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  1. I've been trying to play the *.hkt animations found under an Actors animations tab but neither Game.GetPlayer().PlayAnimation("*") or Game.GetPlayer().PlayGamebryoAnimation("*") work, I've also tried adding .hkt and .hkx but still no success. I'm able to play ALL idle animations which can be selected with an Idle Property with Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(var) does anyone know why it isn't working?
  2. Perks break if you make any changes to them after a save game. What it sounds like you want to do is use the companion for the alias reference, attach a script and have a condition that will trigger the adding and removal of perks, I personally use a detection event for when the player sleeps, but you could have it trigger when the companion is dismissed or hired. One way of doing it: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Dynamically_Attaching_Scripts Empty Quset Method(my prefered way of doing it): Create a new quest, make sure start game enabled and allow repeated stages is checked Click the Quest Stage tab, make sure Run on Start? is checked and make a new stage with index 0, make a new empty log entry, finally add this papyrus fragment kmyQuest.OnInit() In the Quest Stage tab make sure that complete/fail quest is not enabled In the Scripts tab create a new quest and paste the code below or make your own script. If you want to make sure its working paste Debug.Notification("Testing") after both 'MyActor.AddPerk(PerkC)' lines Example: ScriptName FelixCombatMod:FelixQuest extends Quest ;-- Properties -------------------------------------- Perk Property PerkA Auto Const Perk Property PerkB Auto Const Perk Property PerkC Auto Const ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- Actor Property MyActor Auto Const ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Event OnInit() RegisterForPlayerSleep() EndEvent Event OnPlayerSleepStop(bool abInterrupted, ObjectReference akBed) If (abInterrupted) MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkA) MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkB) MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkC) Utility.Wait(0.05) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkA) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkB) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkC) Else MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkA) MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkB) MyActor.RemovePerk(PerkC) Utility.Wait(0.05) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkA) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkB) MyActor.AddPerk(PerkC) EndIf EndEvent
  3. I know about the OnHit() function but is there a function that can get a reference to a fired projectile? Example: Player shoots projectile>Script gets reference to fired projectile>Script kills/deletes projectile.
  4. Yeah, I know about adding sounds with magic effects but I'm trying to use a Quest to manage something. :ermm:
  5. I did register the event and I always see the notification displays, but the sound never plays. :confused:
  6. Well, I've been trying to figure out how to play sounds through a Quest Script but so far it hasn't worked. I've tried almost every sound available in the CK and nothing works. Scriptname MyScript:MyScript extends Quest Sound Property MySound Auto Int Property SFX auto Event OnInit() MyFunction() EndEvent Function MyFunction() RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "weaponFire") EndFunction Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) If (asEventName == "weaponFire") Actor soundSource = Game.GetPlayer() SFX = MySound.play(soundSource) Sound.SetInstanceVolume(SFX , 1) Debug.Notification("Beep") EndIf EndEvent
  7. I'm basically trying to cause a reverse reload to simulate a weapon jam through a magic effect, which would force the player to reload their weapon to clear the 'jam'. This is the script code I have so far which does nothing. Scriptname FelixWeaponJam:FelixWeaponJamTest extends activemagiceffect Keyword Property MyKeyword Auto Const Ammo Property akAmmo Auto Const Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akAmmo set to akCaster.GetWeaponAmmo() If actorCurrentWeapon.HasKeyword(MyKeyword) akCaster.UnequipItem(akAmmo, False, True) EndIf EndEvent
  8. I'm trying to set the players current loaded magazine size to 0.
  9. Is there any way of getting an actors loaded ammo count and modifying it?
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