, but the chance to expand the advancement of creativity in the modding community! So, now the question is. Who is going to find a way to restore achievements for the honest modders who want to increase the experience of the fallout universe? I doubt Bethesda will, despite their skills. I give it a week before someone comes out and fixes this. Whats your opinion on this??
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