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Oblivion (when the mods work how I want :p)
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So, I presume you think in the current game, they are capS locked???? :P
Oh, gotcha! Sorry, I thought you were saying that Blunt and Blade were 2 inter-dependant skills... other than both being requirements (in vanilla) for levelling if both are Major Skills, they're not. But, I don't like the vanilla version, so I don't bother with that!
While I do agree with all this, there is one thing that is not going to happen - the developers won't just cater to a few hundred or thousand TES enthusiasts who want things all the same as before. If they can garner a whole stack of new players because of other games out there, the advancements in tech that have been placed in those games, they're not going to just ignore the potential money they could earn just to satisfy the die-hards. Theirs is a business. They are out to make money - as much as they can get their hands on. They are not here to be liked! Saying that, I do doubt that they'll start introducing many of the things that have been suggested, and will keep Skyrim essentially different - or it's no different to many other games that will, and have already, come out. Thus, I doubt VATS will raise it's head in Skyrim, though perks will be adjusted.
Well, 2 things... (I'll tackle the second first...). I'm not seeing the problem with your blade/blunt example. How is that significantly different from, say, light armour vs heavy armour? Or Marksman vs Destruction?? (and why is your Blade "increase more and more slowly"?? If you're primarily wielding a blade, then it's going up faster...). It's all about good skill selection (personally, I don't take 2 similar skills, for exactly the reason you mentioned - it's basically a waste of time!) The realism vs RPG point... well, there are mods out there that make it more realistic, but in a fantasy setting. I recall being in my teen-levels, and having 2 or 3 goblins attack me (I had a mod that let me wear whatever armour I found, so culled the levelled lists)...their damage was pitifully low, allowing me to cast a heal once every 10 or 15 minutes... which allowed my heavy armour to (slowly) go up. That seemed completely silly to me.... As I've indicated, I prefer a system where your basic stats don't change a lot (including health), and it's your skills that make all the difference. Let's hope there are ways for both of us to get what we want :)
I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers
Slytovhand replied to stealtrecon's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Stealthrecon (presuming the 'h' was accidentally left out....), I totally get what you are doing! And I applaud you for it. I hope your treatment goes well, and fairly pain- and stress-free! (there are 'alternative' ways to make it a lot easier on yourself, if you haven't already gone down that route), and you come out of it soon and well!! As for this thread, there are going to be lots and lots of requests, many easy, some not so, some which lots of people want (dual-wield), some which only a few might (more gore-effects)... but I'd suggest the one thing which the developers really NEED to do, and which I think the whole community here would WANT them to do.... is pay more attention to the fans through sites such as this! This is where the fans show themselves, where lots of fresh ideas come from - and are implemented!!!! The developers (of any game) really need to keep themselves aware of sites like this, and when they see talent, acknowledge it (even ask them to come on board!!) Get the devs to have anofficial presence on this board, and actively take part in the discussions and threads... starting now! Otherwise, they're basically ignoring us... :( (my personal ideas I've mentioned elsewhere, but basically, make it more of a Runequest system - where your skills go up, not your stats, and levels don't exist per se. Oh, and perhaps flying mounts :P). -
TBH, after playing my fave PnP RPG of Runequest, I'm totally against both levelling AND stat increases. This doesn't happen in the real world, why should it happen here? The occasional stat increase from continued usage of a skill - sure... but just pick and choose every level... nope! In the real world, no matter how uber-awesome you become, it can still be that snivelling little goblin you slighted that is the one to do you in with a quick blade through the heart.... I prefer that idea in a game... no-one is immortal or invulnerable to everyone!
I'm a Hell Yeah!!!! I've been awating this for ages.... I'm seriously hoping that Beth take what the community gave, and build upon it and incorporate much of what has been done by the consumers. But, they don't make those uber-amazingly unbelievably powerful game-killers that people are so fond of.... And I'm hoping it will be far better than Oblivion - not because Oblivion was bad, but because I just want more more more....!!!!! (and TinyDemon - I totally agree!!!! and that's what I'm hoping Skyrim will be!) But, I'm not an TES lore person, so it will need to be stand-alone as well!
I went Yes and No - I'm an idealist, so I think that in my amazingly optimistic world, a multi-player version of ES would be fantastic (if done right!) But, my more realistic nature says I hope not, because of all the other cookie-cutter MMO's out there, with cookie-cutter classes.. and cookie-cutter trolls and cookie-cutter children doing their cookie-cutting immature idiocy... So, if multi- can't be done right, then no, don't bother with it! But it would be awesome to have multi- where you never really know what the person standing next to you is really capable of... with 50 skills to choose from, everyone could be unique....ish. One thing no multi-player has really come close to (IMO).
