Not really. Other mage robes don't take up the head slot as you can wear whatever circlets etc. Logic would dictate that since the Morokei mask is a culmination of the MAGE GUILD quest line, you know the quest line where you become ARCH MAGE, that the archmage robes and Morokei would work together and are intended to do so. Yes really. The Archmage's Robe is FAR MORE POWERFUL than any other robe in the game (found or created) and for realism to the model and balance purposes it should lock out any ARMORED head wear. Circlets are treated as jewelry by the game, not a helmet; where DRAGON PRIEST MASKS are helmets, and are treated as such. You are aware that there are eight other Dragon Priest masks found in various other quest lines/side quests/encounters aren't you? You can also wear these masks with the robe (currently) and they all can create the invisible face glitch. Moreover, you receive both the Nightingale Armor and various Thieves Guild armors throughout the Thieves Guild quest line though it's pretty obvious that wearing them simultaneously is not a valid option. There's also the precedent of other items in the game that lock out the head and body slots and do not allow the use of a mask, but do allow circlets to be worn. Speaking of precedent... Items that eat multiple body slots have been present in both TES and Fallout since waaaaaay back in Morrowind (all robes, some special armors, etc. in TES, Chinese Stealth Suit, among a few other items, in Fallout). Typically these items have been more powerful than what one could find or create for a single body slot (like the Archmage's robe), the items model appeared to cover all of the body slots they were meant to occupy (like the Archmage's robe) and they've also been known to have glitches that allow you to wear items in the slots they're supposed to occupy while wearing them throughout the various games and patches. Then there's the matter of Bethesda and glitches, which is a well known, continuing occurrence, in ALL of their games. For the sake of evidence I'll go ahead and point out that Morokei itself is glitched. When browsed through TESsnip Skyrim.esm's subrecords indicate that Morokei is also supposed to have a 20% boost to the cool down of Dragon Shouts, however, it's pretty apparent that they made a mistake in there and forgot to include the actual record that really gives it that effect. see: here I'm not arguing the mask isn't glitched...obviously look at my screenshots. However, your implied statement that Morokei and the archmage robes were never meant to be worn together is simply false. Your opinion that the archmage robes are "FAR MORE POWERFUL" has nothing to do with the fact that they are working as intended or not. YOUR idea of "balance" doesn't mean ANYTHING in the context of whether or not they are working properly in a graphical context. But thanks just the same. They certainly wouldn't give you both items in the same questline if they "were too powerful to use together" as you're implying.