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  1. Apart for the distinction, is there a consequential difference between normal mods and 3rd party mods (as a user, not as a modder I mean) ? In the future, with another computer, I would like to play Fallout New Vegas with mods. Would you recommend me this same Mod Manager ? Good news. After a failed attempt because of OneTweak, I seem to have succeded thanks to you. No DUI or mods related to it, no OneTweak, I did it slowly after reaching a closed space (inside the house at Springvale where the woman is fleeing from Moriarty), I give up on some mods. Now except for crashes that are manageable for the moment (except recently where I happened to crash past a point in a certain direction in the wasteland but I found out a MMM plugin not at its place), I can finally enjoy the game, extended and without having to wait so long at each loading (PS3 back then). So except if there's something unbearable, I should not have to solicit you anymore on this thread... I hope. I thank you veeeeery much for your time and availability. I couldn't appreciate that game the way I wanted without you.
  2. Damn, my bad, I don't know where I screwed however I had downloaded it. I wasn't counting on a personnal help at first. And I can imagine how tedious it can be to lead a newbie from distance. Alright, so now I reinstalled it from GOG entirely, made a check/repair, the game crashed after a few seconds after opening the game, I went to "MyGames", and changed back the fallout.ini in place by the copy of the original I had. Now it works. My folder "Saves" is still full of previous saves/attempts with CASM that keep coming back despite the deleting I made of them from the game and directly on the folder. I don't bother but I let you know in case it would be problematic. I have read the thread you posted. So now I have my game folder in my harddrive but somewhere else than in X86 Programms. I used "FalloutLauncher.exe", the options are the same as I let them : windowed mode and medium graphics. I used Fallout3.exe, went on a new game, up to the toddler phase where you choose your SPECIAL, made a save, restarted my computer, loaded it, no freeze in 2 minutes, no HUD problem on the main menu, no "This program doesn't answer" when I quit from main menu. Step by step ... what do I have to do now ? And specific questions : _ Should I use ScriptExtender or is it already in FOMM ? _Where do I place the tools ? _Considering the mods : Do I put them in Fallout 3 Data and use FOMM to check them or should I let them in my "download" folder ans use AddMod on FOMM ? _Should I abort Fallout3UnofficialPatch ? _Should I put "StreetLights" considering "FOOK"'s description tells that it is included in it ? _Is there something I should avoid among those in the screen I put here ?
  3. By latest version I meant the one you recommand (that I thought was the latest version) comparing to the one I first used. About the Unofficial Patch ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19122 ), I saw that it fixes many bugs and glitches within the game but I haven't seen that it modifies anything related to compatibility and game engine. Do you recommend me to use the alternative archive installation ? (Only my last attempt was done with the newbie version, before that, I used the manual one) Or is it completly incompatible with GOG version ? For all the pre-Mod Manager tools I quoted, I followed videos [ the two from this channel ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT9bkZytzI&t=2049s )] and forums (most of them were based on the Steam version but without specifying that it's only for this one). All right, I will read it. Thanks again.
  4. Now this is frustrating. I put a copy of it I had on my external hard drive (one with an attempt to use FOMM (ancient) but where I deactivated all and deleted it) in another place than X86 ,I click on "check/repair" on GOG, 300mb of download. Since my previous attempts, I have not touched Fallout-ini in MyGames. Then I launch Fallout 3 installer and Fallout 3 exe, put fose ver.1_2 beta 2 in the Fallout 3 folder, launch fose_loader (I have put the 3 above as "always run as administrator). I put in the Fallout 3 folder the 4GB archive's content (except for the Fallout.ini I mentionned) and use it on the first 3 exe program. I put the OneTweak in Data/FOSE/Plungin. I put FOMM latest version and check the "always run as administrator" as well as I use the 4GB on it. Except for a couple ones (not the main mods), I do put all the mods in Fallout 3/Data as recommended. I start with DUI, then Unofficial Patch, then Streett Lights, then ArefuExpanded and Crimson Caravan. I check, twice, once after rebooting my computer. Everything seems fine. I put FOOK then all the rest until MartsMutantsMod and FOIP (compatibility for FOOK and MMM). I even add a merged patch with FO3Edit, which tells me that everything is correct. Now I don't have anymore the HUD anomalies I had on the main menu (as I mentionned previously) BUT I still have a cut-to-black for 1/5 second (as in a transition) right before the words appear (all those you can click on I mean) . Like before, the program does not respond when I quit (except for some attempts after unchecking some mods) and my game freeze after something like 2 minutes. Here's the screenshots (by the way, my computer always ask me if I want to launch FOMM considering it bring modifications to the computer, you know the classic asking when you run a program like that for the first time). None missing + the mods in Package Manager (some of them have also been put into Data I think). Sorry I may have not exactly understood what you asked me Purr4Me.
