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Posts posted by Sivartus

  1. PC Gaming: Pros and Cons



    First off, there are tons of games for the PC, and it even introduces a new genre that is hard to implement onto the console, RTS.


    Next, you get the quality online play. Yea, the consoles have online play, but unless you buy a keyboard, there are many things you can do on a PC that you can't on a console. Also, online PC games are constantly updating, and you can even get updates for games that aren't used for online play. And that brings me to Mods.


    The last PC pro I can think of, is mods. Some of the mods that you can get for games are amazing, and really increase how good the game is.



    First off, it costs a whole lot more than consoles. A good pc costs a lot of money, and the day you buy it, it is out of date. You have to upgrade it to keep it running games, and it adds up to alot of money.


    Next, you only get the small monitors. Unless you get SLI or Crossfire(which cost alot of money), and hook up two or more monitors, or one huge monitor, you are stuck playing on a screen smaller than a tv.


    Lastly, Viruses, spyware, hackers, and other such things. As long as you get some decent virus protection, a good firewall, and decent spyware protection, and don't spend your days looking at porn and downloading spam links, you should be alright. Oh, and lastly, 56kers. Consoles don't allow them to lag your online games, but PCs do. Beware of 56kers.


    Console Gaming: Pros and Cons



    First off, the consoles are cheaper than a pc. For a console, you put out around $300. For PCs, expect well over $1000, and thats on low to medium settings only.


    Next, TVs. Who doesn't like playing on that huge plasma screen?


    Lastly, it is somewhat portable. You can take it anywhere with a tv, but a computer is a hassle to move. Also, no viruses, no spyware, impervious to 56kers.



    First off, no fan made mods. Yea, sometimes the developers of the game will release a small mod, but the fan made mods are incredible, and consoles really miss out on them.


    Next, the online play is good, but imo, the PC still reigns supreme on online play.


    Finally, the last I can think of, the consoles don't really have any good RTS games.


    Well, I am at a loss for cons. I can't think of many.


    Anyways, I still think PC gaming is much better than Console gaming.

  2. I will believe it when I see it. I am sure there are many people out there who make up these stories, and compile a bunch of parts from different rumors, make up a few, and put these stories out there so they can laugh at the people who believe them.


    If it is true, then awesome, the game sounds great, with some nice touches on gameplay. It seems to be taking a whole different course from the other Diablo games, like instead of the third person 'overhead' view, we have a third person close up.


    The battle between heaven and hell seems like a good story line as well. They could do alot of cool stuff with that, if this is indeed all true. Let's hope it is.


    Just like other people said, I am sure that Diablo 3 will be released sometime by Blizzard, because it would be stupid not to, so if this isn't true, we will see it sometime.


    Now we just need Starcraft 2...

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