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About Kam203

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  1. It's the worst... I hate the Stormcloaks and now for some reason all the imperial cities attack me!
  2. So I've been having problems with the Attack on Randall & Associates, at first the attack would never end even when all the enemies where gone and then with the .952 patch the enemies won't even spawn... any tips?
  3. This may be a stalker-ish like thing to say but GreyCoyote is friends with Someguy2000
  4. Well I just learned there was some bonus content in Bounties II... I have something to do now, if New vegas wouldn't keep crashing!
  5. So? He has released a couple for FNV since then as well. No... his last mod for FNV was in September 2014, right before he said he was in for the last step of NVBIII
  6. This. I don't think a lot of people understand how hard it is to make a mod in the caliber of Someguy. He's basically finished the mod, he just had to finish the lip syncing which is really hard. I think so at least, I could be wrong.
  7. Maybe, it would makes sense I guess. He would have had to sign a NDA, would explain the reason he hasn't been able to say anything yet.
  8. This! That's especially true considering Hateful Eight has an environment very similar to NVB3's big inspiration, The Great Silence. Maybe Someguy is working with Quentin Tarantino...
  9. The same moderator who banned Someguy2OOO? Have no idea who that is sadly...
  10. I played through the entire mod series... was confused by the end of NVB II, looked up if there was going to be a part 3... quickly realized my mistake in playing Bounties in the first place! Now I get to check the forum everyday to see if there have been any updates!
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