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Everything posted by wats6831

  1. I'm very interested in mods that could be used to enhance performance. This game doesn't run very well on my system, surprisingly. 2500k @ 3.9 ghz, 8 GB RAM, 2 GB 6970. Even at moderate levels, the game is very choppy especially while driving. I'm using DX11 exe.
  2. Yeah i've used BOSS and FOMM and every single program since there WEREN'T any back when people were first modding Oblivion. BOSS is integrated into NMM but I may try it manually. Kinda getting burned out on trying to get it to work.
  3. Ok thanks. I'm going to reinstall but I"m seeing several problems with what the Remastered folks are reccomending. Many of the compatibility patches are .esp but are marked as ESM so there is no way to put them in the load order requested with NMM.
  4. Reading about it now. I will try it. Do I have to start over and reinstall? Or can i just uninstall FOIP and EVE? Thanks.
  5. Ok thanks. Yep I'm having the save issue right now after about 3 hours of gameplay. I installed CASM and now my game just crashes at any save be it timed or event based. I tried messing with the number of saves etc etc.
  6. That seems to have gotten it working thanks! Do you think I should try to add Darn UI now? I'm kinda scared of editing the .ini even though i used to do it all the time. Any other .ini tweaks you reccomend? I usually tweak it to allow up to 4GB of RAM (I have 8GB), though I don't think cache thrashing will be an issue since i"m running it on an SSD.
  7. I have been modding Fallout 3 for a few years now. Recently reinstalled it to play through again. I am using GOTY edition with all DLC. I modded it with FWE, MMM, WMK, EVE, and Project Beauty following the steps in the videos. I also am using all FOIP patches and using the load order laid out in FOIP. I also have used FO3edit to create my merged patch. ArchiveInvalidation is working via the stand along program. I am running through FOSE newest version as well. The problem is: the game starts fine, everything runs fine until I choose the Alternate Start from FWE. It crashes within seconds of loading though the sound continues to play. It's a hard hang and program must be stopped in Task Manager. I also tried running Fallout3.exe in Win XP SP3 compatibility mode. No dice. I have tried with and without DarnUI and with/without the DarnUI .ini edits. Any ideas? Load order is as FOIP, all masters are present, merged patch is created.
  8. Looking for anything. A cool assassin outfit, just replacing it with the Triss armor...anything. Jester armor is so aweful I don't even want to play the character anymore. Nice bonuses on it though.
  9. Looking for anything. A cool assassin outfit, just replacing it with the Triss armor...anything. Jester armor is so aweful I don't even want to play the character anymore. Nice bonuses on it though.
  10. Thanks for the help but that doesn't work. In windowed mode there is no border or way to drag it. It's already in the monitor I want to use anyway and always has been. Using keyboard shortcuts to bring up the window menu shows it already maximized (maximize is greyed out). Worth the shot though. Thanks. I know exactly what you mean, i do with EVE all the time.
  11. I've tried that. It doesn't matter what I'm doing the mouse goes flying off into the other monitor.
  12. I've seen this mentioned by numerous people on Reddit so I know I'm not the only one that's having this problem. What's so strange is that it's been working fine for over a month.
  13. I just got back from vacation, haven't changed anything. Now when I run Skyrim either in Windowed or full screen on my left monitor and look to the right with my mouse, my pointer just goes over into my other monitor. Before, my mouse would be bound to the Skyrim "window" either in full screen or windowed mode. I can also go down and bring up the taskbar. This wasn't happening before. I tried disabling mouse acceleration, updating mouse drivers, switching between windowed and full screen, disabling Aero. Nothing seems to work. When I try to look to the right and click, it just clicks me out of skyrim and minimizes it and I have to Alt+Tab to get back in, but I can mouse back to the left and skyrim picks it up as I swing through lol. I added SKSE and Skyrim Accerlation Layer yesterday but I'm not sure if it could be causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  14. I make it a point to hunt down every single Thalmor individual I run across period. My next crusade will be my destro/conjuration High elf mage will begin wiping ALL orcs from the face of Skyrim
  15. Not really. Other mage robes don't take up the head slot as you can wear whatever circlets etc. Logic would dictate that since the Morokei mask is a culmination of the MAGE GUILD quest line, you know the quest line where you become ARCH MAGE, that the archmage robes and Morokei would work together and are intended to do so. Yes really. The Archmage's Robe is FAR MORE POWERFUL than any other robe in the game (found or created) and for realism to the model and balance purposes it should lock out any ARMORED head wear. Circlets are treated as jewelry by the game, not a helmet; where DRAGON PRIEST MASKS are helmets, and are treated as such. You are aware that there are eight other Dragon Priest masks found in various other quest lines/side quests/encounters aren't you? You can also wear these masks with the robe (currently) and they all can create the invisible face glitch. Moreover, you receive both the Nightingale Armor and various Thieves Guild armors throughout the Thieves Guild quest line though it's pretty obvious that wearing them simultaneously is not a valid option. There's also the precedent of other items in the game that lock out the head and body slots and do not allow the use of a mask, but do allow circlets to be worn. Speaking of precedent... Items that eat multiple body slots have been present in both TES and Fallout since