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About psych0hamster

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  1. Ah yes. Fo4 was easier to see it in. It had one actor value of "clamp direction". Did try it wo that entry and it wouldn't snap at all now.
  2. Not too familiar with CK, is this the proper page to check that in? https://ibb.co/PT4HyNR Edit:: By the way I use several of your mods. They're great. Especially the immersion ones.
  3. If I can't get this maybe lll try my hand at scripting an answer EDIT: nm can't even get a hello world script to compile. Cant find the institute flags file anywhere.
  4. So I pushed them out pretty far, and fixed the overlapping points. And it is still giving me the strange behavior. I've started to notice that when the light snaps to the ceiling peice, the x pos is always different by the same amount.
  5. I will try moving them lower on the ceiling. The overlapping one on the ceiling is the origion or floor point. From what I understood of what I read you could have overlapping points as long as they were named for different snap profiles. I could be wrong so I'll do something about that as well. Also should I rename the parent something beside workshopsnapprofile?
  6. https://ibb.co/mb6R88D https://ibb.co/5R5v1FV Here ya go. Wouldn't let me share the actual images.
  7. Yup I did indeed use translation. Yes i made sure they were applied and saved. I'll post a couple pics of the CPA s in a bit.
  8. I used bae to pull the nif from the vanilla archive, and us d nifskope to add the new connect points. I did try to follow several online guides, and reverse engineer a similar mod but I seem to have missed som thing.
  9. So I'm attempting to mod some lights to snap to the center of certain ceiling pieces. I have successfully modded the meshes for the test light and the ceiling. In game the light will snap to the ceiling in the completely wrong place , x y and z POS all off. But if grab the ceiling peice in workshop mod, the ceiling immediately and cleanly snaps to the light 100 percent completely correct. This is am issue since the light needs to snap to the ceiling, not the other way round. I am using a custom name for the CPA, P-Centeredlight, I have tried every combination of the name with -dif, -dif2, etc, tried different ceiling and light prices, no matter what I do the light refuses to snap in place like the ceiling does.
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