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  1. Great idea. Melee definately needs a rework! I started a full melee playthrough the other day and it just feels way too clunky and unresponsive. It also doesn't help that everyone seems to block your attacks effortlessly.
  2. I did this too. And no the lever doesn't affect the puzzle if it stays up or down.
  3. Yeah I already figured it out, but only by doing those 4 animals in complete random order.
  4. Hey guys I'm stuck in Geirmund's Hall. Has anyone done this dungeon before? How do I open the gate? There's lever and 4 of those animal turn-things (you can see it in the first picture) However there's no clear indication on what order to use.
  5. I'm still low level (about level 4) with 51 heavy armor. I guess it has to do with those then.
  6. I think my armor stats are messed up. I'm not sure if this is an FCOM feature or not. But Iron armor has exactly the same bonuses as Dwemer armor. I haven't found any better pieces of equipment yet, but I also noticed (from look at this page) that all armor pieces have much lower stats in my game than on that page. (this is when they're fully repaired) Is this some kind of FCOM feature? My load order is below.
  7. Hey everyone, I installed FCOM recently. After a bit of playing I noticed how slow I was walking backwards. I had been looking for a fix and found several. However, none of these worked for me! After that I tried disabling all FCOM components, and creating a new character to see if my running speed was correct. It seemed to work at first, but about 15 second after I pressed 'done' on the character creating screen my backwards running speed was super slow again! :wallbash: I also noticed that at that exact same time the tutorial quest showed up and another message showed up with something like 'unofficial oblivion patch applied' and directly after that 'RGO config added'. Please help me with this! Could it be that the slow running backwards was applied to any of my main oblivion files?
  8. Hey, I recently installed FCOM and noticed my backwards running speed was slower than my normal backwards walking speed! I tried everything from enabling Francesco's No Reduced Backwards Running.eps to reinstalling Fran's with MOBs disabled and it still won't work! Please help. Load Order: EDIT: I found a few fixes but they don't seem to work for me. :confused: In console type: or Download No MOBS run limit
  9. Hello everyone, I fixed this issue by reinstalling oblivion and staying away from any facial mods.
  10. It's weird though because it only seems to affect the faces of the NPCs. Here's two example pictures. Picture 1 - Settings below bUseEyeEnvMapping=1 bFixFaceNormals=1 bUseFaceGenHeads=1 bFaceMipMaps=1 bFaceGenTexturing=1 Picture 2 - Settings below bUseEyeEnvMapping=0 bFixFaceNormals=0 bUseFaceGenHeads=0 bFaceMipMaps=0 bFaceGenTexturing=0 http://www.s-hosting.nl/vi-ggIPTY.png http://www.s-hosting.nl/vi-LvGcPa.png
  11. Tweak guides may help you setting up your machine in a general fashion and to this game in particular. Your CPU is more than enough to run that game (assuming you are not abusing the specs), so, or the machine is very badly configured or there is something very wrong with your mods. About the 8 cores, it's not exactly true but whatever, that game is not optimized to use multicore albeit being able to get some performance boost when correctly configured to use multi threads (you need to enable it editing ini file). PS: I would not be surprised if your problem is actually with "sound", no joking. Try installing third party codecs, K-Lite seen a good choice yet. Hey. I tried disabling the sound in the oblivion.ini config file and it didn't work. Like I said, the problem seems to disappear when 'faces' are removed from the game.
  12. Thank you for your reply. I however think it does not matter what CPU I have, as my CPU runs 8 cores instad of just two. Also my game runs fine when I'm standing right next to an npc but with my back turned to him. Also note That when I disable all heads in the oblivion.ini file my game runs Much better when looking at npcs.
  13. My game runs fine when no actors are on screen. But as soon as 2+ actors appear my FPS drop drastically. I think it has to do something with the actor's faces as disabling them (actors heads) in the console improves my fps quite a lot. (for example, 4 NPCs drop my framerate from 60 to 18, while 4 NPCs without heads drop my framerate to ~45) I also have mods, but even with all mods disabled I still get the same FPS drop. I'm 100% confident that my PC can run this game with all settings maxed out. Intel i7 2.67GHz Asus Rampage II GENE 6GB RAM ATI Radeon 6950 -----EDIT----- I reinstalled oblivion and the NPCs were NOT dropping my fps anymore, so it has to be a mod I used that didn't get disabled (even though I unchecked all files in OBMM)
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