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  1. No, slowing time freely is extremly overpowered, I'd like something like NWN style semi turn based. It's not for realism, so it's probably not for the big public. It's for those who do not like that reflex determines outcome, a minority possibly, but since it is not something difficult to achieve, I wonder why such effort has not been made. Btw, maybe it is actually a difficult task, I just maybe have an oversimplified viewpoint. If so, please explain why.
  2. Hi All, I dont like reflex based games, Skyrim is an exception, but why there are no paused combat modes? It would make Skyrim perfect, and I dont see the difficulty in creating one. Just make 1 XBox controller button a pause button. It would pause the game with free camera movement to position my cursor to the target. It should also allow for preparing an action (draw bow etc). After the action is to trigger a hit the game would automatically unpause. Ofcourse there should be some cooldown mechanism as so to avoid "ultra frequent hits". Is this too difficult to make?
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