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Everything posted by vTemporalZEROv

  1. Use Cell Ripper, just make it exactly how you want it and the cell rip will keep it that way and I believe it is loaded on to an .esp so it will always be that way as long as the mod is there.
  2. Yeah its KYWD, ummmm I am not completely sure tbh, I am not a fan of legendary enemies or weapons so I can't say as I have never messed with it. Try finding a mod that edits legendary stuff, there is probably plenty on the nexus somewhere, just look up legendary and then look at that file in FO4Edit, and learn from that I suppose, sorry I can't be more help, but I HAVE seen the keyword before dozens of times, just never cared for it.
  3. Hmm that is weird, I personally don't use LOOT yet since it is so new, I don't trust it until players get used to FO4 mods and use it more so I wouldn't know personally, but that is still my guess. It could also be an ini change or enb change? Even a simple incompatibility with the DLC if you have it, maybe a past mod alters something that the DLC does?
  4. Scripts, there are a few main scripts that define settlers coming to settlements, so.. can't do much yet.
  5. Just looking at the list.. you have a ton of mods, keep in mind these are infant mods that aren't super trustworthy, try to stay AT MOST around like 60ish mods max until the CK comes out next month, also your load order seems a bit cray, try organizing it a bit, that is really all I can say .-.
  6. Probably some incompatibility between some mods you updated.. just a wild guess. Crashing on loading means you are missing something, or the game can't find something/choose something. So if someone even removed a simple edit to.. whatever it was that they edited, it can murder your game :l Try opening all your mods up in FO4Edit and check for red incompatibilities.
  7. Bashed patches don't work with FO4 yet, too early. Just use FO4Edit for now, and yeah, only have the dominant merge'd traits that you WANT to dominate, you can't have 2 Hunting Rifles for example, choose one from a mod over the other.
  8. ^ You can't take money from your friend and forget their name, there will be problems. AKA, you can't reference something that doesn't exist, logically speaking.
  9. Never heard of the mod, but sounds like a simple mistake, problem with FO4Edit is there is no safezones, it does exactly what you tell it to do, so if you do something even minor like a 0 where a -1 should be or something, it will kill your game.
  10. Its a keyword, uuuuh... something _legendary, or legendary_ma or something like that.
  11. ^ else just FO4Edit it up and get crackin. There are a few decent tuts for FO4Edit.
  12. Probably just you, try using a mod manager like Wrye or even the Nexus one.
  13. Rig doesn't matter when it comes to mods, just a shot in the dark.. but a very accurate shot, I would say most likely an ini edit, enb edit, or a mod.
  14. All of these, every single one, is definitely already possible. FO4Edit is great.
  15. Hmmm how would I make it constantly run? I have a quest set up that checks if the player has more than 120 rounds as an entry point getitemcount, and haven't really touched it much, could I use that somehow? Or would it have to be via this script?
  16. I am trying to make an ammo limiting mod, this is a small part of it, would this work if I tried to compile it? Keep in mind I am asking about this setup, not the actual script itself, it is missing a name and everything obviously. Event OnInit();-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player = Game.GetPlayer() ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int MaxAmmo10mm = 120 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int 10mmAmmoDrop = (Player.GetItemCount(Ammo10mm) - MaxAmmo10mm) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If (Player.GetItemCount(Ammo10mm) > MaxAmmo10mm) Player.DropObject(Ammo10mm, 10mmAmmoDrop) Debug.Tracer("Ammo limit for 10mm reached!")EndIf EndEvent
  17. Looking to make a mod that limits the amount of ammo you can carry at once. Not weight based, since even then you can carry hundreds of rounds in some situations, I found a mod years ago in FO3 that force dropped any excess ammo you pick up once you hit a set limit of that ammo type. So lets say you have more than 200 10mm, it auto-drops any that are over that amount. Thing is the Papyrus for the CK and the Geck seem to be very different, I tried looking at some Skyrim mods that do similar things but can't find a good lead. All I am requesting is some guidance on these things: On running the mod (OnInit) it checks every couple times a second if the player has more than the ItemCount of, for example, Ammo10mm > 120, and if so, then it forces the player to drop any over that amount. How could I do this? Please help me out, you will get credit obviously, but this is such a peeve of mine in Fallout games -----> Thousands of rounds of ammo.... EDIT - For some reason I don't think this will run well in the newer Papyrus, here is some script I was thinking of: Obviously minus the structure due to the Forums.. Something along these lines. If player.GetItemCount Ammo10mm > 120 && player.getItemCount Ammo10mm <= 150Player.Drop Ammo10mm 10ElseIf Player.GetItemCount Ammo10mm > 160 && player.GetItemCount Ammo10mm <= 240Player.Drop Ammo10mm 40ElseIf Player.getItemCount Ammo10mm > 240Player.Drop Ammo10mm 60EndIfEnd
  18. Just retex the armor and add it in with the Geck, I would do it but it personally kills the immersion for me even making it since all they could salvage is T-45 armor from the battles with the BOS and I'm actually working on a power armor mod based on upgrading and the whole point of the mod is that YOU CAN'T loot power armor from bodies, you have to salvage parts and craft it x) so literally complete opposites.
  19. I found a mod for FO3 way back in the day and it was ALWAYS essential for me, I absolutely hate having tons of spare ammo even with loot changes and weight balancing, would someone kindly kill this feature and port or write a simple script that forces the player to drop any ammo of that type once they reach a limit? If it helps, I remember opening up the script awhile back to try to see how it works and it just gets the count of each of the ammo, and once the player has maybe 60 10mm rounds or something along that line, they simply cannot carry anymore of them, it forces the ammo to drop once they pick up any excess of that type. Thank you for any effort in this if someone makes it.
  20. The ini, try the resetting the ini and try getting rid of any ENB or reshade you might have.
  21. Ok... woah, I know why no one is replying ---------- > What? Give some spacing and uppercased letters man x) Shits hard to read, but I can probably help you, I just can't read the stuff...
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