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Everything posted by Snowsong
I just got Dragonborn yesterday. I played for about 6 hours using the unofficial Dragonborn patch, since I was warned that it's buggy without the patch. I haven't encountered a single bug so far (since I'm playing with the patch). I LOVE IT!!! I think it's an excellent expansion, and I can't wait to play it again tonight. I've only just begun the main quest. I can't imagine that anyone can do "everything" in the expansion in only 8 hours. It seems like they must have rushed through everything. I LOVE the Morrowind feel. I'm enjoying this expansion even more than Dawnguard.
Well, since I've been playing it for a while, I've discovered a few more bugs with it. I initially had noticed that the numerous display cases in the houses didn't work AT ALL. There is also a minor annoying bug with the alchemy tower where you can build furniture and stuff for the tower, but the workbench doesn't read that you've built those items and wants you to build them a second time. You don't actually HAVE to build them twice, but the workbench gives you the option to build them twice because it's buggy. If you build them twice, nothing bad happens. There was another room that did this as well, not just the alchemy tower, but I forget which room it is. I've forgotten the other bug I was noticing. I'm still glad I bought Hearthfire, though. It's been very fun for me, despite the bugs and limitations. :biggrin:
The house you get from Falkreath is the southernmost house, so for roleplaying purposes, it would be the warmest. It's also by a lake, which is lovely. It has a beehive. The house you get from Morthal gets attacked by giants regularly. LOL. It's on the sea, and you can have a fishing hatchery there, which is very cool. It's the northernmost house. The house you get from Dawnstar has a mill, but I haven't figured out what you do with a mill yet (in the game). I don't know if it's just there for decoration, or what. You can have stables at all three houses. That's all I can tell you so far. :biggrin:
I own it, and see a lot of ways you can mod the new player houses. For one thing, you can build gardens near your Hearthfire houses, but they are insanely small and don't allow you to put many plants in there. I'd love a mod that increases the size of the garden and allows for more plants. Also, for some stupid reason, Hearthfire has options for separate alchemy and enchanter's towers, instead of just putting both an alchemy lab and enchanter's station in the SAME tower (which would have been the intelligent thing to do). I'd love a mod that fixed it so the alchemy lab and enchanter's station were in the same tower. I also can see ways that Hearthfire can be used to mod things other than the houses, but my 4-year-old is wanting a drink right now, so I have to go. LOL.
I've been playing pretty much constantly since Hearthfire came out, and I've now built homes in all three locations. I really haven't found any bugs, except one: The display cases in my homes don't seem to work. I don't have any mods in my game, either, so I know it wasn't a mod conflict that was causing them to not work. I can't put anything in the display cases, which kind of sucks because there are a ton of them all standing empty. I had a problem getting the Falkreath Jarl to give me the option to buy land. It turns out an unfinished quest in Solitude where you have to find a book called "The Mirror" kept me from getting the appropriate dialogue from the Jarl of Falkreath. Once I finished that quest, the Jarl was triggered to give me the two quests I needed to do to get the land near Falkreath. I had to read the Wiki about Hearthfire to even figure this out, otherwise I NEVER would have figured it out. If you've already completed the quest for "The Mirror" or haven't even gotten that quest, then it shouldn't matter for you. You just can't start the quest and then leave it unfinished. I have to edit my first post a little bit: I think I was wrong about the children's bedroom and kitchen conflicting. I think maybe it was actually the library and the kitchen that were built on the same world space, so you can't have both a library and a kitchen at the same time.
It's definitely downloadable content (DLC), but it's not an expansion. DLCs can be anything. They were calling that single piece of horse armor for Oblivion "DLC." :tongue:
Where do you find quarried stone for Hearthfire?
