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About trithwood

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  1. yeah didn't think about the get up animation :(. But it would be awsome if I could dragonrend them out of the sky!
  2. A little diffrent job, if someone could chop of some limbs, and add some bandaged parts, for wounds missing arms, ears, huge scared barbaian and orcs, with a little bit of depth two there wounds, like from a dragon tearing through there steel, have that steel ripped, or dents in armor. Immersive battle evidence, im trying to make a battle mod/quest mod with layers of dragons, with chewed on corpses, or a chared knight in armor,melted to his face. But have nothing to add, I want some things to add to the immersive feel, and there are only a few things Bethesda gave me and everyone has ssen them, I want some limbless vetrans, and wounded. Also for awsome immerssion the easy task of adding some arrows and battle scars to already modled shields and armor. even arrows in killshot postions and similar things for fallen corpses, I want to add bodies with stories for lots of immersion so what you give me will make stories if your up for it any of these things you make will turn into a story, and point at you of course for all the credit, without these awsome models, I can only make the small battle mode I am currently working on, but so many more possible things could come of any addidtions I have listed. I have asked others aswell, but so far nothing. Of course even if others make stuff your work will be awsomely used and duely praised and credited. This is another requests for my Battle/immersive quest production. That would greatly improve upon my mod, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/566099-immersion-please/ This one is a bit more for script and modeling, but maybe if you could supply the item, I could at least use that. And maybe find somone in the future for the script. Thanks, your awsome if you make these!! :wub: :D :yes: :yes: PLease!?
  3. A little diffrent job, if you could chop of some limbs, and add some bandaged parts, for wounds missing arms, ears, huge scared barbaian and orcs, with a little bit of depth two there wounds, like from a dragon tearing through there steel, have that steel ripped, or dents in armor. Immersive battle evidence, im trying to make a battle mod/quest mod with layers of dragons, with chewed on corpses, or a chared knight in armor,melted to his face. But have nothing to add, I want some things to add to the immersive feel, and there are only a few things Bethesda gave me and everyone has ssen them, I want some limbless vetrans, and wounded. Also for awsome immerssion the easy task of adding some arrows and battle scars to already modled shields and armor. even arrows in killshot postions and similar things for fallen corpses, I want to add bodies with stories for lots of immersion so what you give me will make stories if your up for it any of these things you make will turn into a story, and point at you of course for all the credit, without these awsome models, I can only make the small battle mode I am currently working on, but so many more possible things could come of any addidtions I have listed. I have asked others aswell, but so far nothing. Of course even if others make stuff your work will be awsomely used and duely praised and credited. This is another requests for my Battle/immersive quest production. That would greatly improve upon my mod, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/566099-immersion-please/ This one is a bit more for script and modeling, but maybe if you could supply the item, I could at least use that. And maybe find somone in the future for the script. Thanks, your awsome if you make these!! :wub: :D :yes: :yes: PLease!?
  4. A little diffrent job, if you could chop of some limbs, and add some bandaged parts, for wounds missing arms, ears, huge scared barbaian and orcs, with a little bit of depth two there wounds, like from a dragon tearing through there steel, have that steel ripped, or dents in armor. Immersive battle evidence, im trying to make a battle mod/quest mod with layers of dragons, with chewed on corpses, or a chared knight in armor,melted to his face. But have nothing to add, I want some things to add to the immersive feel, and there are only a few things Bethesda gave me and everyone has ssen them, I want some limbless vetrans, and wounded. Also for awsome immerssion the easy task of adding some arrows and battle scars to already modled shields and armor. even arrows in killshot postions and similar things for fallen corpses, I want to add bodies with stories for lots of immersion so what you give me will make stories if your up for it any of these things you make will turn into a story, and point at you of course for all the credit, without these awsome models, I can only make the small battle mode I am currently working on, but so many more possible things could come of any addidtions I have listed. I have asked others aswell, but so far nothing. Of course even if others make stuff your work will be awsomely used and duely praised and credited. This is another requests for my Battle/immersive quest production. That would greatly improve upon my mod, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/566099-immersion-please/ This one is a bit more for script and modeling, but maybe if you could supply the item, I could at least use that. And maybe find somone in the future for the script. Thanks, your awsome if you make these!! :wub: :D :yes: :yes: PLease!?