The 'perks' thing is exactly the sort of enhancement idea I would want. I agree, just upskilling isn't enough... but, I also don't want it to be merely a level acquired thing, similar to DnD, and other MMO's. If you get a perk, you need to have deserved it and sought it out... and it should be special and, in some ways, makes your character unique. One thing I've disliked about many games (especially MMO's - which I can see may happen with Skyrim - unless it's been specifically stated otherwise), is the cookie-cutting. If you're a warrior, you have XYZ abilities. If you're a healer, you have ABC talents.... blech!!!!! I want everyone to be unique... and if you get a group together, you don't just say "I want a tank and a healer", and know exactly what you've got. Obviously, there will be a lot of similarities, but a L25 healer can have lots in Resto, as well as Alt and Alch...but another one might have Resto, with Heavy Armour and Block, while another one might also be Destruction.... When I PnP'ed, it was with Runequst - no classes, all skill based. I prefer that sort of RPG, but I also like 'perks'...
Well, I might dl a couple of programs and see what happens... like Nifskope - for other issues I've got. I'm no artists..... Sort of like Avantasia... Oh.. ha...ha! :P I meant the music actually! Mostly cos I'm in Oz, and we don't get a lot of power metal here - but there are a couple which aren't too bad, but stuff I still wouldn't consider the calibre of the Euro stuff (possibly cos of production values). And I don't notice any female vocalists down here either...???? Yeah - got that. Wasn't that impressed, tbh. Not that I didn't mind it, just didn't do massive things for me like BG did (when I first heard them - Nightfall, about 8 years ago). So - any other local bands I may not have heard of yet???
Maybe... you're the only one to post on this one, and I've got other thread running that no-one's posted on as well..... Had to google that one! I've looked it up, but will obviously have to check further. I noticed Hansi is on the latest album. Any other suggestions? :P Slyt
No idea. The author wasn't incredibly specific about such details (hence the various interpretations in the images). I would presume that they don't really glow, though. Of course, they are a fairly powerful race, as evidenced by ruling the Bright Empire for 10,000 years with no issues (although, just recently, a new invader came in from another dimension). They held that rule because of their ability to summon demons and all... a strong supernatural connection. It certainly gives one an attitude, which may be reflected in the eyes, but I still wouldnt' call it a 'glow'. So - stat wise, I'd say medium STR and AGI (40?), slightly higher END (45?), INT and WIL of 50 or higher (probably higher actually), but PER and LUC of real low - say 20-25 (off set with the high INT and WIL). +100 Magicka .. yep - it's high, but should be! +'s to Conjuration, blade and mysticism, resistance to magicka and poison, but -'s to speechcraft and mercantile (as one description read, they walk around like they own the place, cos at one stage, they probably did!). Anything non-melnibonean is inferior (hence the hits to personality based stuff). And I'd give a power of summon ?scamp 1/day (though maybe an increasing creature by levels). Anyway... we shall see... I'll go looking at modding stuff, but I'm not that good. I certainly can't draw :P Oh, and yes, in looking over the various races and race mods, I agree - using High Elf as a base is probably best. Lastly - Blind Guardian rule :thumbsup: Slyt
Way cool!!! yep - that's definitely in the direction I'm thinking!! Looks 'elven', but not the sort that you'd want to go and pat (which is how most of them are), but rather the type you don't want to meet in a dark alley... or on a brightly lit street :P We shall see if anyone else likes and mods.... :D Btw - you might want to do a search for 'stormbringer sword' if you liked that one... Slyt
Hey Jroin. Sorry - I misread the first time I read this, hence the delay in replying... Yeah - that'd be fantastic if you uploaded that drawing!!! What I do have in mind is a fairly 'chiselled' features, long face, but the most prominent feature would be upward and backward slanting eyes - sort of like a dragons (but not as rounded...makes sense in my mind :P) and sort of like cat's eyes - slit-like (up/down) irises, not round. Definitely 'alien', and obviously not human. Yes, I am agreeing with you as for how to make - from what few races I've seen, starting from scratch with the vanilla high elf seems closest. Btw - things are going to be interesting if they finally do get around to making the movie! It has been 'scripted', but still awaiting production! (as per the forum on the topic... http://www.multiverse.org/fora/forumdisplay.php?f=24) I've loved this image of Elric for years, though it is a bit surreal.... (Elric is not normal for his people - physically, he is an albino, so very atypical) Slyt
I have a couple of mod problems, which I'll try to work out somehow, but I do have a general question. If I install a mod that, for example, removes the levelling of items (so, level 30 items are accessible at level 1), and then use a mod that has levelled items (eg, Adonnay's), which takes priority? I understand that that later loading files over-write earlier loading files, but what about 'bits' of files, such as this?? *my actual problem is trying to use Beautiful Elves, with... something??? My golden elf looks great during character creation, but in-game has shiny grey hands and face/neck, but normal coloured body... no gold (though, as I said - it's still shiny - as per what I would expect - other than the colours!). Slyt