waaaaaay back in Morrowind (all robes, some special armors, etc. in TES, Chinese Stealth Suit, among a few other items, in Fallout). Typically these items have been more powerful than what one could find or create for a single body slot (like the Archmage's robe), the items model appeared to cover all of the body slots they were meant to occupy (like the Archmage's robe) and they've also been known to have glitches that allow you to wear items in the slots they're supposed to occupy while wearing them throughout the various games and patches. Then there's the matter of Bethesda and glitches, which is a well known, continuing occurrence, in ALL of their games. For the sake of evidence I'll go ahead and point out that Morokei itself is glitched. When browsed through TESsnip Skyrim.esm's subrecords indicate that Morokei is also supposed to have a 20% boost to the cool down of Dragon Shouts, however, it's pretty apparent that they made a mistake in there and forgot to include the actual record that really gives it that effect. see: here I'm not arguing the mask isn't glitched...obviously look at my screenshots. However, your implied statement that Morokei and the archmage robes were never meant to be worn together is simply false. Your opinion that the archmage robes are "FAR MORE POWERFUL" has nothing to do with the fact that they are working as intended or not. YOUR idea of "balance" doesn't mean ANYTHING in the context of whether or not they are working properly in a graphical context. But thanks just the same. They certainly wouldn't give you both items in the same questline if they "were too powerful to use together" as you're implying.
  16. Not really. Other mage robes don't take up the head slot as you can wear whatever circlets etc. Logic would dictate that since the Morokei mask is a culmination of the MAGE GUILD quest line, you know the quest line where you become ARCH MAGE, that the archmage robes and Morokei would work together and are intended to do so.
  17. Thanks for the info. Has anyone fixed these issues caused by the mask/archmages robes? Thanks again
  18. Something wierd is going on. This is with Mordikei on http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/ScreenShot10-1.jpg
  19. After installing the above mod, my female high elf's legs disappear when wearing archmage's robes or any outfit where the boots aren't under a robe that goes all the way to the floor. Also, at first when wearing Mordeki my entire face and head would disappear, but a cell change seems to have fixed that. Any ideas on how to fix this? acutally looking at these two screenshots it looks like the Thalmor boots may be the issue. Any thoughts? http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/ScreenShot9.jpg http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/ScreenShot8.jpg Thanks.
  20. I can't even get my CCC to open let alone change anything. I am currently using Radeon Pro as was suggested in the link I posted above. What's odd is that this morning it doesn't seem to be doing it in the same cells as where I took the screen shots. I hope it's not just doing it when my video card starts getting hot. It's also causing my frame rate to look like a slideshow.
  21. I tried updating my drivers to the newest ATI 11.11c which supposedly fixed an issue with 6970 and corruption. that didn't fix my issue. I also deleted my skyrimprefs and skyrim.ini and forced the game to make new ones. That also didn't fix it. I have a couple of mods but they are just texture replacements that only effect smoke and embers and faces and bodies. I tried deleting the replacement textures and that also didn't fix my problem. I am not using FXAA or any other graphics settings.
  22. This is an example of what I'm getting. http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/th_ScreenShot10.jpg http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/th_ScreenShot11.jpg http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g400/wats6831/th_ScreenShot12.jpg
  23. I'm having a problem with certain textures flickering and also some NPCs being transparent at certain distances. I followed the suggestions found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=451616 The only textures that seem to do it are the floors that are covered with straw and the streets that have cobble covered with ivy. The straw and ivy flicker off and on repeatedly depending on the angle that is being viewed. Could this be a lighting problem? Any other ideas? I have no other problems with any other games or with Skyrim in general. It's been almost 100% stable since 11/11.
  24. I've been using mods with the Steam version of Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas pretty much since the day each of them were available. I wouldn't worry about using mods with Steam, it's really not that different. I'd turn off the Steam Cloud sync, but, other than that, have fun modding. I apply large address aware patches to every new game release on Steam without problems, so I wouldn't worry about that either. There are a bunch of tweaks listed here. There's even a Skyrim ini generator here. As always, make sure to back up your ini file before replacing or editing and know that some of these tweaks are bound to be experimental. I don't see how there can't help but be issues. Steam is fundamentally different from the way we've been modding games. This is going to be especially true when people start writing unofficial patches. Steam is not going to like it when we start running stand alone .exe's that modify game files adding ESMs/ESPs wholesale etc. I'm sure there will be a work around and it will hopefully all work fine together but for the time being I'm going to wait on the more involved mods and stick to maybe just texture replacement type stuff. As for backing up .ini and saves: I learned a long time ago to back up my .ini's, saves and my whole data folder. Thank you for your input and the links!
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