  5. Cinimatic abilities, such as knock our, with the bashing mace animation killmove, wound state stab or arrow, causing crawl or ragdoll. Best of all would be knockouts for unarmed combat, for imersion, because I am a immersion zealot on the little things, you would make the cinematic killmoves for most of the unarmed finishers and turn them into knockout moves, that last awhile for you to kill the person, or if you want to avoid bounty, you can only incompacitate them :biggrin: and run. Maybe this can be accomplished through effects after the killmove that revive the enemy after a short period, or a hand to hand wepon that has that effect if it must be done that way. So awsome modders do this, cause I only have ideas, im to lazy and dumb to actually figure out how, I have tried and failed :yes: you will be famous for making it happen.
  6. I wish to make mods of battle at larger scales and quests of rescuing damsels, but I am not at all familiar with modeling, or many other modding skills. 1. A way to help wounded when they are in animated wounded state, or within an added ragdoll state of critical injury. Wether with the heal animation like in the helgan scene, AND OR 2. An item that is used in a weapon or unused slot that is a person, wounded, or a damsel in fainted distress :biggrin: , so you can carry a wounded soldier from the field or a damsel from a dungeon. Just a simple model attachment or item. A basic wrapped model for wide use would be the easiest way, but offcourse you would be really awsome if you made an actual person, even just using a frozen model, of the ragdoll :) if thats possible. 3. Also I would like there to be Babies, with the already added teens and young children, a simple quick addition of sound linked child items, basically like a spell emmits a sound of crackling you link a small complition of basic baby sounds, crying, cooing, breathing. Add that to a small baby wrapped model for simplicity, no animation or even a face required if your scared of that. And you will have created babies in skyrim :) I would make a mod to implement these into skyrim, Any mods with high immersion I will implement that are similar if I can, please, please, please. I may be able to texture models for my requests, hope I am not asking to much. You are awsome if you do this!
  7. yeah opps didn't clarify, I thought this should be emplemented when I tried to roleplay and help wounded people in the helgan dragon fight, but you can't its only an animation. It would be awsomly huge for immersion to have people fall into a rescueable fallen state. They could be in ragdoll form or in a wounded animation form. When they are, you can take them to a healer or heal them yourself. It's an immersive way to make companions realistic, war more fun, rescue quests, capture quests, and essential npc's yet not the lame unimmerssive invincibility they have though I don't mean to bash the Bethesda, it is a needed touch, but it could be worked around awsomely with this change, for a moder of any skill it shouldn't be complicated to take a ragdoll and attach it as a model, not saying it wouldn't take effort, you could attach it to a horse, or make a genral model, like a linen wraped body if you must. It might be able to be done with some spells with mutiple effects, like adding the body into your arms and taking away your equipt abilities. Taking away the body, and when taken to a healer, or when healed, or rested with or watever, then the person is respawned. Thanks for bringing it up with your statement Addemannen, I should have clarified. :biggrin:
  8. please sombody awsome, make it where they will most likely crash land on death, and when dragonrended will fall ragdoll or crashland, it wouldn't be that difficult im sure if I new anything about where to find the variable with the kit, !!!! please and thanks
  9. I wish to make mods of battle at larger scales and quests of rescuing damsels, but I am not at all familiar with modeling, 1. A way to help wounded, wither with the heal animation like in the helgan scene, AND OR 2. An item that is used in an arm slot that is a person, wounded, also a damsel, so you can carry a wounded soldier from the field or a damsel from a dungeon. 3. Easier than the two above would be adding a small wrapped baby model in a sling so you wouldn't have to add animations, only a model and texture. I would make a mod to implement these into skyrim, Any mods with high immersion I will implement that are similar if I can, please, please, please. I may be able to texture models for my 3 requests. You are awsome if you do this! :)
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