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Status Updates posted by usernamesux

  1. Have finally recovered and tracked down nearly all mods I lost. Thankfully OBMM had my favourites saved as OMOds. Have moved on from the collection phase, and am now editing the game. I successfully edited a house mod, my first YAAY! Aww my first baby steps. Will work on building, may buff up player homes, then will work on diversifying NPC's ie replace some races, add hair, eyes... then armour and weapons. Then CM companions sounds good. One step at a time
    1. usernamesux


      Also off to the USA for a few weeks from tomorrow
  2. Well I managed to delete a good chunk of my mods, to make it better I did it through the command prompt :( I had a friend try and recover it, I got a bit back but it made me realise how much is gone. Now to take it to a pro, here's hoping...
  3. Im still tracking down mods, most of the good stuff gets locked up very quickly
  4. Thanks for the add, wish I could help with modding but my knowledge is minimal :)
  5. thanks ahrimangame! sure could use some snow, maybe you could mail me some? lol
  6. stuff me it hot! it's 42 degrees Celsius here, that's 107 Fahrenheit! Ouch, going outside hurts my feet, even the grass is hot! :(
  7. Just popping by to say g'day! :)
  8. Hi vanillaBeans

    Yes, this is a photograph of me. lol yes I did shout this is sparta :) Im flying to America in a few days for three weeks to visit my girlfriend.

  9. Im off to America for 3 weeks
  10. is happy! :D
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. usernamesux


      Hmm It has been a year, but at the time it must have just been just before I flew to America to meet my girlfriend face to face for the first time :D
    3. ahrimangame


      woooow that should be a real great feeling!!
    4. vvk78


      How can she be your girlfriend if you were meeting her for the first time.


      Ah, a "You've Got Mail!" love story. How romantic!

  11. Im loitering on facebook, going to USA soon woot!!!
  12. usernamesux: coming soon to a forum near you!
  13. Thanks, it was a good birthday. Theatre resturants are great. I also got birthday money! Sweet!
  14. Your new site rocks! I see TesEyecandy has been hacked :(
  15. BOO!!

    Scared you lol!

  16. Thanks for the hair! :) I will try and take a screen shot with my character wearing it, and post it.
  17. Haha I'm messing up your comments section lol
  18. oh that stupid egg didn't show up :(
  19. Raagh! I'm in your comments section, leaving stupid comments! lol
  20. Thx for that, I sent StrangeAngel a funny pic email, will pm her soon
  21. Just saying I like your site, Tes Rev is very nice :)
  22. My character got hammered in Mod Wars by the time I got back to Mods Reloaded, d'oh! Added you to my friends :)
  23. Ahhh! I can't get into Mods Reloaded, a scooter add pops up instead :( Whats up with that? I need a mod war fix heh
  24. usernamesux was here lol! :)
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