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Everything posted by ap2patrick

  1. LOL guys have some patients!!! There basically overhauling there whole god damn everything right now so yea s#*! might be a little inconvenient for you.
  2. ok so I just switched it to multi tap and got it to work that way. Tried switching back to bound but no luck but multi tap works just fine . Thanks for the help!!
  3. yea i know about the menu, hence how I set my hotkeys in the first place and had a ton of s#*! on my horse before it stopped working. Ill look into the menu some more for this multi tap . I think this is the culprit. Thanks for your help guys ill let you know how it goes. Also about cleaning the BOSS files.. when i went one youtube to get some guidance the first thing they say is to probably avoid cleaning as its meant for modders not users so im damn nervous about that and since everything else is working fantastically I don't wanna ruin it.
  4. Yes im using boss, TES5 edit, and skse must be working fine because i have an endless list of mods that all work smoothly, This multi tap seems to elude me im not sure how or where i can toggle that. Also where is my msm?
  5. so none of the commands work but my menu still works fine. bump need help please!
  6. well i cant help much but grass on steroids is supposed to work w/ the flora mod so grab that if you want those to work.. its incredible once you set everything up man!!! Just make sure you really read ALL of the descriptions when your adding mods for each mod because many of them run of each other.
  7. Hi I have been using convenient horse for about a week and it has been just amazing!! Recently though my keys for the inventory and telling the horse to stay or follow are not responding.. Everything else works fine except this and i have a ton of stuff that I cant get to so its incredibly frustrating!! I have tried searching the internet like crazy but no luck. Someone clued to a SKSE problem but everything seems fine so i'm not sure. please help I am losing hair here!!!
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