Snowsong replied to Snowsong's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
An update: I finally was able to get the Falkreath House. Thanks to some helpful hints from people pointing me to the Wiki (thanks!) I discovered that an unfinished quest was preventing me from getting the proper quests from the Falkreath Jarl. It was a Solitude quest in which I had to find a book called "The Mirror." I'd left this quest unfinished and it was keeping me from getting the appropriate dialogue from the Jarl of Falkreath, for some reason I can't fathom. The two quests aren't even remotely related. They aren't even in the same part of Skyrim! Aaarrggghhhh!!!! Anyway, once I did "The Mirror" book quest, the Jarl of Falkreath suddenly was triggered to start giving me two other quests I couldn't get before: the mead quest and a bandits quest. Thanks to everyone who helped. -
I bought it and was playing all day yesterday. It's worth the price, but has some limitations. You get the option of building a house on three sites (you can build houses on all three sites if you want). The only issue is that even though there are nine(?) options for additional rooms for the main house, you can't have all of them, because some of the options take up the same world space as the others. For example, I found that you can't have both a kitchen and a children's bedroom at the same time, because they take up the same world space, so once you build one, the option for building the other disappears. The main house does have a fireplace and cooking pot, though, so you don't really NEED a separate kitchen. Also, there are two children's beds upstairs, so technically you could have the kitchen and not need the children's bedroom. You have the option of building separate alchemy and enchanter's towers, but you don't really need these either, because you have the option of putting alchemy and enchanter's tables in the main house if you want to (in set locations). You can't move the furniture, and you can't decide where the furniture will go. My favorite feature is that you can build a 2-story library as an addition to the main house. I love this! It looks really awesome. Every house comes with a cellar, and you can build an entire forge in the cellar if you want to. You can also build a shrine to a god if you want. Despite these limitations, it's been really fun to play. EDIT: I was just playing the game again, and I think I was wrong about the children's bedroom and kitchen conflicting. I think maybe it was actually the library and the kitchen that were built on the same world space, so you can't have both a library and a kitchen at the same time.
Where do you find quarried stone for Hearthfire?
Snowsong replied to Snowsong's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
OK, I finally got the Morthal dudes to sell me some land. I was playing my game again, and decided I would attempt to get land in Morthal again. I went to the Jarl's hut and was greeted by a dude who announced that he was my HOUSECARL (even though I didn't have a house there and didn't own land there yet). The steward then gave me the option to purchase land. Maybe the housecarl will take up residence in the newly-built house after it's built? I still can't get the 'buy land' thing to trigger in Falkreath, however. -
Where do you find quarried stone for Hearthfire?
Snowsong replied to Snowsong's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for the replies. Weird ... I tried and tried and tried to get Morthal and Falkreath to sell me land, but neither of those places ever gave me the option. I spent several real human hours in Falkreath trying to trigger them selling land, but it never happened. I don't have any mods, either (I got rid of all of them right before Dawnguard came out), so I know it's not a mod conflict. Is it buggy, or did I just not do something right? I'd talked to both the Jarl and his house steward (or whatever he/she's called), and when that didn't work I tried talking to other people in the town. I did some quests for the town and came back to the Jarl and steward and they STILL wouldn't give me the 'buy land' option. -
The phrase "console gaming peasants" made me laugh. :tongue: Another thing that makes me laugh is people getting all worked up and fighting over a $5 piece of downloadable content that no one is even forced to buy. LOL.
I could only find ONE person who would sell me land: the Jarl of Dawnstar. (I didn't try Solitude or Markarth, though ...) I can't find quarried stone anywhere and the game is giving me no clues where I might find it. Thanks.
I just finished downloading Hearthfire. Yay! It was only $5. I think it's worth that much. I'm going to start playing it now ... :thumbsup:
Is anyone playing Dawnguard WITHOUT bugs/ crashing?
Snowsong replied to kevkiev's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well, I just finished the entire expansion, pretty much. The Dawnguard main quest is finished (where you kill Serana's daddy) and many, many side-quests are also finished. Here is my bug report. I've played mod-free, as a vampire hunter. I did manage to find one bug (I think) and since I don't have any mods, I know it's not mod-related. I believe I was supposed to be able to return to the Soul Cairn after the main Dawnguard quest was finished to fetch Serana's mother. It wouldn't let me go back into the Soul Cairn again, not even as a vampire. So, I guess Serana's mother is down there forever. This was the only real bug I found with the expansion. Otherwise, the expansion was pretty bug-free for me. -
Is anyone playing Dawnguard WITHOUT bugs/ crashing?
