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Posts posted by yodasmith00

  1. Yea, I said it. Give me Games for Windows Live over this s***. I've used Steam for 2 years and have loved it up to this point. I paid my money for the game and patiently waited for it to download, only to be greeted with "This game is unavilable".


    Are you f***ing kidding me? Thanks for not even telling me what that means. Why is it unavilable? Why is it that even though all the files have been downloaded it's "unavilable" even when i'm in offline mode? I waited 10 hours after downloading for it to fix itself, used every solution avilable on google and steam website, nothing. I don't want to hear any crap about how I should be patient, I paid my well earned money to play the game, and I don't think it's unreasonble to actually want to start playing it.


    I'm not looking for any sympathy or help, i'm venting. I might as well considering I certainly won't be playing New Vegas today.



    I have downloaded the game from Steam and I'm playing it with zero problems. Steam delivered everything as promised. I don't understand this hatred of Steam. This is not necessarily the way I like to do things but s*** happens. The old days appear to be long gone.

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