  5. I think I will uninstall and reinstall from GOG. Even if it will take some time, I won't have to fear any kind of bug related to that. Thanks youfor the information. Now I'm using this one : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54991
  6. Arf, that's what I feared. I thought by using FOMM, this step was unecessary and when I read description pages, each time, I wondered if I was wrong of it it was just for those who do it manually. Oof, that's a hugh information I wasn't aware of. I may asking a bit too much but where could and/or should I place it/them ? I have an external hard drive but I was told games run better on the computer hard drive. If I place it somewhere else on my computer, should I make GOG reinstall it from scratch or can I move the folder and make GOG check the existant files at the new location ? Yep, as told in the video (with a copy of the original called "Fallout-Originals in case).
  7. All right, I had problems. It freezes again. Now I have downloaded FOMM Purr4Me recommand. After deactivating every mod, I'm trying to put only a few of them (Unofficial patch, Arefu Expanded, Crimson Caravan, OneTweak (borderless window), DUI) and it seems to work at first but if I turn off my computer and relaunch, the main menu has the same appearance as when it didn't worked : The little head indicating DUI is bigger, the word "Quit" is half-cut, the words in the setting menu are upon each other,etc. Is there a file that does restart blank each time I turn off the computer or ...? It goes back to alright when I deactivate every mods. PS : apart from FOMM, all the archive mods I use are not in the Fallout 3 folder but in "Downloadings".
  8. Good news for the moment ! Ok so I invalidated all, put the Fallout 3 and its DLC esm in the order you told me, made a new game, saved right before the screen turn white when you're a toddler following your dad before the birthday (the screen just begin to turn white). I've put the mods in the order suggested by the modders themselves (I'll put the list). Tried to load the file every X mods (I did it 8 times) and check if I pass the minute. Yep, each time except near the end when the game just would not lauch and I figured out instantly : a patch compatibility (WeWantMore + EVE) because I have EVE included in FOOK and not by itself, an Updater for RobCo Certified that was in the full package for this mod I uncheck and deleted, an esp.file for a mod I had invalidated before and deleted (Seducing women). Then I checked plugins of same mods' order considering what "master" file they had and the DLC order you told me. Here's the order : I went up to megaton, blowing myself to make the game automaticly load and I also tried to manually load. No problem at all. So for now ... it seems to work and I'm ******* glad. Thank you very much. Now little things : my character does have weird physics when dying (reduced legs) but I don't bother. I won't lose my time anymore juste for this. I wonder if I will put MTC Wasteland Travellers V2. If I do, can you tell me in which order I should put it ? Marts Mutant Mod description says this : but MTC Wasteland Traveller V2's description says that : And finally, I sent a message to Purr4Me, do you think I still should use the tool she may give me ? Thank you again.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply. I will try as you suggest. Apart from Fallout3.esm, I thought it didn't matter in which order were the DLC. But isn't it sometimes highly recommanded/necessary to go on a new game to paly with particular mods ? To enable the mods, do I only have to uncheck/check them on FOMM or do I need to go on "package manager" and deactive/activate them (considering the current state (having them activated) of course) ? I will look for one but if you know one in particular that is effective and without problems ... Apart for the order for the same mod with plural plugins (sorry if I'm not using the correct words), I don't see any conflicting mods, apart for those who simply overwrite but I'm near a newbie so ...
  10. Hello everyone, I wanted to play Fallout 3 with its DLC and with mods so I jumped in. After a failed attempt (done wrongly) I uninstalled it, reinstalled it on my PC (rather than on my external hard drive). It's from GOG, selected the english version (I'm not), clicked on "Check/repair" from GOG which added a 300mb download. I started by following that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT9bkZytzI and picking what was interesting for me. I have put some (many) mods while following carefully the instructions for the big ones changing the game but not everytime on the little ones and those who add new adventures/quests. So I started with : FOSE, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated, the 4GB multicore patch (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21888/?) then Fallout ModManager. With the mods I first used DUI then the others with some compatibility patches and some which are supposed to prevent crashes. In the order. My Fallout.INI in "MyGames" is : My PC running on Windows 10 : Computer Ultrabook - ASUS VivoBook S401QA-EB976T - AMD A12-9720P - RAM 8Go I've done the bInvalidate =1 and the extra line under it. I've tried running on window mode. I'm lauching from FOMM -> FOSE version. The original .exe as well as this one are set on Admnistrator. I have tried by disabling the auto-save and without overwriting a previous file. Same with CASM mod. The game froze at the character creation if I clicked on some of the new added races. The froze appeared right after the esthetical validation. So I tried again and avoided to do so, it worked.I've made a few new games and was saving up to outside the vault. Here's my problem Whatever is the save I load, so no matter if I'm in the vault as a toddler, butchering radroaches or if I'm outise after a few minutes at the entrance, the game freezes after the same amount of time after loading any file: nearly one minute (if I'm not in pause).So I would think it's not from a mod or because of an incompatibility between two of them, am I right ? Because up to there, in a single run, everything is fine. I have Fallout NV too and when I launch it (untouched by mods), I don't have this problem.I need your help people of the internet ! I'm on it for a few days now. And now I'm realising that the main menu of the game has the word "quit" cut in half and when I do quit the game from there, it becomes a black window and the program doesn't answer (I have to close it with Ctrl + Alt + Supr)
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