Snowsong replied to kevkiev's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm playing the vampire hunters on my PC. I just finished the Soul Cairn quest and haven't had any bugs or crashes at all in the whole game. I haven't tried to buy the armored troll, though. I'm playing mod-free. The only issue I've noticed is there is one spot in the Soul Cairn where there is a minor pathing issue that made it difficult for my followers to follow me. I had to go back and get them and try leading them in a different direction, and that worked fine. It was such a minor issue that I wouldn't even call it a bug. It just means the pathing should have been improved in that one spot. Jupitus: I saw the skeletal horse several times and my game didn't crash. Could be a mod conflict, or could be a graphics card incompatibility? Don't know. My graphics card is an Nvidia Geforce GTX 260. I know with some games the game will crash because of being incompatible with certain graphics cards, even if the graphics cards are considered good, non-crappy cards. -
Is Dawnguard for PC Pretty Much Unusable?
Snowsong replied to David Brasher's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm playing the side of the vampire hunters. I've now played Dawnguard up to the point where you recruit the man and woman to bring back to the castle. They're at the castle now. I'm playing with no mods, and have not had a single bug so far. I suspect many of these bugs people are reporting are being caused by mods. I haven't played the side of the vampires yet, so I couldn't tell you how buggy or not buggy those quests are. -
I have to agree with Stemin. You can't call Dawnguard buggy if you're trying to play it with a bunch of mods you installed before Dawnguard. I'm glad I only had around 9 mods or so. I just deleted all of them in preparation for downloading Dawnguard, which I believe I'll do tonight. If I find bugs in Dawnguard even with zero mods, then I'm sure I'll post them on this forum somewhere, but I'm not going to call the game buggy until I've played for a good long while completely mod-free.
If the game is not for you, then it's not for you. Don't play it. I mean, I can't stand the linear style of the Tomb Raider games, so I don't play them. It doesn't mean they aren't good games. A lot of people love them. They just aren't for me. I don't play them, but I also don't go to Tomb Raider fan sites to whine about all the reasons I don't like the games. *The forum actually censored the word "b*tch." (I substituted "whine" instead.) I didn't think b*tch was a bad word. Huh? It just means "to complain," so how is it a word so bad that it needs censoring? LOL. I just think that's funny.
But why? Because Xbox users are better than everyone else? :verymad: Or maybe they want Xbox players to beta-test it for bugs first? I'm a PC gamer, and would hate to think I was considered inferior to a console gamer for some retarded reason. Does Bethesda believe PC gamers are scum or something?
I'm not sure why this person wrote this. I've never had problems with quests breaking because of picking up items when you find them. This has literally NEVER HAPPENED in my game and I've been playing Skyrim on PC since the very first day it released. ... Well over 200 hours of play, and probably closer to 300. I've done the main quest twice, done the civil war quests twice (once as Stormcloak and once as Imperial), and done all of the faction quests (thieves guild, mage's guild, etc). Maybe they're playing on a console or something? I've heard there were/are more bugs with the console versions.
Why is there no mods to pause or stop the naked stalker courier
Snowsong replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Why is your courier naked? :unsure: I've never had a naked courier in my game ... That's pretty bizarre. -
Omigosh, the main quest was so fun I did it twice. You totally should do the main quest! You get to trap and then ride a dragon, and you get sent to the afterlife where you meet all these dead heroes, and when you finish it all you get these really, really neat powers you don't get any other way. :thumbsup:
I love this. I never completed this quest because I can't bring myself to sacrifice anybody. I'd totally sacrifice someone named WifeBeater, though. I wish I knew how to use the editor to make a WifeBeater of my own. Or maybe I'd name him Jerry Sandusky. :devil:
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I'm sure I'll be buying Dawnguard the second it's released for PC. $20 USD just sounds like a very reasonable price for me. I play Sims 3 as well, and they're charging $40 for EACH EXPANSION, and you have to deal with plenty of bugs as well. My biggest peeve was when one of the Sims 3 "patches" broke my game launcher and made Sims 3 completely unplayable from the launcher. LOL. So, I guess I'm used to putting up with crap from game companies. I haven't had many bugs with Skyrim except for a buggy Blood on the Ice quest. I've had a couple other very minor bugs here and there, but nothing to whine about. I never had any major bugs like dragons flying backward, or anything. I'm really looking forward to Dawnguard and I'm sure I'll be getting my $20 worth of fun out of it. I won't be buying any more Sims games, though.
Vilkas bug: "Train with Vilkas" not working
Snowsong replied to Dahveed's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yeah, you have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane. I've done this quest twice and didn't have any bugs.