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Posts posted by roelani

  1. It's not feeling. It's statistics. When Bethesda was starting Bethesda.net to allow for mods on consoles they said that less than 8% of people who played their games ever used a mod. Even with mods on consoles, it would be a miracle if it made it to 20%.


    Bethesda games are popular because they are good games. People who feel the need to alter them are very much in the minority and always have been.

    This is a stupid argument. I don't care about the people who don't mod their games? Why the hell should I? They ain't up here, are they? Why is this even relevant?


    We're talking about a modding site. Who CARES what gamers who don't mod their games think?



    If you're not married to your bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords and whatnot, I'd suggest wiping Firefox completely (remove programs/uninstall) and installing it fresh from a new download straight from Mozilla. Might solve your issue.


    Thanks. I'm going to have to consider that I guess. I test software for a living so I'm kinda used to loading and reloading software when I migrate to different machines anyway. Did that over the weekend in fact. Thanks again for the input.



    Np <3 Fresh vanilla install works 100% on my end. Hopefully that fixes it for you. All else fails, there's always Chrome, lol.

  3. Hey there, thanks for the response. The PC is only used for gaming and the FF browser only for logging onto Nexus so I keep it dialed down pretty low anyway. No plugins aside from a Youtube ad blocker. I tried to dial it down as far as it would go and nothing changed; attempting to enable the notification slider switches just throws a red connection error. I've added a second screengrab to my initial post.


    Has Nexus changed something recently related to where these config files are stored?


    If you're not married to your bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords and whatnot, I'd suggest wiping Firefox completely (remove programs/uninstall) and installing it fresh from a new download straight from Mozilla. Might solve your issue.

  4. If it's limited to Firefox, have you tried disabling all Firefox's "privacy" settings and any addons? I don't have a Mozilla browser on my home PC to test with but it could be as simple as that.


    This is kind of terrible advice, honestly.. Don't... I mean, it goes without saying, but since there is no per-site policy in Firefox's settings, those privacy settings should NOT be disabled browser-wide. Firefox does not prevent other sites that use cookies from functioning, so clearly something else is borked, and it very likely has nothing to do with privacy settings.


    I just tested on my end on a brand new install of Firefox @dmikulec, no extensions, privacy settings left default per the installation process. Things seem to be working as intended. I can toggle a notification as read/unread. I went into settings and switched the privacy options from "Default" to "Strict", and the read/unread toggle still works.


    What browser extensions are you running, if any?



    It's amusing how the myth of "modding kept game alive" keeps going on and on when there's plenty of statistical evidence that in fact modding has a very small impact on the sales and player numbers of big games. I guess it goes hand in hand with the self important air a small subset of beth modders keep pushing.


    What are you ON? Modding HAS kept several games alive for me, primarily as a mod user. I find vanilla Skyrim and vanilla Fallout 4 to be absolutely ABYSMAL experiences, and would never have sunk as many hours as I have into either of these games if not for their dedicated modding communities.


    Speak for yourself if you want, but there are plenty of mod USERS out there for whom the experiences of these games would never have been the same without mod support.


    Edited to add: Including some of YOUR awesome mods, by the way. So GG for souring that part of it by pissing all over the folks who raise genuine concerns about the direction this site seems to be going in in these forums.


    Edited 2: I also know plenty of folks who bought and played console versions and then later on re-bought the same game on PC simply because they wanted to mod it.



    Yea, that's confirmation bias. I tell you this as someone who put hundreds of hours into making mods - we really don't matter much outside our little bubble here, and definitely don't really matter for the company making games.



    Well, that's depressing. For the record, whatever work mod authors put into their mods is something that I, as a user, appreciate. A lot. It makes my experience playing these games a lot better.


    I'm sorry you feel that way.

  6. It's amusing how the myth of "modding kept game alive" keeps going on and on when there's plenty of statistical evidence that in fact modding has a very small impact on the sales and player numbers of big games. I guess it goes hand in hand with the self important air a small subset of beth modders keep pushing.


    What are you ON? Modding HAS kept several games alive for me, primarily as a mod user. I find vanilla Skyrim and vanilla Fallout 4 to be absolutely ABYSMAL experiences, and would never have sunk as many hours as I have into either of these games if not for their dedicated modding communities.


    Speak for yourself if you want, but there are plenty of mod USERS out there for whom the experiences of these games would never have been the same without mod support.


    Edited to add: Including some of YOUR awesome mods, by the way. So GG for souring that part of it by pissing all over the folks who raise genuine concerns about the direction this site seems to be going in in these forums.


    Edited 2: I also know plenty of folks who bought and played console versions and then later on re-bought the same game on PC simply because they wanted to mod it.

  7. Funny, I've heard lots of complaints from people who have had computer fails and found that their save file backups are useless because they can't rebuild the same mod list as before.


    You're being disingenuous. Even minecraft 1-click install modpacks on custom launchers are finicky when you update the pack, and often you end up having to start a new game because one of the bigger mods updated between versions and the stuff you've already crafted has changed IDs.


    They're mods. Made by hobbyists. Not officially-supported DLC. To believe a complete neophyte will ever be 100% served, with zero knowledge or effort, by a system powered by people creating things mostly for themselves and always for free is just naive.


    Is it a good idea to try? Sure. Is it a good idea to try and strongarm everyone into participating, to the extent that you alienate a good portion of your userbase to do it? Time will tell. I only just started modding (been a user of this site since 2013) but I'm done. Won't be uploading any more files if I can't control distribution and I know a good deal of folks who are in the same boat. Is it going to be easier in the future to install stuff? Maybe. But I won't care. I already know how to manage my own load orders. How to tweak things. How to customize things to my liking and how to develop small mods for myself. I learned because of this place. Because we had community and space to learn. Because I had to in order to fix bugs I created by installing stuff wrong.


    So I'm just going to keep doing that on my own end and screw everyone else, I guess.


    That's not how I wanted this community to grow, but tough. We got our ultimatum. We're making our choices with what little information we were given.


    I feel like this new system will only widen the knowledge gap between user and creator.

  8. As a further request to expand on this, I'd like it if character SAVES and character PRESETS could be separated, either in the tags or the categories, for ease of blocking. I don't mind presets, but I have zero interest in cheated save files with everything unlocked.

    Edited to add: when/if CDPR ever implements in-game character modification, this is going to be even more relevant. Fallout 4 & Skyrim nexus sites, for example, both have separate presets/saves categories. These tags will fill up quick.

  9. I know that the Griffon Longbow doesn't actually have a schematic in the game. Honestly, its stats are so-so, and I'm not particularly fond of the triple-shot feature, but hot damn is it ever a pretty bow.

    I'm basically looking for a mod that would add a generic tier-3 or tier-4 (preferably tier-4, something along the lines of the Hakkon bow in terms of pewpew power) masterwork bow schematic that happens to have the Griffon Longbow model for appearance.


    I know there's a mod that adds unique staff schematics which re-use existing game assets for appearance, so I'm fairly certain this is possible. Fairly.

    All the internet cookies and my non-existent first-born child for the generous modder who could manage this.

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