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  1. While both those ideas are interesting, neither would fit the way I want to play my current character. The first one is too high tech for the world, in my opinion (would be awesome to have if it weren't for the fact that I like immersion during my serious play through). Perhaps something I would use when I'm just messing around. The second... Well, the character I'm currently playing, I'm trying to avoid any magical means of playing. My character is not magical in any way. Once again it would be awesome, were my character to use magic. Right now, I want a spyglass, or something alike it, no magic involved.
  2. I think most of them are all too busy making different kinds of skimpy and/or very revealing armor or other such mods at the moment. We'll have to wait some more time for a mod like this to come out, when the nude mod popularity goes down just a tad little bit.
  3. I like this idea as well. I've numerous times been thinking about trying to add it in myself... However, as I am not a modder in any way, It's kind of an impossibility for me.
  4. Personally, I'd like something like this. I have at least two characters where I don't even use a bow at all, and having a spyglass/binocular would be very useful. Especially for my assassin when I, as mentioned earlier by others, want to infiltrate a fort or something of the like. Besides, I like realism. I think I even thought at a point that I wouldn't take the perk in the marksmanship tree even on my bow-user. If I do take it, just to reach the perks behind it (don't remember if there are any at this moment), I won't use it. I want some reason for WHY my character would be able to "zoom in" to further distances in a realistic term.
  5. EDIT: Woops! Wrong thread xD looked at two at the same time. Sorry.
  6. I'm pretty certain that they've already been asked before, and turned it down. The thing with CD Project I mentioned, Dark0ne himself sent them a mail asking if it was fine. Besides, considering the fact that Valve and Bethesda worked together to get the steam workshop out and all, I would imagine that they would have thought about this matter beforehand and would have come out and said if it was ok before anyone asked. If you're so interested in finding out, personally, then why don't any of you guys that want this mod mail them yourselves? I'm just saying that I personally don't think they'll allow it, but I have been wrong before. I'm not "shooting down the idea entirely", I'm warning you people of doing something before you're entirely sure if it is illegal or not.
  7. That sounds like something I'd enjoy as part of the game as well. Although, I can imagine that would require a lot of scripting work to be done. Would be a big and difficult project for it to work properly. EDIT: and I'm not even close to being able to do that. I'm no modder xD
  8. That's because the creators of The Witcher 2 (CDProject) has gone out and personally said that they allow it, because they see it as a way to promote their games. Heck, it even says that in the nexus site's rules! Go look it up.
  9. There actually is a difference. The mods you mentioned are literally "handmade" look-alike "copies" of the real things, not already existing files that exist in another game. The problem with the voice files of Wheatley (or however his name is spelled) is that they would be needed to be taken directly from the portal 2 files, instead of making custom voice files of your own that are "alike" the real thing. So yeah, that would be going against the copyright law, and therefor be illegal.
  10. I'd love if someone could make a mod that includes a wolf form shapeshift spell of some kind. I know of two that has, but one requires you to download an entire race (as it is a racial ability, and it's an elf. I don't want to play an elf shape shifter), while the other, a full 80+ (I think) spell mod gives one where you are unable to attack while in wolf form. What I would want would be a spell that can turn you into a wolf at will and while in this form, other wolves are friendly to you, like with the werewolf thing already in the game. In this wolf form, you'd also be able to attack, and perhaps even have the ability (just like werewolves) to eat on corpses, but not only humanoids. Animals as well. (although, I can figure animating this can be a hassle, and it's not a must) Then of course the wolf form would have an ability where you could turn back into human form (or whatever race you are). I'm a big fan of shape shifting races in general, so I would love an ability/spell like this one. Heck, I don't really care about any animation when turning into the wolf. Some kind of magical field (like when you summon a familiar, for example) would be enough. So I'm wondering if any experienced modder out there, or even someone less experienced that is willing to take up the challenge, would be willing to make this, if possible? (With this, of course, I mean an actual WOLF form, as normal wolves, not werewolf)
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