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  1. Nords. 100 Lightly armored Warriors. Blunt or Blade weapons of their own choice. According to Lore, most Nords own their own weapons and armor already, so whatever they bring. 50 Heavily armored defensive based Warriors, with Long swords and claymores. 50 Lightly Armored Archers. 50 Heavily armored "Healers". Warriors adapt in Restoration. At the rear line healing the wounded. I would prefer Light armor users to have Mithril, Leather, Fur, or chainmail. With Mithril being my favorite. Heavy armor users everything but Daedric. I'd Prefer the weapons be anything but Daedric, Glass, and Elven. I'd use them to conquer and secure my own territory. I am particularly found of my Hoarfrost Castle mod, so that Castle would be nice for the HQ. And I'd probably capture a surrounding city or two, along with nearby settlements. Hey, "I protect you, you feed me". This is assuming it's based of the Game, not lore, as Lore...I really don't know how many people assumably live in a city in Lore. But on the game each city has maybe...30 guards or so total? With only a nice 15 or so defending at a time. Easily taken over by a nice 250 man army. And Light armor has it's advantages. Strike quickly. By the time the guards in the barracks wake up the city would be under my control. 8)
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